I Have a Trillion Merits

: Gu Zongqing's Breakthrough

Oh, I let you pretend!

With this in mind, Gu Zongqing's movements became more swift, and at the same time the energy in his hands was constantly being transported into the huge dragon head floating in front of him.

This thing is considered one of his ultimate moves.

"Boy, toast and not eat fine wine, but you can die under my ultimate move, and you can die well. Don't worry, I will take good care of your body."

Before the voice fell completely, Gu Zongqing directly controlled the huge dragon head shining with nine-color light and flew directly to the red cloud on the other side.

Obviously he was also afraid of changes after a while.

He didn't use the dragon head to spray a huge energy torrent, directly controlling the dragon head, and directly rushed towards the red cloud under the huge roar.

Obviously he wanted to kill Hongyun with one blow.

It was just destined to disappoint him.

I saw that when the huge dragon head roared and was about to collide with the red cloud, I saw the latter shook the sharp gun in his hand with one hand.

As its gun body rotates, the dragon's roar can be faintly heard from the gun body.

This also caused Hong Yun's combat power to surge instantly, the sharp light in his eyes flashed, and the moment the light flickered, the tip of the sharpshooter in his hand directly rushed towards the black dragon head that was impacting on him.

At this moment, a huge light wave erupted from the center of the two, and quickly spewed towards the surroundings.

Seeing this situation, Gu Zongqing sneered. With just a light wave of his hand, there was a force of law covering his body, without the storm-like energy being affected.

Now, that kid should die!

Even if he does not die, I am afraid he is already disabled!

But fortunately, fortunately, I have self-knowledge and transferred those who acted as "nutrients", otherwise, I am afraid I will lose something.

Following Gu Zongqing's gaze, he saw the manic energy storm center, with the power of ten laws constantly roaring, and also entangled and intersected with each other.

The most conspicuous thing is that it is a black energy, which is naturally the power of swallowing, which is the swallowing law of the red cloud.

At this time, his Devouring Law seemed to have been strengthened by some mysterious power, and it was actually comparable to the power of the nine laws released by Gu Zongqing!

Of course, after Gu Zongqing discovered this situation, his face changed from the original excitement. How could this be possible!

You know just now, the long black dragon of the red Taoist priest in front of you is no more than his own enemy of a punch!

Why now... become so powerful? !

Do not! This is impossible!

Gu Zongqing's face was not as joyful as before, but a touch of solemnity.

Quietly waiting for the energy of the storm to dissipate.

And at the center of that storm energy, Hong Yun stood calmly on the spot. At this moment, what he was holding was the world master-level weapon-the gun of killing!

That's right, what he relied on just now was this sharp gun!

The weapons of the world master level, but they have blessings against the power of their own laws! This is something Hong Yun only knew recently, and one of his reliance.

A world master-level weapon should be easy to deal with a half-step world master, right?

The fact is exactly the same, just a collision of the power of the law, it can compete with the full blow of the half-step realm master like Gu Zongqing, it is indeed a world-class weapon that is widely circulated and wanted by the outside world!

Feeling the energy storm around him gradually weakening, and he did not receive any attack under the "aura" released by the Gunkiller.

Sure enough.

Seeing the red cloud intact in the energy storm, surrounded by the breath released by the Killing Spear, Gu Zongqing's face darkened.

After feeling the horror aura on the Gunkiller again, his brows frowned inadvertently, which was difficult to handle.

Lord level!

Through that terrifying aura, he naturally clearly felt the level of power and momentum released from the Gunkiller.

However, this is not impossible.

It's just that the price is a bit big.

But when Gu Zongqing was hesitating, he suddenly felt a gaze. After looking along, he found that he was naturally the red-robed Taoist holding a "world master level" weapon.

Is this a provocation?


Then-either you die or I live!

Gu Zongqing also thought that because of the intervention and destruction of this person, his comprehensive resurrection plan was directly lost.

Right now, this is the only chance!

I thought of the red-robed Taoist's vigorous body and...

Let's fight it!

Once I decided in my heart, I was relieved a lot.

Immediately, I saw Gu Zongqing, who was originally suspended in the air, directly waved and threw four objects.

Although the aura released from each object is not as terrifying as the Killing Spear, it is almost the same as Gu Zongqing.

After throwing out these things, his face showed distress to the naked eye.

This is a huge treasure that he had spent most of his life and had only obtained after hundreds of years!

If the armor that I gave to Hong Yun before was something he cared about, these four things are almost like Gu Zongqing's mind and flesh.

However, there are losses and gains!


He saw his face suddenly scowled, and he stretched out his hand to surround him with four objects that emit different lights. In the distance, Hong Yun, who didn’t know what he was doing, stood in place, frowning and daring not suddenly. Go up, afraid of a trick.


I saw that Gu Zongqing was pointing with one hand again, and the five coordinated formations that he had laid out in the world that was about to be built were directly activated remotely.

At the same time, five dazzling lights of various colors rose into the sky.

this is……?


Only at this time, Hong Yun, who was vigilant in place, realized what was wrong!

Unfortunately, it was too late.

I saw four objects that had been surrounding Gu Zongqing flying directly into the four sub-arrays, and Gu Zongqing himself had arrived in that main array at the moment his body flashed.

Then I saw that the objects in the four sub-arrays were gradually melted by the light soaring to the sky, and gradually turned into a phantom.

What surprised Hong Yun even more was that the phantom was also in human form.

Moreover, his front face looks the same as Gu Zongqing's face.

Of course, I was even more surprised, because the momentum released by the four phantom bodies was only weaker than Gu Zongqing, and almost the same as Hongyun!

What kind of formation is this! ?

It's so scary!

The thoughts in Hong Yun's heart flashed at that moment.

Although this is the case, it should come, sooner or later, it is better to take the initiative!

Maybe there is a win rate!

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