I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 809: Even if it is an enemy of heaven and earth, why not?

Looking at Liu Chenxiang, who was halfway into the wall in front of him, Wang Mazi's soul burst into death, and his whole body was paralyzed on the ground.

Muttering: "Liu Chenxiang is a monster,,, Liu Chenxiang is a monster."

On his side, all the gangsters who came with him, all the sticks in their hands fell to the ground at this moment, looking forward with an expression of disbelief.

Liu Chenxiang was also sweating coldly.

He tried to cross the wall before, and it went smoothly every time. Why was he stuck in the wall halfway this time.

Listening to the shouts of Wang Mazi and others behind the wall, Liu Chenxiang struggled anxiously to get out of the wall, but no matter how he moved, he couldn't get in.

Among the clouds, Yang Jian, who looked down at the earth, looked at Liu Chenxiang's embarrassed appearance, and there was a look of helplessness on his face.

Then directly dropped the head of the cloud, used means to erase Wang Mazi and others' amnestics, and then threw them out of the alley.

When he came to Liu Chenxiang, he raised his hand and pulled him out of the wall.

Liu Chenxiang looked at the young man wearing black clothes in front of him, holding a shaking fan, and quickly said, "Thank you, uncle, and thank you. If it weren't for uncle, I'm afraid I would really be thrown into the river as a monster."

The myths and legends of monsters eating people are still circulating in the mortal world these days, and there are also some sounds of encountering monsters from time to time everywhere.

Therefore, the people in the town stay away from things like monsters.

If you really run into it, you must find a way to get rid of the monsters. If they can't, they will go to those temples and Taoist temples to ask the master to come.

Yang Jian looked at Liu Chenxiang in front of him. He was now the height of his shoulder, and he nodded slightly: "Why are you stuck in the wall?"

Liu Chenxiang heard this, with a look of anger, and then said: "That Wang Mazi deceived people too much, so I took a chance to beat him up. I didn't expect to be blocked in this small alley by him. I thought about it before. I've walked through the wall, but I didn't expect to be stuck here this time..."

When Yang Jian heard the words, a smile appeared on his face. This child was almost the same as he was back then.

He spoke softly: "If it is common insults, I shouldn't find someone to stop you!"

Liu Chenxiang looked angrily: "This Wang Mazi scolded me for having a father or mother. I must teach him a lesson. No one can say my mother..."

Hearing this, a coldness flashed in Yang Jian's eyes, who had originally looked kind.

As a result, the surrounding temperature has dropped a lot.

Liu Chenxiang couldn't help but shudder, and then looked at the person in front of him. For some reason, he always felt that this person was a bit familiar, and he had a natural sense of closeness to him.

He shuddered, and then smiled: "Uncle helped me a lot today, so why don't you go to my house? My house is not far away and opened a private school. My father is a scholar!"

Speaking of this, a touch of color appeared on Liu Chenxiang's face. There are not many scholars with fame these years.

If it weren't for his father to wait for his mother here, he would have already gone to Beijing to rush for the exam and won the top prize.

In addition, Liu Yanchang set up a private school during this period to teach children enlightenment and the Four Books and Five Classics, so he is very respected in the town.

Hearing what Liu Chenxiang said, Yang Jian couldn't help but snorted, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will walk with you to see how your house is."

Liu Chenxiang heard the words and led the way with a look of excitement.

The hand that Yang Jian just pulled it out of the wall didn't look like a mortal.

He had long wanted to learn the fairy law, and then succeeded, and went to her mother.

Now that it's hard to run into one, how could it be easy to let it go.

Not long after, Liu Chenxiang took Yang Jian to the private school at home. There was no class today. Liu Yanchang went out to meet friends, but in a moment he returned home with dishes.

After seeing Yang Jian, he couldn't help but froze, and then asked aloud: "Agarwood, who is this?"

Liu Chenxiang also looked at Yang Jian and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, what is your name?"

Yang Jian frowned slightly, and then said: "Everyone calls me Yang Erlang."

"Yang Erlang?" Liu Yanchang pondered carefully, and then smiled: "It's a coincidence that my wife is the third child in the family. She said that her family calls her the third sister. It's a pity..."

At the end, Liu Yanchang's eyebrows were full of sorrow, and then he handed the dishes in his hand to Chenxiang and let it be placed on the table.

Just listen to Liu Yanchang opening his mouth and say: "This brother, seeing each other today is fate, why stay and eat together?"

When Yang Jian first heard Liu Yanchang talk about his third sister, his face was still a little innocent, but now he hummed coldly, then nodded and said, "Okay."

He wanted to see, what is the charm of this scholar? It's a violation of the rules of heaven to attract her third sister.

Just listened to Liu Chenxiang set the dishes, and then said excitedly: "Father, I went through the wall again today, but I was half stuck in the wall. Fortunately, the uncle saved me..."

When Liu Yanchang heard the words, his expression changed immediately, and he scolded angrily: "What nonsense is nonsense, I don't speak any strange things, so I'm so nonsense!"

Liu Chenxiang was taken aback, and then sat there obediently and stopped speaking.

Liu Yanchang hurriedly said with a smile: "This Xiongtai, children are nonsense, don't take it to heart."

Yang Jian said coldly: "What he said is true, he is indeed stuck in the wall, and I can see that he is not an extraordinary person!"

Liu Yanchang's expression changed, and he quickly explained: "Perhaps Xiongtai has read the wrong thing..."

Before he finished his words, he saw Yang Jian raising his hand and gently pointing his finger. The wine glass in front of Liu Yanchang rose out of thin air and then burst directly.

The drink spilled on Liu Yanchang's face, making him stunned.

Liu Chenxiang looked surprised, and secretly said in his heart: "You really are a god!"

Then he hurriedly bowed to the ground and said: "Please also ask the fairy to teach me the fairy method, I am going to find my mother..."

Liu Yanchang came back to his senses and quickly pulled agarwood up, then pointed at Yang Jian and said, "You go out, my house does not welcome you!"

Yang Jian took a sip of the wine glass in front of him, and then said: "Do you know that your wife is a heavenly emperor, and she has violated the heavens in order to be with you, and now she has been suppressed under the mountain for 30,000 years."

Liu Chenxiang was stunned when he heard the words.

Beside him, Liu Yanchang did the same, and then a look of sadness appeared in his eyes.

How could he fail to see the peculiarities that Chenxiang had shown over the years, although he had already guessed it, but now it has been confirmed, and he immediately slumped in place.

Seeing Liu Yanchang acting like this, Yang Jian snorted and looked down on him more and more in his heart.

Liu Chenxiang hurriedly stepped forward, knelt directly in front of Yang Jian, and repeatedly said: "Please also ask the fairy to teach me the fairy method, I am going to save my mother!"

When Yang Jian heard the words, there was a touch of coldness on his face, and he said: "You know that this Tianan is set by the Jade Emperor. If you want to save your mother, you must be an enemy of Heaven."

Liu Chenxiang hurriedly said: "Don't talk about using Heaven as an enemy, I can really save my mother, even if it is an enemy with Heaven and Earth, what's the matter?"


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