I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 805: On Buddhism

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the crowd was increasing, and he immediately waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, I won't tell you any more, I'm going up the mountain to see the son of Yuanwai and the monk in the temple discussing the Tao."

When the voice fell, Liu Yanchang and Yang Chan were left behind and left with the great drift.

After the old head of Li was gone, Liu Yanchang's strange color on Liu Yanchang's face had not faded. He turned to look at Yang Chan beside him, and said, "Lady, how about going up the mountain as well as me?"

Yang Chan worried about the agarwood in the family, shook his head and said, "I'll dig wild vegetables and go home soon. I can't leave agarwood alone at home."

Liu Yanchang smiled and said: "Just climb the mountain and have a look. It won't be long before the lady can rest assured."

Yang Chan couldn't help Liu Yanchang, so he could only carry a basket and climb the mountain with Liu Yanchang.

There is only one temple on this mountain, named Qingchan Temple.

Although the temple is small, there are many pilgrims. Over the years, more and more monks have flowed into the East, which has given a ray of vitality to the declining Buddhism.

The abbot of this Qingchan Temple is a well-known master, not only the profound Dharma, but also the ability to reduce demons and eliminate demons.

Loved by the people.

Therefore, most people at the bottom of the mountain believe in Buddhism, especially the benevolent Zhang Yuan, and even invited a Buddha statue at home to worship it day and night.

Later, it was even rumored that it was precisely because Zhang Yuanwai had a Buddha statue in his home that he could be old enough to have a child.

His son is named Zhang Yanji, and now he is only a seven or eight year old boy.

But it is rumored that this rigorous and proficient in Buddhism since childhood, the Buddha's light flashed in the room when he was born, and he held a piece of blood jade in his hand with the word Xuanzang engraved on it.

The name of the holy monk who went to the west to learn the scriptures was the same.

Once Zhang Yuanwai had hired a master for him, but the child seemed to be born with him, and within two years the father and son could no longer teach anything.

On the contrary, Zhang Yanjin became interested in the Buddhist scriptures. He collected Buddhist scriptures around to understand and improve the Buddhist principles.

It became the reincarnated living Buddha well-known in the town.

At first, other temple abbots from other places came to him and wanted to accept him as a disciple, but after discussing with him, they talked about evil spirits and left the Zhang family.

Since then, no monastery abbot has come to accept strict disciples.

It even advertises that the reincarnated living Buddha is a fake, a traitor to Buddhism, and that all the Dharma practiced by him is the method of demons.

In this way, Zhang Yanjing not only failed to converge, but became famous.

Now I take this opportunity to go to Qingchan Temple to ask the Buddha.

A group of people went up the mountain mightily and came to the outside of the Qingchan Temple. They saw that the gate of the temple was closed tightly. In front of the crowd was a small bald head of seven or eight years old, dressed in Chinese clothes, with prayer beads on his hands, and his eyes Full of wisdom.

Zhang Yanjin stepped forward and knocked on the door of the temple, and heard the voice of the little novice monk from the door: "Today the Qingchan Temple is closed, and all the donors are invited to come back another day."

As soon as this statement was made, there was a burst of laughter among the crowd.

"What about closing the temple? I think the Qingchan Temple is afraid of Zhang Gongzi. Zhang Gongzi and dozens of temple abbots talked about the Tao without losing the wind. The wise name spreads. This Qingchan Temple must be afraid..."

"Yes, yes, if the Qingchan Temple is not afraid of closing any temples, it will wait until today."

"This group of old bald donkeys know how to collect incense money all day long. How come they turn into turtles when they encounter problems."

The crowd laughed constantly, and Zhang Yanjing was expressionless. He knocked on the door of the temple again and said, "The little monk is here only to discuss the Dharma without malicious intent. Please also ask the two little masters for your convenience."

When the voice fell, there was a murmur inside the door, and then there was no more movement.

Behind the crowd, Liu Yanchang looked at the closed gate of the Qingchan Temple with a calm expression. He did not expect that this far-famous Qingchan Temple would be afraid of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Yang Chan also sneered: "These monks have always been bullying and fearing hardship. They only know how to use conspiracies and tricks behind their backs. Husband, I'll dig some wild vegetables first, and go home quickly..."

Liu Yanchang sighed, secretly said a pity, and then wanted to turn around and leave.

But before he turned around, he heard a "squeak" movement behind him, and the originally closed gate of the Qingchan Temple slowly opened, and an old monk in a robe walked out of it.

It is Master Xuankong, the master of this Qingchan Temple.

Xuan Kong came to the door, looked at the turbulent group of people in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and then rushed to Zhang before him and said carefully: "Benefactor Xiao Zhang, why are you here?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Yanji's immature face, and he said, "The little monk is here today just to discuss the Dharma with the master, and there is no other reason."

Hearing this, Xuan Kong shook his head slightly and said, "Your Dharma is not for Buddha. The little benefactor has already fallen into the evil way of evil, and the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the back is the shore."

Hearing what Xuankong said, Zhang rigorously shook his head and said, "Buddha says that all beings are equal. The Dharma you practice is a Buddha. Why is the Dharma I practiced is not a Buddha? Could it be that this Buddha is also divided into six or nine grades?"

Xuan Kong folded his hands together and looked up at the sky: "I, Buddha, is compassionate, and all beings are suffering. Only before the Buddha is all beings equal. Without my Buddha, how can all beings be equal?"

Zhang Yanjin sneered: "What a fake Buddha, saying that all beings are equal, but treating all beings like ants."

Xuan Kong said: "The Buddha said that all beings are equal, that is, all beings are equal."

Zhang Yanjin pointed to a Buddha statue facing the temple gate and said: "Since all beings are said to be equal, why is this Buddha like a clay sculpture of a mortal womb, and the two Buddhas are statues of golden body?"

Xuan Kong was taken aback, and then slowly shook his head and said: "Little donor, you are now in sight. Whether it is a clay sculpture of a human body or a golden body, it is my Buddha."

Zhang Yanjing said again: "In that case, let me ask you. There are several children running on the official road. There is a child washing clothes in the roadside house. It just happens that the carriage is out of control. The only choice is between the two. Who will the master choose?"

Xuankong frowned and remained silent for a long time.

The rest of the people who heard this were also thinking about it.

Driving on official roads and houses are private. In terms of reason, you should continue to control the carriage, but in terms of circumstances, it is more than one...

It is indeed difficult to choose.

Liu Yanchang behind the crowd laughed and said, "Naturally, he manipulated the carriage into the private house to minimize the loss of life."

Yang Chan frowned and said, "But what's wrong with the child who washes the laundry at home? Why should he be responsible for the cause and effect of others?"

Yang Chan's voice was clear and cold, and it spread to the crowd in an instant. The crowd became quiet for an instant, and then each of them whispered: "Yes! What's wrong with that kid?"

Xuankong thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "The carriage hit the house yard, and one person is used for multiple people!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yanjin suddenly sneered: "It really is a fake Buddha."

The voice fell, and the big sleeve flicked and left directly.

Xuan Kong's face was bright and white, and he suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, struggling to say, "Zhuzi! An dare to destroy my Buddha's heart."


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