I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 808: Tian Ting Anti-Bone Boy?

Listening to Yang Jian's vocal words, Kong Xuan and others couldn't help being taken aback.

Is this enlightened?

What did he realize? Why can't they see...

Is it possible that my master let Yang Jian return to the heavens and persuade the Jade Emperor to change this rule?

Suddenly, Daji on the side suddenly let go of her hand, and saw the Roaring Sky Dog crawling to Yang Jian's side.

On his head is also wearing two small red flowers, full of fairy spirit.

The dog's head is covered with black pigtails.

It's hard to imagine how Daji can pigtail such short dog hair.

Looking at the aggrieved snarling dog, Yang Jian sighed, then touched the dog's head of the snarling dog, and said softly, "Thank you..."

There was a whimper from the snarling dog.

Yang Jian looked up at the red cloud above, and said respectfully, "Master, I will leave now. I will definitely not disappoint the master!"

When the voice fell, Hong Yun nodded slightly, and Yang Jian carried the Roaring Celestial Dog and left directly.

In the hall, Daji suddenly said: "Master, what did he realize?"

At this time, Kong on the side swore an oath and said: "Master asked him to change this heavenly rule before, so he must be sent to the heavenly court to force the Jade Emperor to change the heavenly rule..."

Ao Xue was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded in agreement.

She was exactly the same as Kong Xuan thought, the master's previous intention should be to let Yang Jian hit the heavenly court and modify the heavenly rule.

In this way, not only can Yang Chan be saved, but also this inhumane laws and regulations can be completely changed.

Daji also suddenly realized from the side: "So it's so, no wonder Yang Jian said he realized..."

Hong Yun looked at Kong Xuan and the others with a look of astonishment, and then a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

What he said before is probably not what he meant!

Why did it turn into their ears that he had instructed Yang Jian to conspire against the heavens and tamper with the heavens...

This... group of people are really geniuses!

Hongyun shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Enough, you don't want to talk nonsense here."

Everyone in the field was taken aback, turned their heads to look at Hongyun, and said in confusion: "Doesn't the master mean that?"

Hong Yun gave a light cough and said, "Naturally not."

Afterwards, he waved his hand helplessly and let everyone go, leaving him alone on the hall.

It suddenly occurred to my mind that if this Yang Jian really hit the heaven, then the little Nezha, who is known as the No. 1 anti-skeleton boy in the heaven, would consider the friendship of the same family and join hands to fight the heaven.

And the Monkey King who doesn’t know each other...

This thing seems to be getting messy.

Hongyun frowned slightly, then sighed deeply, and then disappeared into the hall.


At this moment, Yang Jian, who had left Penglai Fairy Island, had returned to the Temple of Zhenjun Erlang, Guanjiangkou with the Snarling Dog.

It was really a good choice to go to Penglai Xiandao to meet the teacher. If the teacher hadn’t mentioned something, I’m afraid I still don’t understand how to do it.

Yang Jian looked up at the golden body in his temple, then sighed deeply, then looked at the snarling dog beside his feet.

I saw the snarling dog trembling all over, shaking the pigtails on the dog's head completely, and he gnawed down the two flowers directly and ate them into his belly.

Then a warm current flowed through the body, making it a lot more mana.

Yang Jian said enviously: "These days, people are really inferior to dogs!"

Roaring Sky Dog looked up at his owner in confusion, then called twice before directly refining the pure mana in his body.

Yang Jian sighed, then set up a circle beside the Roaring Sky Dog, and then headed towards a certain place in the mortal world.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Jian came to the sky over a small town, looking down, and saw a child running around on the road in the mortal town.

Behind him, countless fruits and vegetables flew in, and at the same time came waves of congratulations.

"Well, you little bastard, you know all day long to pretend to be a fool, not to study well, if it's not because your father is a husband, I must interrupt your three legs..."

"How can Liu Chenxiang differ so much from his father? He doesn't seem to be his own at all."

"Perhaps it is because there is a father and no mother to teach! Haha..."


It seems that after hearing the last sentence, Liu Chenxiang stopped abruptly and looked back.

I saw the famous second-liu son in the town who just spoke.

That's a hooligan!

All day long, I only know how to bully the weak, and I don't have a serious job. I know that I'm hanging around in the street, taking some from the east and some from the west, and whistling when I see beautiful girls.

Had it not been for the kindness of the people in the town, I'm afraid he would have been squabbling him.

Liu Chenxiang cursed secretly in her heart, and then quietly got into an alley. This was the only way for the rogue.

I don't know how long I waited, and the street begins to fall silent.

Then a figure slowly walked in from the entrance of the alley, it was the gangster who had scolded Liu Chenxiang before "has a father and no mother."

As soon as he walked deep into the alley, he was put on his head by a bamboo basket, and then he felt pain from his chest and back.

The stick was added, and the gangster suddenly cried and cried.

After hitting the hook, Liu Chenxiang took a bite, and then ran away quickly.

After a long time, the hooligan who fell on the ground gradually recovered, and then chased after Liu Chenxiang where he ran away.

Leaving the alley, caught one person and asked, "Who just ran out of this alley?"

The man panicked and said, "It's Liu Chenxiang from Master Liu's house."

Wang Mazi took a sip, and then said viciously: "If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple, Liu Chenxiang, I can't kill you, so I won't be called Wang Mazi..."

When the voice fell, he went to his place, summoned his little brothers, and walked towards the town academy together.

When Wang Mazi went to call someone, someone looked straight up, and after inquiring, ran to the academy and informed Chen Xiang.

Liu Chenxiang's expression changed when he heard the words, and before he had time to react, he heard a sound of harmony coming from outside.

When he ran out, it was Wang Mazi who was leading his group towards the academy.

All of them held sticks in his hands.

Wang Mazi seemed to have seen Chenxiang too, and immediately scolded, "Liu Chenxiang, don't run."

He immediately greeted him and chased after him.

Liu Chenxiang's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly ran outside, rushing back and forth in the alleys of the town, and finally he was blocked in a dead end by Wang Mazi.

Wang Mazi sneered, and walked over with a stick, and said with a grin: "You run! You can run to show him..."

Liu Chenxiang laughed, and then slammed into the wall in front of him.

Wang Mazi's face changed, he just wanted to teach this **** who didn't know good or bad, but he didn't want to kill anyone!

But the next moment, I saw Liu Chenxiang only left half of his body on the wall, and the other half passed through.

Wang Mazi suddenly burst into death, screaming: "Youkai, this..., Liu Chenxiang is a monster!"


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