I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 802: Yang Jian enters Penglai

The Fourth General of the Demon Family went down to capture the Three Madonnas under his will.

Unexpectedly, the four of them, together with thousands of heavenly soldiers, were beaten by a flat-haired beast and fled, only to return to the heavenly court.

This is a shame to the heavens, how can you give it up!

The Jade Emperor looked down on the officials, looked at the immortal officials below, and then said: "Would someone like to go down to the earth to **** the Three Madonnas back to heaven?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the fairy officials below were silent.

Let's not talk about the Dapeng bird that suddenly appeared, let's talk about the elder brother of the Three Madonna, Guanjiangkou Erlang, the true monarch.

God of Heaven, no one knows that no one knows.

If he was really ordered to arrest his sister, wouldn't he offend this heavenly court law enforcement officer?

Looking at the silent officials, the Jade Emperor's complexion became more and more ugly.

At this moment, I saw that Grand Master suddenly took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, since the Three Madonnas are the younger sister of True King Erlang, it is natural that King Erlang is arrested and brought to justice."

"What's more, Zhenjun Erlang is a law enforcer in the heavenly court. The Three Mothers knows the law and breaks the law, and it is reasonable and reasonable, so Zhenjun Erlang should act.

After hearing what the Taishang Laojun said, all the immortal officials also reacted and said: "The ministers seconded."

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, his face showed a touch of invincibility.

Everyone knows that the true monarch of Erlang is his niece, and the Three Madonna is his niece. Let his nephew go to capture the niece.

It's also because these people can think of it.

After thinking for a while, the Jade Emperor also sighed leisurely, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will pass on my will and let Erlang take the Three Mothers back to the heaven."

When the voice fell, the Jade Emperor waved his hand, and the officials dispersed.

Only Taibai Jinxing who went to declare the decree looked ugly.

This is a lot more troublesome than when he went to Huaguo Mountain to declare the decree. Zhenjun Erlang was much more fierce than the grandson monkey.

What if you see the will and stab yourself in anger?

Taibai Venus looked melancholy.


Guanjiangkou, Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

Taibai Venus looked at the temple of Zhenjun Erlang, which was full of incense, and came here cautiously in hiding.

After isolating the mortal consciousness, he whispered: "True Monarch, where is the true Monarch?"

Before the voice fell, I heard a dog barking from inside.

It is the snarling dog.

The black snarling dog came to Taibai Jinxing and sniffed lightly, and then looked at him warily.

Taibai Jinxing smiled and said: "Snarling Dogs don't want to mess around. The old man is here today to pass the will of your majesty. Please come out quickly."

Hearing this, the snarling dog grunted twice in dissatisfaction, and was about to turn his head, but found that his owner was behind him.

Yang Jian looked at the Taibai Venus in front of him with an ordinary expression, and asked aloud: "What is your majesty's will to pass on?"

Taibai Jinxing shook, and then directly handed over the Jade Emperor's decree in his hand to Yang Jian, and then said with a smile: "True Monarch, you can see it for yourself, your majesty's decree is here, and the old man should also go back..."

After speaking, he left the Erlang Zhenjun Temple directly.

Yang Jian opened the decree in his hand, and after seeing the contents above, his expression turned cold in vain, and then he directly threw the decree in his hand aside.

At the snarling dog at his feet, he said: "Follow me to see the teacher."

Hearing the words, the snarling dog groaned twice.

Then, the two figures disappeared directly from the temple of Zhenjun Erlang, walked through the clouds above the prehistoric sky, and galloped towards the Penglai Fairy Island.

He did not expect that the Jade Emperor would let him go and capture the Three Mothers by himself.

Knowing that they are brothers and sisters, this uncle of my own family is really...

In just a few moments, Yang Jian took the Roaring Sky Dog to the outside of Penglai Immortal Island and looked at the closed formation of the island.

As soon as he was about to speak, he saw a hole in the large formation of protecting the island in front of him.

Daji, who was still a girl, walked out of it slowly, looked at Yang Jian in front of him, and said with some surprise: "It's really you, Xiao Sanyan."

When Yang Jian heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Since his teacher rescued himself and others that day, he entered the Penglai Fairy Island, and he has gained the title of "Three Eyes".

But the nickname for himself was the youngest and most favored Xiao Daji among Penglai Xiandao.

He can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Yang Jian came to see the teacher."

Daji nodded slightly like Kong Xuan, and then nodded behind his back, "Master already knows, you come with me."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards Penglai Fairy Island.

Yang Jian followed closely behind.

Entering the Penglai Fairy Island, Da Ji turned around and said, "Go to the hall and see the master by yourself. Don't follow this little guy."

When Yang Jian heard the words, his face was shocked, and then he lowered his head to see the pitiful gaze of the Roaring Celestial Dog.

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay."

When the voice fell, he walked straight into the hall, no matter how the Snarling Sky Dog grunted, he didn't look back.

Then, behind him, Daji's laughter and the scream of the snarling dog were heard.

When he arrived at the main hall, Yang Jian saw the red cloud sitting in the seat, and was watching Yang Jian walking slowly into it.

Yang Jian hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and said with a respectful voice: "Apprentice Yang Jian, see the teacher."

Hong Yun looked at Yang Jian under her seat, and couldn't help showing a smile on her face. His apprentice had been in a stocking state ever since he received it.

Unexpectedly, it is now close to the peak level in the late Da Luo Jinxian, which is not bad.

"I came to the island today for a reason."

When Yang Jian heard the words, he hurriedly said: "Please also ask the teacher to take action to save my sister."

Hong Yun pondered for a moment before he said: "It's that little fellow Yang Chan."

Yang Jian nodded, and then he found out that he had made an order with the Jade Emperor. If he was really punished according to the rules of heaven, I am afraid that his sister would be completely finished.

After thinking for a while, Hong Yun smiled and said, "I already know about this. Just go back and practice in peace. After ten years, I will look for the little fellow Yang Chan."

When Yang Jian heard the words, his face was shocked. Just when he wanted to speak, he saw the red cloud above him raising his hand and gently waving.

Then when he looked up, he saw that he was already in the temple of Zhenjun Erlang, Guanjiangkou, and the scream of the screaming dog was faintly heard from the sky.

From far and near, he landed directly in front of the temple door, stood up with a grin, and returned to Yang Jian's feet with a pitiful look.

Yang Jian looked at the snarling dog at his feet, then sighed, and then went into retreat.

As for the Jade Emperor's will, it was also left aside.

Since the teacher speaks, he must listen to the teacher.

On Penglai Fairy Island.

Hong Yun stretched his body slightly, and said softly, "This heavenly law should change now."


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