I Have a Trillion Merits

: End of the battle

He only saw that he just tapped his right hand in the void on his chest, and a ripple visible to the naked eye flashed.

In the area it touched, the originally static space seemed to come to life, and the previously unfinished behavior was restored.


Those cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Sect had not had time to move in the future, they felt a sudden pain in their waist, and immediately lost consciousness.

In the distance, Bai Qiuxue and Qiu Chan widened their eyes in shock, and suddenly reacted and hurriedly covered their mouths.

Even though they have experienced many battles and have seen countless things, the **** scene before them is really uncomfortable.

From their sight.

It was the moment when the people of the Sky Demon Sect rushed to the red cloud as if the space was still, and then a flash of colorful light flashed away and looked at the place of battle again.

It was a scene where people felt blood boiled and numb at the same time.

After the colorful light faded away, a blood line slowly emerged from the waists of the many cultivators of the Sky Demon Sect who rushed towards the red cloud.

Before they felt the pain, blood spurted out, and at the same time, each of them was forcibly separated from the upper and lower body.

Cut in half!

Immediately after they didn't even scream, they lost their consciousness, and before dying, they still kept the appearance of rushing towards the red cloud.

Then there was the scene of blood and countless half of the body falling down, just like laying dumplings, which really made the scalp numb.

At this moment, the only member of the Sky Demon Sect was the Scarface Monk. After he was relieved, he realized that this guy is a dragon!

Subconsciously, he would turn around and run away, but just as he turned around, another cold light blasted past him, his head separated directly, and the breath of life disappeared.

The dozen or so saints who were just alive were crushed to death by Hongyun effortlessly in the blink of an eye.

And it's a very special way to die.

This had to make the two re-evaluate their own views on Hong Yun's heart.

"Let's go."

Hong Yun's figure flashed in front of the two of them, and after a faint word, he said nothing.

What is strange is that even though he killed so many people, he never had a trace of blood on his body, and there was no smell of blood.

However, Bai Qiuxue and Qiu Chan didn't care about this. They just came back from the shocking scene.

When looking at Hongyun, Bai Qiuxue was okay, after all, she was rescued by Hongyun from the beginning.

The latter was different. Qiu Chan didn't even dare to look at Hongyun at this time. That neat method was simply a murderous demon.

But she knew Hongyun was trying to save her two, and she didn't know how to speak.

It's just that whenever I faintly glanced at the red clouds, there was a great fear in the depths of my eyes.

After Bai Qiuxue was relieved, she suddenly thought of Snow Wind City and thought of the people of the Sky Demon Sect who had blocked her just now. Suddenly she had a bad feeling in her heart, and she said a few words anxiously.

The three of them didn't clean this place, and flew directly in the direction of Snowstorm.

After arriving at Snow City.

Finding that everything in the city was in order, Bai Qiuxue was subconsciously relieved.

Turning to think of the sisters and distinguished guests beside him, he quickly said.

"Come here. I have ordered someone to make a banquet. I wonder if I can have a meal together tonight?"

Hearing her words, the attendants on the side were shocked!

What kind of character is this kid in red!

The city lord... the city lord even lowered his face and invited him to dinner!

But the thing that shocked them even more was yet to come, when he saw Hong Yun shook his head and said.

"No, I still have to practice."

Hong Yun felt a little disgusted with that kind of occasion. It happened that she could take the opportunity to consolidate her cultivation base and law power at night, so she found a reason to refuse.

On the contrary, when the two heard this, Bai Qiuxue and even Qiu Chan beside her showed admiration. It's not a shame to be a master!

No matter when and where, I want to become stronger through cultivation.

We must not pull back!

"Well, come with me first, I'll take you to the room to take a look."

"it is good."

Hongyun Weiwei's forehead, after agreeing to follow him to the direction of the house.

Gradually, the luxurious buildings around them became scenery similar to bamboo forests, and the air was full of fragrance.

"That's it. Over there is the residence of Qiu Chan and I. Just live here."

She didn't care about her tone, Hong Yun was quite satisfied with this place, like a paradise.

After nodding, he entered the house alone.

Bai Qiuxue followed behind Hong Yun, introducing him various materials and things while explaining to Hong Yun what he was responsible for.

There is no big deal either, it's nothing more than helping in the most difficult time of Snowstorm, or after the enemy comes.

As for the time, it is one month.

Bai Qiuxue had already planned it, and within a month, it would surely be able to solve the difficulties of Snowstorm. After that, even if it couldn't be solved, the masters sent by the family behind her would arrive here.

At that time, all problems will be solved in the wind.

And after a month, the two Dao seeds were naturally offered as many.

After hearing what Bai Qiuxue said, Hong Yun nodded after thinking about it and agreed. He was quite satisfied with the exchange price.

It's nothing more than just staying here for a month, or at most just helping when the enemy comes.

As soon as he entered this Snowstorm City, he felt the breath of the saints in Snowstorm City, probably no fewer than twenty.

It really doesn't lose to a big power!

But even so, there are times when you encounter difficulties, but this difficulty is difficult to solve even if you are yourself.

At best, it's just a contribution.

Thinking about it this way, Hong Yun's heart became much more relaxed. He had just been tired for a while, and now there is a period of time to rest and recuperate, just as he liked.

Time soon arrived at night.

At this time, the red cloud is sitting on the roof of the bamboo house, watching the sky below automatically light up because of the darkness, plus the surrounding facilities, it is really a beautiful fairyland!

As he moved his eyes far away, there were many lights that seemed hazy because of the distance, and laughter and laughter came from time to time.

They are having a banquet.

Thinking of what Bai Qiuxue said to herself when she first arrived here today.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and looked at the sky.

The sky in this world is really different from the world in which I was originally, a touch of purple wandering in the dark night sky, without stars and moon.


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