To say that Hong Yun's cultivation base is particularly high, but also particularly terrifying.

At a young age, he has the realm of a saint, and it can be called invincible in the realm of a saint.

Of course, this was only the words that Qiu Chan summed up after experiencing that battle.

But it is true.

It can even be exaggerated to say that the half-step world master, Hong Yun is afraid that with his many methods, he can fight!

After seeing his cultivation, Feng Shiyun did not continue to disturb him, and left here quietly without making a sound.

In the following days, everything was business as usual, except that Feng Shiyun occasionally came here in the morning or at night.

It's just that Hongyun this "straight man" gives me an anger every time.

She even gave it a nickname-a fool who only knows how to practice.

But I don't know why. Every time she doesn't come here, she feels that there is a total shortcoming in life because she doesn't care about her identity and chat with herself?

Talking about chat is actually talking at the dinner table.

Every time at the dining table, when Feng Shiyun came here, they would talk a few words.

Feng Shiyun also gradually fell in love with this feeling.

For the saint, a few years is almost an instant, after all, it will take decades to close up.

What's more, it's a month.

The blink of an eye is fleeting.

It was still Feng Shiyun who came to accompany Hongyun for dinner that day.

Above the dining table, Feng Shiyun, who was looking at Hongyun, said suddenly.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, and nodded when thinking that it seemed that it was a month.

"Then, can we see you again?"

Hearing her words, Hong Yun raised her head and looked at her, and found that her eyes were slightly red, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why can't we see you again?"

"Really!? Then, we have agreed, we must see you again!"

Seeing this girl who turned her sadness to joy because of her words, Hongyun nodded and agreed to her.

"it is good."


For a long time, after eating, Hong Yun, who was practising by the lotus pond lake as usual, suddenly opened his eyes and saw a girl in yellow sitting there on the shore, watching her cultivating with joy.

After seeing this scene, his figure moved slightly and he came to her and sat down together.

"Why come to see me practicing today?"

When he said this sentence, he also remembered the situation this month, vividly.

Since that day, the girl has come to talk to herself from time to time, which is interesting, but she has never seen her practice.

Except for the first time sneaking, speaking of that time, I'm afraid he didn't even know that he was discovered by Hongyun.

"I want to give you something."

Feng Shiyun paused, then handed the purple jade pendant in his hand to the young man in red.

"this is?"

After taking this thing, Hong Yun played with it in his hand, and it felt very good. He guessed in his heart that this thing might come from an extraordinary origin.

"This is a purple electric jade pendant. It is a token between you and me. I have one on my side."

With that, Feng Shiyun took out another piece of blue jade pendant.

Hong Yun's sharp eyes found that the bottom of the two jade pendants seemed to be fit together.

"I'm leaving too. When the time comes, you can come to Leifeng Imperial City to find me with this jade pendant."

Hearing her serious tone, Hong Yun looked at her cheek with a light makeup. This is the first time she put on makeup.

It's pretty pretty.

"it is good."

Nodding his head, he put the jade pendant in his bag. As for the Leifeng Imperial City, he had long realized that this girl had an extraordinary background, but he never thought that she was the little princess of the Leifeng royal family.

Looks's pretty good.

"Well, did you agree?"


"Then I will go first."

"it is good."


Looking far away, Hong Yun did not continue to practice, and returned to his bamboo house.

On this day, the purple phoenix thundered in the sky, and the princess returned.

Standing on top of Zifeng, Feng Shiyun murmured while looking in the direction of Snowstorm.

"You must come, I will wait for you forever."

I don't know when, this man has broken into her heart.

Maybe it's his diligent practice attitude, maybe it's his attitude of treating himself as a friend, maybe it's his handsome face, maybe...

"Sister Nine, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah... nothing."

Looking back, it was a man in a purple outfit, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, shoulder-length purple hair and a pair of purple eyes, which made people feel a sense of sharpness.

It is Feng Shiyun's seventh brother, Feng Siyuan.

His cultivation base had been in the realm of a saint when he was only eighteen years old. He is now twenty-four, and no one can see through his cultivation except his father.


Early the next morning, Hongyun opened the door and found that it was a maid, and asked afterwards during the meal.

"Where is Shiyun?"

"Return to the son, Princess Shiyun returned to the imperial city yesterday."

Nodding, Hong Yun took out the purple electric jade pendant that Feng Shiyun had given him, and took it back after a few glances.

Got up and said.

"I should go too~"

By coincidence, Bai Qiuxue came here with Qiu Cicada, and in Bai Qiuxue's hands, there was a delicate box.

"Thank you for your guard these days."

It's better to say it's guarding than fishing, but no matter what, people do it according to their orders, and they can't break their promises.

Besides, the two Dao types are just enough, and they won't hurt her.

"It's okay."

He smiled and waved his hand to open the box. There were two Dao seeds emitting different rays of light inside. After the observation was correct, he turned over the two Dao seeds with his hands.

"Then I don't know where you are going next?"

Although Hong Yun hadn't taken a shot this month, she had seen its means and strength a month ago.

Even if the masters sent by the family behind her came to Snow City, she still had a heart for Hong Yun.

Hearing her words, Hong Yun shook his head and said.

"I don't know yet, maybe I'm traveling around the world."

Bai Qiuxue looked happy when she heard this, and she wanted to say something.

But Hongyun raised his hand to stop him.

"I will not join any forces."

Upon hearing this, Bai Qiuxue's expression darkened: "Well then, take care of everything."


Nodded, Hong Yun didn't say any more words, and jumped directly to the sky, flying towards the distance.

"Hey, I hope I can see you next time."

Bai Qiuxue shook her head and Qiu Chan returned to her residence.


In another few days, after Hong Yun had comprehended the two Dao seeds, he threw them into the world of Promise Palace.

Hong Yun felt that his strength was already strong enough, and the thing that had been in his heart also came to mind.

"Have you traveled to the west?"

"It's time to go back."


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