One of Bai Qiuxue's purposes was to seek help and rescue Snow Wind City.

It's just that I haven't encountered a suitable one.


After listening to his narration, Hong Yun nodded. It is not a loss to get two Dao seeds this time.

"Then go."

Seeing that Hongyun was so calm after knowing the status quo of Snow Wind City, Bai Qiuxue couldn't help feeling a little more at ease, and thought that he possessed a holy breath mount and had the ability to destroy saints at will.

She couldn't wait to say these words, after all, one minute more, Snowstorm would be a little more dangerous.


When the words fell, the three of them left the inn, followed Bai Qiuxue and flew quickly towards the southern snowstorm. Qiu Chan didn't speak the whole time, and followed silently.


"Who are you guys!"

Just as the three of them were approaching Snow Wind City, suddenly a dozen black shadows rose from the ground and directly surrounded the three of them.

Bai Qiuyan said subconsciously.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect it, it really made me wait, who we are, you can see for yourself."

The headed man in black took off his face mask, and a hideous scar penetrated his face, making him even more terrifying out of thin air.

Appears more bloodthirsty.

"People of the Sky Demon Sect!"

Bai Qiuxue yelled out the moment he saw this face exposed.

It was not that face, but the black lotus on his forehead.

"It seems that you still know us, so it will be easier, City Lord Bai."

Only saw the person smile gloomily, and suddenly a black sickle with red lines appeared in his hand.


Bai Qiuxue was shocked when she heard these words. Since he knew that he was the lord of Snowstorm, and he was lying in ambush here, there was nothing more than the turbulent flow.

But fortunately, there is him.

But can he deal with so many people?

On the other side, after seeing Bai Qiuxue's angry expression, the man in black laughed directly.

"City Lord Bai, admit it obediently, if you want to blame it, blame Snow Wind City for offending people who shouldn't offend!"

When the voice fell, the dozens of people in black directly released the breath on their bodies, and they turned out to be... all saints!

Qiu Chan had already called the scimitar, and Bai Qiuxue, while holding the white sword in her hand, her expression became extremely solemn, and she didn't even look back to ask Xiang Hongyun.

"what should we do."

But Hong Yun didn't have any worries at all. To him, these people in black were all saints' cultivation bases, but to Hong Yun, they were no different from ants.

I saw Hong Yun slightly lifted his eyes and opened his lips.

"How many can you two deal with?"

Hearing his words, both of them, including Qiu Chan, were taken aback, and then they quickly replied.

"Two are okay."

"That line, you are responsible for the four, and the rest will be handed over to me, and the headed one will also be handed over to me."

Hearing Hong Yun's "arrogant" words, Qiu Chan couldn't help but question.

"Can you do it?"

Bai Qiuxue didn't say a word, as she recalled the event she had experienced before meeting Hongyun at this time.

It seems that he can!


A confident smile appeared at the corner of Hong Yun's mouth. At this time, he had already returned to his original appearance, plus a red shirt.

With a sudden smile like this, Qiu Chan couldn't help but believe this guy.

"Okay, I'll go first."

"I went too."

The two women, one after the other, rushed towards the black-clothed saint monk who surrounded them.

The Scarfaced man headed by him gave a mocking laugh, waved his hand, and the four people behind him directly greeted him.

And he stared at the cold, snake-like eyes at the red-robed monk who was still standing in place, and his arrogant words just now naturally let him hear.

"Boy, you are crazy!"

The Scarfaced Man flashed directly, and surrounded Hongyun with the remaining six monks in black.

Even though he had made this move, he still took a cautious step back. In case this kid had a bottom-pressing chassis, it would be easy to resist.

After all, when you look at this kind of person, you know that he is the son of a family who has never experienced the evils of the world. The family must save his life.

At the sign of the Scarface Man, the six directly took out their weapons and rushed towards the red clouds in red from different positions.

At the same time, he also secretly operated the power of his law, ready to kill him at all times.

To deal with this kind of elder brother of the family, he has more methods.


After all, let him down.

Because Hong Yun is not a brother who has never seen the world, but a lion who is addicted to it!

Seeing the endless power of laws emerging beside the six, Hong Yun did not feel flustered when he rushed towards him with weapons in his hands.

Of course, he didn't wait for them to attack before him. He waved his hand directly, and at the same time a colorful light flashed in his hand.

A silver ray disappeared with his figure.


The six people looked dumbfounded, and they could hit this arrogant boy, but why did he disappear in full view?

Including the scarfaced man, they didn't know where Hongyun had gone.

Suddenly the pupils of his eyes shrank, because he saw Hong Yun's figure appear behind one of his brothers.

"Be careful--"

As soon as he said his words, he saw Hong Yun just gently put his hand on the shoulder of the black monk.

Along with a flash of colorful light, the figure of that person turned into fly ashes directly in place, disappearing between the heaven and the earth, and even the body was not left behind!

The black monk who died probably didn't even know what caused his bereavement. The power of the law of body protection beside him did not play a role.

It's like... like Hongyun can ignore the power of the law!

And the remaining few people who saw this scene opened their eyes in horror. They were saints!


It was wiped out by him directly under their noses, and he didn't even scream!

What kind of monster is this man!

At this time, Hong Yun's figure disappeared again, and he had not waited until his figure appeared.

The remaining five black-clothed monks were immediately shocked. Although they did not run away, they no longer lost the arrogance in their eyes.

What you need to know is that just before they didn't react, the brother who was almost the same as their cultivation base died directly.

Now they dare not regard it as a "little white sheep" anymore.

Even the scarred face man directly held the weapon in his hand, and at the same time the Law Guard looked around vigilantly.


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