I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 806: punish

The crowd around the audience saw Master Xuankong vomiting blood, their complexion immediately changed, and they scattered one by one.

Only two young novices ran out of the temple and helped Master Xuankong back into the temple.

After the crowd dispersed, only Liu Yanchang and Yang Chan stayed in place.

Liu Yanchang mumbled: "Who do you want to choose? Who is the right one to choose..."

Yang Chan shook his head and said, "No need to choose, if I am here, no one will be harmed."

When the voice fell, Yang Chan led Liu Yanchang to leave the temple and walked slowly in the direction of digging wild vegetables.

After this incident, Zhang Yanji became famous, and even attracted many believers. They gathered outside Zhang's mansion all day, wanting to take a look at this reincarnated living Buddha.

What is strange is that since that day, Zhang Yanjin hasn't taken a half step out of the palace.

I don't know how long it took, when Liu Chenxiang was one year old, Liu Yanchang prepared some utensils for him to grab lots.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone are all in the front, and the abacus farm tools are placed on both sides, so you can choose.

Liu Yanchang looked at Liu Chenxiang who stood up slowly with excitement. He was so excited that he mumbled: "The four treasures of the study, the four treasures of the study..."

While watching Liu Chenxiang walk tremblingly.

Yang Chan on the side was full of helplessness. In her opinion, the act of holding lots was useless, so how could it determine the future of the child?

When Liu Yanchang was excited, Yang Chan's complexion next to him suddenly changed, and then he raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he had penetrated the roof and saw through nothingness.

Among the clouds, Yang Jian was standing on the cloud head with a weapon in his hand. Under his feet, the Roaring Dog was lying on his side, looking down on the earth.

Yang Chan looked horrified and murmured: "Second brother, you still came to catch me..."

Beside him, Liu Yanchang said in hindsight: "Miss, what are you talking about? What second brother?"

Yang Chan shook his head with an ugly expression, and then told Liu Yanchang: "Husband, you stay in the house well, if we come back, I will take care of Agarwood in the future..."

When the voice fell, Yang Chan rushed out of the house and galloped away in the distance.

Yang Jian, who had been paying attention to this place, shook his head slightly, and then followed.

Yang Chan's cultivation is good, but compared with Yang Jian, it is a world difference, but in the blink of an eye, he was stopped by him.

Yang Jian looked at Yang Chan in front of him, dressed in ordinary clothes, just like a mortal woman, and slowly said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Yang Chan shook his head and said: "I'm right, what is wrong is the laws and regulations of the sky, which are not human..."

Yang Jian coldly snorted: "You are a fairy, but not a human being. Why do you need to talk about favors?"

Yang Chan shook his head, looked at the second brother who hadn't seen him for a long time, and smiled bitterly: "Second brother is the **** of law enforcement in the heavens, is this the lower realm here to capture my sister?"

Yang Jian nodded and said: "The Jade Emperor has made an order to let me take you back to the Heavenly Court. I have given you ten days, one day in the sky, one year on the earth, you and the scholar have been together for ten years, so follow me back. Right!"

Yang Chan nodded, and then asked aloud: "If this is the case, can your second brother take action against my husband?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said, "No, you can rest assured, but after returning to the heaven, you will not worry about yourself?"

Yang Chan smiled and said, "I have been with my husband for ten years and gave birth to another son, so why worry."

When Yang Jian heard the words, an ugly look appeared on his face.

He couldn't figure out why the love in this world is so attractive that it can make people so desperate...

Although the Jade Emperor had made a decree, in addition to letting him bring Yang Chan back, he was asked to kill Liu Yanchang and Chenxiang.

He dragged on for ten years, how could the Jade Emperor not know.

But he couldn't do it.

After a while, Yang Jian took Yang Chan straight to the heaven. On the way, Yang Chan looked down at the direction of his home, and a smile appeared on his face.

However, at tea time, the two of them came to the heavenly court, above the high palace.

The Jade Emperor looked at the two people in front of him, his expression a little ugly.

He has something to monitor the Three Realms, and naturally knows that Yang Jian did not kill Liu Yanchang and Chenxiang.

This is his negligence as a law enforcement god.

However, because Yang Chan was Yang Jian's sister, he would not pursue it any more, and the other immortal officials would naturally not tell the matter without eyesight.

The Jade Emperor looked at Yang Chan standing above the hall, and said in a cold voice, "Are you convicted?"

Yang Chan shook his head and said, "I am not guilty!"

The Jade Emperor was furious and scolded: "Boldly, you violated the rules of heaven, combined with mortals in private, and dare to say that you are not guilty."

"Do you know that Xianfan does not marry?"

Seeing the Jade Emperor's anger, the other immortal officials shrank their necks, not daring to speak.

Yang Jian just stood beside Yang Chan with a weapon in his hand, and looked at the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother above him with cold eyes.

Beside him, Yang Chan nodded and said, "Naturally know."

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "Then why do you dare to know the law, break the law, and violate the rules of heaven, are you not afraid that I will cut you off your immortal status, fall into reincarnation, and endure the suffering of reincarnation?

Yang Chan heard this, with a look of determination on his face, and then said in a cold voice: "This heavenly rule is ruthless, why continue to obey it? Compared to cold-blooded immortals, it is better to fall into reincarnation and taste everything in the world."

"For you, falling into reincarnation is a miserable thing, but if you become an immortal, you should be ruthless, without any emotions, what is the difference between this immortal and a stone?"

Hearing what Yang Chan said, the Jade Emperor turned red with anger, and pointed at Yang Chan with trembling fingers: "Shut up, you shut up..."

Upon seeing this, the rest of the immortal officials lowered their heads deeper.

Just listen to the Jade Emperor continuing to say: "If you want to get married, you can choose among the celestial monarchs in this heavenly court. Why do you want to go down to the earth to choose a mortal?"

Yang Chan shook his head when he heard the words, and then said: "The two love each other!"

The Jade Emperor was furious and shouted coldly: "Come here, cut her off from the immortal, lay her down on the mortal world, and endure the suffering of the reincarnation of a hundred times. I want to see if your so-called life is good or not. "

When the voice fell, I saw immortal soldiers walking out on both sides and came to Yang Chan's side, but before they could start all hands, they were stopped by Yang Jian.

The Jade Emperor said angrily: "Yang Jian, do you want to violate the rules of heaven?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "The sins of the Three Mothers will not fall into reincarnation, and will endure the suffering of a hundred generations. Please change your punishment."

Beside the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother unexpectedly said, "Yes! Your Majesty, Sanniang is still young, so let's change another kind of punishment."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, his face was extremely ugly, but when he thought that Yang Jian was behind Penglai Immortal Island, he shook his head.

He opened his mouth and said: "If this is the case, then save her from the suffering of reincarnation, and suppress her under Huashan for 30,000 years as a punishment!"


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