It was bright and dark outdoors, with **** crowing, one day passed.

It is the turn of the sun and the moon many times.

When the sky was just getting dark, Hong Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the Kezhai, suddenly opened his closed eyes. At the same time as a gleam of light flashed, a cold aura bloomed on his long and calm cheeks. .

Countless dust was stirred up around the body instantly, and countless laws lingered.

"feeling not bad."

I saw Hongyun jump up, then stretched his hands in front of him, clenched his fists back and forth, and then secretly experienced the energy in his body and the power of the new control law.

Immediately felt refreshed, and the endless mana and laws in his body were extremely strong.

In this short period of time called "retreat", he counted the gains he had previously obtained in the secret realm of Qingluan Valley, and then smelted the Dao Fruits and the crystals of the laws he obtained for his own use.

At the same time, after he had mastered the complete abilities, he invested them in his Promise Palace world in turn.

While instantly adding a lot of power to that world, it also perfected a lot of rules.

Suddenly Hong Yun thought of something at this time, and quickly opened the Universe Promise Gourd hanging around his waist, and released Bai Qiuxue.

There was also a woman in white clothes who appeared with him.

But what surprised Hong Yun was that Bai Qiuxue had a very open conversation with the woman in white at this time, and the two of them were like... good sisters who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Before Hong Yun asked the doubt in her heart, Bai Qiuxue said first.

"She is Qiu Chan from Baiyan Clan and also a good friend of mine. I didn't expect you to meet her."

"Baiyan Gate?"

Hearing Hongyun's slightly confused tone, Bai Qiuxue knew that Hongyun did not know the existence of Baiyan Gate.

So he explained to him.

"The Baiyan Gate is one of the three major sects in the south. It opened a branch here a few years ago, and Qiu Chan is one of the deacons of the branch, but what I didn’t expect is... you will meet... …"

She said that she didn't continue talking about it, but the meaning was obvious.

Before Hong Yun could speak at this time, Qiu Chan, the woman in white clothes, said to Hong Yun.

"I'm really sorry, I thought you were the culprit before, but I didn't expect to admit it to the wrong person."

The opening made Hong Yun even more puzzled.


Fortunately, it continued to explain.

"A few days ago, the precious ring Feiyan in the branch gate of my Baiyan Gate was lost, and the clue we got was in the forest to the north.

But what I didn't expect was that suddenly there was a wave of space collapse from the north. I thought it was a thief, so I wondered if I could take Huan Feiyan back.

And when I first saw you, I thought you were his accomplice, so...

Sorry. "

After saying this, Qiu Chan actually bowed and apologized to Hong Yun sincerely.

In fact, this is also what she said when she heard what her best friend Bai Qiuxue told her about Hongyun.

That is an existence that even a saint can easily destroy!

Maybe the person in front of him has already touched the border of the realm master for half a step.

Otherwise, she is a deacon of the Baiyan Gate, although she is divided, but in terms of status and background experience, she also has a very broad perspective.

Of course he also realized the horror of Hongyun's strength.

Otherwise, how could she apologize so sincerely to a little-known "Ye Xiu"?

"It's okay."

It was Hongyun’s faint tone in exchange.

After seeing him wave his hand, he stopped talking.

Qiu Chan was not angry either, but stepped back respectfully, knowing that he and Hong Yun weren't too familiar with each other and couldn't finish it all at once when they had a good relationship. He wanted to take a bite.

Bah, step by step.

"Next we will part ways."

At this time, Hong Yun was speaking out, obviously speaking to Bai Qiuxue.

The latter was shocked when he heard the back, but he didn't expect that he would be separated from him so soon.

With a straight look, he asked directly.

"Then I don't know where you are going next?"

Hong Yun was obviously lost in thought after hearing it. For a long time, he shook his head and said: "I haven't thought about it yet."

These words made Bai Qiuxue look happy, and directly looked at Hong Yun's angular cheeks.

"Whether you can be a guest in Snowy City, I will provide the training resources during this period."

"No, I have to collect Dao seeds."

Hong Yun didn't even think about it, shook her head and rejected her.

Bai Qiuxue looked disappointed when she heard it, but when she heard that she refused because of collecting Dao seeds, she suddenly thought of something, and quickly raised her eyes and said.

"For Dao kind, I still have a collection in Snowstorm."


Seeing Hong Yun showing an interested gaze, Bai Qiuxue said as if pursuing it immediately.

"There are two Dao seeds in the treasure house of Snow Wind City, both of which were collected previously. I can give you both of them, but this..."

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Hong Yun knew that he wanted to be a guest in Snowy City by himself, and after thinking about it, he seemed to have nothing else.

So he nodded directly.

"Okay, I agree."

"Really!? Great!"

When Bai Qiuxue did this, she was still very nervous. After all, she was in front of her at this moment, but she was a big brother who didn't blink when she killed the saint.

But thinking of the current plight of Snow City, he made up his mind.

If you don't try, you don't always know, although she has great expectations in her heart, she wants the big man in front of her to agree to be a guest in Snowy City.

But Bai Qiuxue's hope in her heart is zero, who would seem to be okay!

But what she didn't expect was that she actually agreed!

The excitement couldn't dissipate on her face for a long time. After realizing that she had lost his temper, Bai Qiuxue quickly adjusted it.

Then he said to Hongyun.

"Thank you very much, in fact, I have no alternative, because..."

In the following period, Bai Qiuxue informed Hongyun of the current situation of Snowstorm.

As the Snow Wind City that can be ranked in the Hongmeng Realm, its strength is naturally extremely terrifying. There are more than dozens of saints alone.

It's just that Snowstorm is not an old force, but has only developed in recent years, and because of the huge resources and benefits it controls, it even moved the people above it.


This resulted in a scene where three forces are currently "siege" Snowstorm.

Said it was a siege, but in fact, it did not use knives and guns, but has been blocking the development of Snow City in other aspects.

It has been some time.


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