I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 803: Also ask the saint to teach me

Seemingly hearing what Hong Yun said, Ao Xue and Kong Xuan walked towards the side of the hall.

Pointing at the red cloud above, he arched his hands slightly: "I have seen the master."

Hongyun nodded slightly, and then said: "Wait and go to the world for a walk."

Ao Xue and Kong Xuan were shocked when they heard the words, and then they heard what Hong Yun said, their eyes became more and more exuberant.

Then he bowed to the red cloud above and left Penglai Xiandao directly.

After the two left, Daji came to the hall with a look of envy, looked at the red cloud above, and pouted: "Master is unfair, Daji hasn't been out of the island for a long time..."

Seeing Daji's pitiful appearance, Hong Yun shook his head helplessly, and then said: "You are quite talented, but you are far behind Kong Xuan and Ao Xue, but you know why?"

Daji said with an aggrieved look: "It must be that the two of them often travel out of the island to look for opportunities, so the entry is so fast."

After hearing Daji's words, Hongyun helped her forehead, and then shook her head.

Suddenly, Hong Yun looked at Daji with a serious face, and saw that the latter's heart was furry. When he was about to speak, he heard Hong Yun say: "You want to go out of the island to play?"

When Daji heard the words, he nodded and said: "Daji wants to make his debut not for fun, but to find opportunities. The master doesn't always say that there are opportunities on the prehistoric continent. Daji is leaving the island just to find her own. Chance."

After hearing what Daji said, a smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then he said: "If this is the case, you go out and do something for this seat."

When Daji heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he nodded and said: "Daji will follow the decree of the master."

Then Hongyun confessed a few words before letting Da leave the island on her own.

After Daji left Penglai Immortal Island, Hongyun flickered and disappeared directly above the main hall. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the underworld.

Over the netherworld, the rules were operating as usual, and I suddenly remembered Houtu's voice: "Brother Dao came to the netherworld, do you have important things?"

Hong Yun touched her nose awkwardly, and then said: "Some small things, don't bother Junior Sister to take action."

After hearing what Hongyun said, Houtu didn't come forward and let Hongyun travel around the underground palace.

After all, this netherworld was already belonged to Hongyun.

Hongyun ran all the way through the underground palace, and soon came to the place where Ksitigarbha and Tang San were buried.

I saw thousands of evil spirits in the **** below, and the eighteen layers of **** were already full of ghosts.

Among the layers of hell, there has long been no gap.

I saw evil spirits everywhere, sitting cross-legged above hell, with compassion on their faces, and Buddha nature faintly burst out of their bodies. Listening to the sound of chanting here, the Buddha nature in the evil spirits became more and more vigorous.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but his face turned black, and then he appeared directly in front of the Tibetan Bodhisattva and Tang Sanzang.

Seeing the appearance of Hongyun, the two hurriedly bowed and saluted: "I will meet the saint and welcome the arrival of the saint."

Looking at the two people's respectful appearance, a look of helplessness appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then he said: "You two have been in this mansion for some time, are there results?"

When the two heard the words, a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

They originally thought that the Red Cloud Saint came to trouble them, after all, all the evil spirits in this underworld had Buddha nature on them.

Even though Houtu Niangniang said before, these evil spirits cannot enter the cycle like ordinary people.

But in the end there was still a chance to randomly enter the six realms.

They were already very satisfied. Tang Sanzang hurriedly said excitedly: "Enlighten the saint, there have been some results between the two of me."

Hong Yun said in surprise: "Oh, let's just listen."

Tang Sanzang said with a look of excitement: "Although these evil spirits will randomly enter the six realms, but these evil spirits already have the seeds of my two Buddhas in their bodies. No matter where they are reincarnated in the future, they will definitely belong to my Buddha. ."

"The wicked put down the butcher knife and can survive the sea of ​​bitterness, and the teachings we have established have some foundation."

"After thousands of years, if I have a chance to reach the quasi-sage level, I will leave **** and make a big aspiration, often to establish a religion and become a holy."

Hearing what Tang San's burial said, the face of the red cloud couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Lijiao sanctified?

This was the way of sanctification by the Sanqing and the Western Two Saints at the beginning, but it was so smooth when the heavenly way answered and the Taoist ancestor sheltered.

Now what they two think in their hearts, it is really not that simple to succeed.

What's more, the two of them took advantage of the heavens.

Now that the teacher has been in harmony with nature for a long time, I am afraid it will not be so simple to make these two successful.

As if seeing the red cloud complexion, Ji Zang Bodhisattva also asked aloud: "Does the saint think that the two of me are not feasible?"

Hongyun smiled and said: "How can it be so simple for you two to establish a religion and become a holy? Now there is Buddhism in the world. Even if you two have some changes in the meaning of the scriptures, they will never leave their ancestry."

"Why do you think that a second Buddhism is allowed in this world."

After hearing what Hong Yun said, Ji Zang Bodhisattva and Tang San's burial were all stunned.

They had previously wanted to establish a religion and become holy, but what they wanted to do was too simple, but now they heard what Hongyun said and found that there were indeed big mistakes.

There is already a Buddhism in this world, so how can they stand up and become holy again?

Unless... they can replace it!

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes again.

Seeing the sudden transformation of the two of them, Hong Yun was also a little surprised, and asked aloud: "What? Can you two figure it out?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's face was red, but he did not speak at this moment, looking at Tang San's burial aside.

Tang Sanzang forcibly suppressed the emotion in his heart, and then asked aloud: "Enlighten the saint, I don't know if I can replace it?"

After hearing what Tang San's burial had said, a gleam of light flashed in Hong Yun's eyes.

Replace it?

These two people are so courageous, you must know that with their current cultivation base, they can't do two tricks in front of the two sages in the West. How to replace them?

But think about it carefully, if the trouble of the Western Two Saints is solved, this method is feasible.

After all, the Western Second Sage has rebelled against Taoism and was expelled from his teacher by his teacher.

If these two people can really take their place, the teacher would not care about it.

Hongyun looked at the two with a smile, and said: "That said, but how do you wait to deal with the Western Two Saints?"

Hearing this, Tang Sanzang and Jizo Bodhisattva stepped forward together, bowed to the red cloud, and said respectfully: "Please also ask the saint to teach me..."

When the voice fell, the two raised their heads again, looking at Hongyun with sincere expressions.


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