I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 807: The disciple realized!

After hearing what the Jade Emperor said, Yang Jian frowned slightly. He wanted to speak again, but saw that the jade emperor's brows above were full of evil spirits. Then he sighed in his heart and took Yang Chan to leave the High Heaven Palace.

When the two left the High Heaven Hall, the Queen Mother said in a low voice: "Brother, we have inherited the love of the Red Cloud Saint of Penglai Fairy Island before, and now this Yang Jian is also a disciple of the Saint, we must be careful..."

Upon hearing the words, the Jade Emperor nodded slightly, and then sighed: "If this is the case, then we will be imprisoned for 30,000 years. After 30,000 years, we will talk about it again."

On the other side, Yang Jian took Yang Chan and galloped all the way to a large mountain in the mortal world.

Yang Jian looked at Yang Chan beside him, sighed slightly, and then said: "If you are willing to admit your mistakes in front of the Jade Emperor, I am sure to rescue you."

Yang Chan shook his head stubbornly, and said, "I'm right."

Then, she turned her eyes to look at the mountain below her, let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "Now my sister will be suppressed by this mountain for 30,000 years. As for my mortal husband and children, I hope my brother will take care of them. So that it will not be disturbed..."

When Yang Jian heard this, his brows wrinkled again. It was because of Liu Yanchang that he had to press Yang Chan under Huashan Mountain.

Now Yang Chan dare to ask him to take care of Liu Yanchang and his son...

Just as Yang Jian was about to speak, he suddenly saw a cloud floating in the distance, falling on Mount Hua. It was the fairy Baihua who came from Baihua Valley.

Originally, when Baihua Fairy heard that Yang Chan had been caught in the Heavenly Court, she wanted to enter the Heavenly Court to intercede for her.

Just before she came to the heaven, she was told by the gatekeeper that Yang Chan had now been sentenced to 30,000 years of suppression under Mount Hua.

Immediately turned around again and came to the mortal world, rushing towards Huashan.

Happened to arrive at this moment.

Fairy Baihua glanced at Yang Jian, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and then hurriedly came to Yang Chan's side, and said with a worried expression: "Sister, why don't you admit a mistake before your Majesty?"

Yang Chan shook his head and said: "Thank you sister for coming to see me, but I, Yang Chan, is not wrong. How can I admit my mistake? Even if the suppression of Huashan for 30,000 years, I am still right!"

Baihua Fairy sighed when he heard the words.

Their sisters have been together for thousands of years, how can they not know the temper of their sister.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, he said, "In that case, I will move Baihua Immortal Valley to Huashan and stay with you for 30,000 years!"

Yang Chan shook his head quickly, then looked at the second brother next to him calmly, and whispered: "No need to do this, if you come to Huashan, I am afraid you will be involved in you. You will help me during this period of time. Just take care of your second brother."

Hearing what Yang Chan said, Fairy Baihua was blushing and groaned: "What are you talking nonsense..."

Beside him, Yang Jian frowned slightly, looked at Yang Chan in front of him, and slowly said: "Don't worry, I will place the grass head **** here, no one dares to disturb you for cleaning!"

When Yang Chan heard the words, he gave his second brother a white look, and then slowly said: "Then ask your second brother to do it!"

Yang Jian nodded, and then directly split Huashan with a sword in his hand, where the cave sky appeared, Yang Chan walked into it slowly, and Huashan closed again.

Fairy Baihua had a sad face, looked at the already tightly connected Huashan, sighed, and then wanted to leave.

Just listen to Yang Jian suddenly say: "Fairy Baihua wait a minute..."

Fairy Baihua was taken aback when he heard the words, then turned to look at Yang Jian, a look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

Just listen to Yang Jian speak slowly: "If Fairy Baihua has nothing to do, you can take care of Liu Yanchang on weekdays."

Fairy Baihua was stunned, and then nodded blankly. When she came back to her senses, Yang Jian had completely disappeared.


At this moment, Penglai Fairy Island, inside the main hall, a water mirror appeared in it.

Above the water mirror, there are bits and pieces that happened in Tianting and Huashan. After seeing Yang Jian leaving, Daji and Ao Xue on the side of the water mirror couldn't help sighing.

Daji even more angrily said: "How did the master accept such a stupid disciple?"

Upon hearing this, Ao Xue nodded in agreement.

On the contrary, Kong Xuan on the side looked as usual, and didn't seem to know why the two were angry.

After a long time, Hong Yun walked over, looked at Kong Xuan and others in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and then said: "Open the island protection formation, someone is coming..."

After hearing this, Kong Xuan quickly walked out of the main hall, opened the large formation protecting the island, and hovered above the sea, but in a moment, he saw Yang Jian galloping all the way.

Yang Jian looked at Kong Xuan in front of him, slightly taken aback.

My teacher seems to have known that he will come?

The two returned all the way to the Penglai Fairy Island, and when they came to the main hall, Yang Jian suddenly knelt down and said: "Please also ask the teacher to take action, save my sister..."

Hong Yun looked at Yang Jian, who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, and said: "Yang Chan has violated Tian Tiao, do you know?"

Yang Jian nodded. As the heavenly law enforcement god, how could he not know, otherwise he would not come to Penglai Xiandao to ask the teacher for help.

On the side of the hall, Daji looked at Yang Jian's snarling sky dog ​​obediently squatting there, her eyes lighted up, and then her little hand moved gently.

I saw the Snarling Sky Dog walking towards Daji involuntarily, and his eyes were full of horror.

The last time I came to Penglai Fairy Island, in Da Ji's hands only a quarter of an hour, the snarling dog's head was full of pigtails, and there was no power.

Afterwards, Daji even placed a fairy plant stamen on her dog's head.

Although he was full of immortality and made him a lot more diligent in his cultivation, he was laughed at by those grass head gods for a long time after returning.

Thinking of this, the Snarling Sky Dog was about to call his owner to save him, and he noticed a mana entangled in the dog's mouth.

Then he fell into the hands of Daji, who was full of horror.

Yang Jian knelt on the ground, his mouth twitching.

He secretly said in his heart: "This is also for the good of the snarling dog. After he went back last time, his cultivation level has improved a lot. This time he should be able to get a lot of benefits..."

Seeing the red cloud, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

It has been thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, but his disposition has always been like a child, which is really a pity...

Yang Jian said at the same time: "Teacher Qizhen, although Yang Chan has violated Tian Tiao, in the final analysis, there are many improprieties in Tian Tiao..."

Before Yang Jian finished speaking, he heard Hongyun smile and said, "Since there are many improprieties in this heavenly rule, then you have to correct the improprieties!"

When Yang Jian heard the words, his face was taken aback, then he thought about what Hongyun said in his heart.

After a long time, Yang Jian returned to his senses, his eyes filled with spirits.

Then he raised his head to look at the red cloud above, and slowly said, "Thank you, teacher, I understand!"


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