I Have a Trillion Merits

: Unexpected title!

"Yes, guests, come with me first."

Caiyu promised and said to the younger generation of those aristocracy.

Those people didn't dare not follow. What you need to know is that the City Lord's Mansion is the largest in the entire Snowstorm.

After seeing them walking away, Qiu Chan flashed away, and went to the roof of the bamboo house and came to Hong Yun's side.

He opened his mouth and said, "Thank you."

"It's okay."

Seeing Qiu Chan said so, Hong Yun smiled slightly and handed Feng Shiyun in his arms to Qiu Chan.

"This girl is her temper. Didn't disturb you?"

Seeing Qiu Chan like this, Hong Yun shook his head.

"Then... Then I will take her away first."

"Well, go ahead."

"Okay, then you can just say anything in the green bamboo, and I will come over."


Seeing Qiu Chan hugged Feng Shiyun and disappeared into her sight a few times, Hong Yun also shook her head and went back to her house to practice.

There was no turmoil in the following days, but it was calm and overwhelming. It stands to reason that such an environment would make people feel unusually unpleasant.

However, apart from the three major families, the atmosphere in the City Lord's Mansion is still as usual, and there is no weirdness.

On the contrary, Feng Shiyun, who woke up sober the next day, couldn't help blushing after learning that her ugly state after being drunk was seen by a Hongyun who was completely stranger to her.

But still pretending to be a machismo, intending to make friends with Hongyun.

Of course, "he" also subconsciously regards himself as a man.

this day.

The sky was getting brighter, and the red cloud who had been practicing for a night walked out of the room, and oncoming it was a dining table and food on the dining table.

These days he has become accustomed to it. Every time someone brings food over in the morning, at night, and at night, I have to say that Bai Qiuxue still knows how to treat guests.

The only difference today is that beside the dining table, there is a young man dressed in yellow, oh no, it should be a girl.

It is Feng Shiyun who is no doubt.

She thought about it and did a lot of homework before she came.

Today she is still disguising herself as a man. In fact, she also knows that people here always regard their wishes as the highest because of their identity.

So even if their technique of disguising as a man is poor, they will tell white lies.

In fact, to be honest, Feng Shiyun doesn't like this kind of words like "flattering".

But because she was born in the royal family, she couldn't help herself, even if her father tried his best to protect herself, she would inevitably accept such things.

She has eight older brothers, all of whom love herself very much.

However, Feng Shiyun didn't like the royal atmosphere. It happened that Qiu Xue sister invited herself, and came here to play.

She also knew that the father, who loved her so much, could not let herself be alone, even within the limits of the Leifeng royal family.

Therefore, behind her, there must be royal masters protecting her.

Although she didn't like the feeling of being protected very much, but she also knew that the emperor father cared about herself, so you didn't have to talk back, and let the royal masters follow her safely.

Back to the topic.

"Hello, Hongyun."

"Well, why do you have to menswear?"

After seeing her, Hong Yun was surprised at first, but his expression turned to return to calmness, and asked when he sat on the other side of the square table.

Feng Shiyun, who sat down with him, widened his eyes and looked at him when he heard it. Didn't he know that he was from the Leifeng royal family?

But such a person is also interesting.

Did he pretend to show it to himself on purpose, or was he such a person?

Feng Shiyun felt that the latter had a higher chance, because she also learned the fact that she had been hugged by him through the mouth of Qiu Chan's sister.

If it were other men, I'm afraid it would have been...

The head is different.

Fortunately, he didn't have any crooked thoughts. For some reason, Feng Shiyun was worried about the man in front of him.

Perhaps it was the reason why he poked himself as a man as soon as he met.

Thinking about it this way, she didn't bother, and just sat down generously.

"Because I want to protect myself."


Hong Yun heard her say this, glanced at her thoughtfully, and then started to lower her head to eat and drink.

Feng Shiyun didn't like to eat in the morning, so she supported her chin with her elbows on the table and watched him quietly.

Suddenly found that its angular face is quite handsome~

Hong Yun suddenly raised his head and glanced at her.

The two looked at each other like this, Hong Yun didn't react much, and continued to lower his head to eat the food.

On the contrary, Feng Shiyun, who had been looking at Hongyun, had been so suddenly glanced at him, especially when he stared at each other.

It can be said that she has never experienced such a thing since she was a child.

Especially with men.

Her cheeks became a little pink in an instant, but they didn't look like the one that turned red all at once.

It is said that that kind of phenomenon is not so easy to appear.

Feng Shiyun hurriedly calmed her mind to prevent herself from being so embarrassed. After calming down, she looked at Hongyun again.

But I saw him still eating with a calm face.

This man! !

Is he pretending or pretending?


This princess is not happy!

Feng Shiyun looked at this guy with some anger. For some reason, she was not angry at all in her heart, and this appearance was completely pretended.

Appearing to feel the restless mood swings in her heart, Hong Yun said as if asking her.

"Don't you eat?"

"Don't eat!"

Hearing her emotional answer, Hong Yun raised his head and glanced at her again, then after eating for a while, he put down his chopsticks and said.

"Thank you."

Just got up and left here.

The direction I looked was towards the bank of the lotus pond.


Does he mean to let me clean up? ?

Feng Shiyun is a little unbelievable!

But... it looks like this is the case!

Ah ah-damn it!

This princess has never felt this kind of anger, Hong Yun, right? I remember you! Humph!

It is naturally impossible to clean up. After she invited a maid to clean up, she stomped directly to the lotus pond lake.

See what the guy did.

But when she had just arrived at the destination, the scene before her was a little unbelievable, only seeing Hong Yun sitting in the middle of the lake, a punch distance from the lake.

There is a five-element hexagram diagram underneath his body, and he is sitting cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, as if he is practicing.

This guy!

Still practicing!

Feng Shiyun suddenly thought of what Qiu Chan's sister said to herself.

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