I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 801: Yang Jianzhimou

Although Yang Jian had already guessed in his heart, he really saw his sister walking side by side with a mortal.

Still getting itchy with anger.

I was valued by the teacher, and the practice of a fairy law was a great contribution to the promise, and only then was he named a true monarch.

It can be regarded as rectifying the names of his parents.

Even though he couldn't understand the "Xian Bu and Fan Tong" Tian Tiao, it can even be said that the parents of their brothers and sisters are also tired of this Tian Tiao.

But no matter what they are not used to seeing, this Tianan is there, impartial.

Under the emperor of heaven, unless the emperor changes his words, it will survive forever.

My stupid sister knows the law and breaks the law!

Thinking of this, Yang Jian's heart felt cold, and when he looked at the mortal man walking with his sister in the front, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

In my heart, I was thinking about whether to act first, and cut off this sinful fate in the bud.

The Three Madonna Yang Chan, who was walking in the front, seemed to feel something in his heart, turning his head to look behind.

I saw an empty space behind him, and no one was there.

Chan Yang muttered a few words, and then turned his head to talk and laugh with Liu Yanchang beside him.

After seeing this scene, the coldness in Yang Jian's eyes became even stronger. Just before he stepped forward, he found a cloud of clouds flashing across the sky.

Above the dark clouds, the Demon's Fourth Generals, carrying thousands of heavenly soldiers, were rushing towards Yang Chan's direction.

Yang Jian's heart slammed, and secretly said a bad cry.

Then he directly used his magical powers to transform into a sky-shielding giant peng, and galloped towards the cloud that carried the four generals of the devil family and the heavenly soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the cloud.

The four generals of the demon family are not as good as Yang Jian, although they can't see through Yang Jian's supernatural power changes, they can only be regarded as a monster coming to obstruct the crowd.

The headed Mo Liqing immediately shouted angrily: "You bastard, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for waiting to kill you here!"

Hearing this, Yang Jian gave a sharp scream, and suddenly waved his wings, carrying a terrifying force, stirring the situation, and patted the demon's four generals and thousands of soldiers.


In an instant, a gust of wind struck, carrying infinite divine power, and directly blew the four demon generals and thousands of heavenly soldiers above the cloud.

Only the four generals of the Devil’s House reluctantly stood in the clouds, looking at the obstructing giant Peng in front of them, and shouted: "I will follow the decree of the Jade Emperor and come to hunt down the Three Madonnas who fled to the mortal. Blame me for waiting to report to the heavenly court, killing you and waiting!"

Yang Jian felt cold in his heart, and it was so secretly.

Although he noticed that the secret of heaven was hidden, there was a Haotian Mirror above the heaven that could monitor the primordial land. How could he not be able to find the traces of the Three Madonnas and others.

Now the four generals of the demon family and thousands of heavenly soldiers are sent to capture the Three Madonnas back to the heavenly court, and by the way, punish the mortal man here and send him into reincarnation.

Seeing the sky-shielding giant Peng in front of him, the fourth general of the Demon Family thought his deterrence was effective, and immediately snorted and wanted to bypass Yang Jian to catch up with the Three Madonnas.

But before they came to Yang Jian's side, they were swept down the earth by a wing.

The devil’s four generals and thousands of heavenly soldiers fell into the mortal world, embarrassed and angry. They shouted into the sky: "Oh, you are a flat-haired beast, how dare you treat me like this? Today, my four demon brothers Kill you here."

When the voice fell, the body of the Mojia's four generals rose wildly, like four giants covering the sky and the sun, holding various weapons in their hands.

With a light flick of his finger, the terrifying sound wave instantly swept the sky and rushed towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian let out a scream, directly breaking the terrifying sound wave.

Then the claws shook lightly in the void, and there was a faint crackling sound.

I saw the four generals of the Demon Family retreating in a hurry, with a face like gold paper, a smear of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and exclaimed: "Da Luo Jinxian?"

They didn't expect that the Zhetian Jupeng had a cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian level in front of them, and only one move would knock their four brothers back.

If this person had no intention of killing, I am afraid that the four of their brothers would die here.

Even the thousands of heavenly soldiers behind them could not be avoided.

In the high altitude, after Yang Jian watched the appearance of the Three Madonna and Liu Yanchang disappear, a cyan light spread between the two wings, which filled the two of them, covering up the traces of the two.

Although it is not a long-term solution, it can barely hide the two of them in the Haotian Mirror.

After doing all this, Yang Jian took a deep look at the four generals of the ground demon family and thousands of heaven soldiers, and then disappeared completely.

The Fourth General of the Demon Family sighed with lingering fear.

They also didn't expect that their brothers just led their troops to arrest the Three Madonnas who fled to the world, and they would encounter such a terrifying monster.

According to common sense, if there is peace today, ordinary immortals will not appear in front of people, let alone the great power of the Daluo Jinxian level.

My brothers are afraid that it is because of **** luck that they can meet such a powerful person.

Someone from the Fourth General of the Demon Family asked aloud: "Brother, now I can't capture the Three Madonna into the heaven, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it when I go back."

Mo Liqing said: "I don't blame me for waiting for this matter. I am not an opponent when I am so capable. Your Majesty should also understand."

When the voice fell, the four brothers returned to the heavenly court with the thousands of heavenly soldiers.

And Yang Chan, the Third Mother, who was walking side by side with the mortal Liu Yanchang on the official road, seemed to have a feeling at this moment. He glanced behind him, and there was always a familiar feeling.

After a long time, Yang Chan never found any abnormalities, and then stopped investigating.

After the two of them disappeared completely, Yang Jian, who was wearing silver armor and holding a painted halberd, showed up and sighed deeply, looking at the direction of his sister's disappearance.

After a long time, a touch of firmness flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to the Erlang Zhenjun Temple in Guanjiangkou.

He couldn't intervene in the matter of his mother and father back then, and now his own sister is the same, how can he be indifferent.

Although Yang Jian is a law enforcement officer, he still has family affection in his heart, and he must plan a good living.

Only after changing or even erasing this unreasonable Tian Tiao, can his sister be safe and sound.


And at the moment above the heavenly court, the four generals of the Devil Family returned to the High Heaven Palace, and bowed to the Jade Emperor above, "His Majesty Qi, I am incompetent, and failed to bring back the Third Highness."

The Jade Emperor looked at the embarrassed four demon generals, waved his hand and said, "Don't blame you..."

"Old gentleman, you can find out the identity of that peng bird."

Hearing this, the old gentleman flashed a glint in his eyes, and then slowly shook his head and said: "The minister has not found out the identity of the peng bird. I think there should be a saint-level existence that obscures the secret."

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, his face instantly looked ugly.


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