I Have a Trillion Merits

: Five souls kill!

"Be obedient and catch it!"

He said majesticly, but to Gu Zongqing's disappointment, Hong Yun didn't say a word, but sternly clenched the gun in his hand.

"In that case, then, kneel down for me!"

Seeing that the Taoist in red is still indifferent, he still wants to resist, then, let you taste the power of the five souls!

The Five Souls Destiny Formation, as its name suggests, should be composed of five people, but this is a taboo formation, even in the middle thousand worlds on their side, it is also a taboo evil method.

Because it has a main array and four deputy arrays.

What's more terrifying is that the people in the four formations will be controlled by the people in the main formation after using the entry method.

The control here is not just a brief control.

If this is okay, what is frightening is that after using the secondary formation, the four people will be completely complete, from the outside to the inside, from the body to the soul, and from then on will be controlled by the main formation.

Even his own thinking will die with it.

Moreover, this five-soul life-death formation has a final formation, that is, the people of the deputy formation directly sacrifice their own souls, so that the people of the main formation can temporarily increase their strength!

After the duration has passed, the people in the main line will not have any negative effects.

So this formation is an evil formation.

According to legend, Five Souls Killing the Life Town was done by an evil cultivator, whose purpose was to use others to directly reverse the situation and reverse the situation when the situation was disadvantaged.

Of course, it is an object called "Fate Soul Stone", which is what Gu Zongqing had thrown out just now.

The life soul stone is both righteous and evil. It can not only nurture the soul and nourish the soul, but also taboo the soul and condense the servant.

In the four life soul stones of Gu Zongqing just now, in each life soul stone, there is a soul whose cultivation level is a saint and is infinitely close to the strength of a half-step world master.

This is what he has managed to save his life over the years.

I originally thought that he was now a half-step world master's cultivation base, but he didn't use this formation to deal with this red-clothed guy whose cultivation base was just a saint.

But let it be forced out.

Because he couldn't guarantee that if he didn't have to use this formation, if he missed his hand and killed himself, it would not be worthwhile.

There is also the above scene.

On Hongyun's side, Gu Zongqing, who was too strong at this moment, did not show any fear on his face.


A roar exploded out of thin air.

The four black figures rushed forward first, and they all had more sharp swords in their hands. At the same time, they were extraordinary in their aura, and even on each of the blades, different laws of power shone!

Another figure located in the main formation, Gu Zongqing, still used the energy in his body to condense a cloud of black energy from afar, and then turned into a black dragon with the power of law.

Roaring and rushing towards the red cloud surrounded by the four saintly breath figures.

Hong Yun didn't have to deal with these four figures very hard, even Gu Zongqing, who occasionally attacked and released the black dragon, was blessed by the Realm Master-level Gunslinger.

He was just a little more cautious, and he could deal with it.

It's just that even so, Hong Yun's face didn't become good-looking, instead it became more solemn.

Because he found that even if he cut off the arm of a figure, within a few seconds, it recovered intact again.

Through observation, he knew that this was the energy that the formation had drawn from the incomplete secret realm to supplement them.

Protracted warfare will never work, the ghost knows how much energy this secret realm will draw.

Then there is only other way.

However, whenever Hong Yun tried to attack the formation, or Gu Zongqing who was standing far away, the four figures would desperately stop him.

Even throwing his arms and retreating is what it takes.

He couldn't ignore these four violent attack sources, because any one of them was much stronger than Qin Yutian, who had been sent to an unknown place.

But this is what made him extremely depressed and angry. Once he was serious about beating these four, they began to become ugly again.

It looks like I want to squeeze myself dry!

Hong Yun pierced another person's chest with another shot, but he didn't see that person to the end, so he was replaced by another person.

The person who was pierced through his chest first retreated with difficulty holding his chest, and within a few seconds he became alive and kicking again.


Even if it is calm and cold like a red cloud, he can't help but breathe fragrance.

In fact, he has the ability to drop these things in seconds, just use the small tower directly, but he feels it is not worth it in his heart.

You can only consume it like this first to see if there is any special way.

But it didn't take long for Hong Yun to perceive that the four figures who were fighting against him were weak.

this is?

He didn't excitedly rushed to hack a few and sent them to **** because he knew he couldn't do it.

"Tsk tusk, it's been long enough, now, let you taste the true power of my formation."

Suddenly a voice came into Hong Yun's ears, it was Gu Zongqing who had been silent for a long time.

Hong Yun also instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, but he just turned his head, he felt a white light, and then he felt a sense of crisis in his body.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately shifted his position subconsciously, and when he reappeared, he was already far away.

And in the place where he was originally, just as soon as his figure disappeared, there was a black air coming out of thin air, and the flowers and plants in that place turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye, creating a wasteland.

this is?

The law of devouring?

No, the law of swallowing is not like this, so what is this thing? !

Before he could think about it, after seeing Gu Zongqing in the distance moving his fingers again, Hong Yun also instinctively wanted to move away, but found that there were four figures surrounding him.

"Go away!"

With a low drink, he shot two shots directly, and instantly the obstructing figure in two directions was pierced through, and then he flashed out.

But at this little time, his cuffs were stained with black air.

He quickly used the law of swallowing to erase it directly.

But I found that there was an indelible mark under my cuff!


Is it possible that this armor is fake?

You know, what he is wearing at this time is the Qinggang shirt that was corrupted by Gu Zongqing in the previous time.

He boasted of having the strongest defense, how could he...

Obviously, he felt Hong Yun's strange and suspicious gaze, and Gu Zongqing also saw the familiar armor with good eyes.


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