If you keep looking at the sky above, it will make people's mind become scared.

"Hey, that guy, what are you doing on the roof?"

Suddenly a burst of fragility spread into Hongyun's ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he found that it was a man in yellow clothes?

But why does it feel like something is wrong?

Seeing him looking at him, the man flew up and sat next to Hongyun, suddenly a fresh fragrance mixed with a strong smell of wine hit.

This is... a woman disguised as a man?

A thought like this emerged in Hong Yun's mind, and when he looked closely, it was really true.

"You... why are you staring at me? Do you want to drink?"

The woman in yellow poured a sip of wine into her mouth again, and raised it up and asked Xiang Hongyun.

The latter shook his head.

"Cut, I don't want to drink such worldly delicacies, then I will taste it myself, eh..."

Another burst of wine poured into her mouth, perhaps because of too many reasons, after all, a little bit of wine came out of her mouth.

Following the skin that seemed more rosy from drinking, it gradually slipped onto the neck.

She wiped her mouth with her hands on her sleeves and didn't care about the image. Maybe it was because she was drunk, or because she didn't know that she was found disguised as a man.

"What's your name, I don't seem to have seen you before."

Hearing her words, Hong Yun suddenly became interested in this man who has been a daughter as a men's clothing, and a smile appeared in his mouth.

"Before asking someone else's name, shouldn't it be your own?"


The woman in yellow obviously did not expect to hear such a sentence, and then she hummed.

"You are indeed a newcomer, hum, it's fine, this princess, I... Bah, this young master, I am the famous Feng Shiyun of Snowstorm!"

Maybe it was the reason she drank, she almost "exposed" herself.

"Feng Shiyun?"

Hongyun nodded after hearing it.

"My name is Hongyun."

"Hongyun? A strange name, and one with the last name Hong."

Gudu took another sip of wine, and suddenly her drunken eyes lit up.

"Hey, we both have cloud characters in their names! Good luck."

Hearing her excited voice, Hong Yun nodded and agreed.

"It's true."

"Um, boring!"

For some reason, Feng Shiyun, the woman in yellow clothes, muttered, and then there was no voice.

Suddenly a heavy object came, Hong Yun looked down from the side and found that he had fallen asleep at some point.

Just as he was trying to do something, a messy shout came not far away.

After seeing the sight here, especially after seeing Feng Shiyun, a man in Jinyi instantly frowned.

She actually lay in the arms of a strange man in red.

He subconsciously thought that the man in red had frivolous Feng Shiyun.

In fact, Feng Shiyun likes to disguise women as men. Most of the upper-class people in Snow City know it.

But whoever made her a little princess just left with her, pretending not to see through.

At the same time, among the four major forces of Snowstorm City, apart from the city lord's mansion led by Bai Qiuxue, the sons of the other three major forces wanted to catch Feng Shiyun.

You know it's the princess of the Leifeng royal family!

And she is the only little princess, she is naturally beloved, and now she is vacationing in the snowy city, which makes the sons of the three major families greedy.

Once she was taken in by her, I am afraid that it was not just a simple change from a branch to a phoenix, but a straight turn to become the host.

The man in Jinyi was the third son of the Feng family in Wind and Snow. Feng Xiancheng, he was naturally one of the members who pursued Feng Shiyun.

Seeing this scene right now, he flew up directly, the power of the law surged out, and a palm smashed the red cloud on the roof of the bamboo house.

"Let go of that woman... man!"

I almost made a mistake, but fortunately I changed it quickly.

It's just that Hong Yun just raised his eyes, and when he saw the figure flying towards him, he wanted to make a move, but then put down his hand.

Holding Feng Shiyun and watching the play.

A wind wall appeared directly out of thin air and stood in front of Feng Xiancheng.

Then a cold figure appeared quietly, and Feng Xiancheng, who was unable to regain his strength in the future, lifted it back.

"There are all distinguished guests, please don't disturb the idlers."

What appeared was the Qiu Cicada who was known as a sister to Bai Qiuxue, the lord of Snow Wind City.

Because the family behind it and the family behind Bai Qiuxue have close friends, they also have the same deterrent power as Bai Qiuxue's city.

Because Bai Qiuxue wanted to deal with the older generations and the masters who invited to be guests, she let Qiu Chan carry the younger ones.

Qiu Chan said she wouldn't bring it back then!

Bai Qiuxue said directly: "It's okay, don't give them a good face, just hit them if you are uncomfortable."

Because of the reason why Feng Shiyun was invited to play in Snowstorm City, she also deterred the three major families in the city after removing the three major forces around it from daring to do it directly.

It also made the three major families work hard to please her.

After all, before this, no one would have thought that Bai Qiuxue would know the little princess of the Lei Feng royal family!

Feng Xiancheng, a man in Jinyi, looked very angry and unwilling to hear it, but did not dare to speak and walked behind silently.

The other two elder brothers of the big family saw the gloating color in each other's eyes. They were originally regretted because of the late shot, but at this time they began to rejoice.

But at the same time, there was also a figure of the man in red in their hearts, who was regarded as a distinguished guest by that powerful Bai Qiuxue. It seemed not easy!

What kind of royal family's son brother is it?

It can't help them think so, after all, they have already slapped their faces once.

At the same time, there is a deep jealousy hidden deep in their eyes, this guy can actually hold the little princess of the Leifeng royal family in his arms!

After Qiu Chan saw Feng Shiyun in Hong Yun's arms, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Because of Bai Qiuxue, she and this little princess have always known each other, and she knows two of her favorite things-women pretending to be men and drinking.

Needless to say the former technology.

Behind, um, Feng Shiyun's drinking technique is really not very good.

Belongs to the kind of people who get drunk after a few drinks.

However, Bai Qiuxue was able to protect her very well before, not letting her run out after drinking indiscriminately, so as not to be cooked by other people's raw rice.

But today because of the rush, she forgot the little princess in a moment of anxiety.

It also caused this scene today.

"Caiyu, you take them back to the Dibin Building first, I'll go."

Qiu Chan thought for a moment, and ordered a maid in a green pink dress beside him.

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