I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 810: The world is complete

After hearing what Chenxiang said, Yang Jian couldn't help but was stunned.

Not only him, but also Liu Yanchang beside him, his eyes are full of blankness.

His wife has disappeared for several years, but all he can do is wait in this town. Now that he hears the news of his wife, he is still indifferent, even worse than a child.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanchang couldn't help but sighed, then turned his head.

In his opinion, the two of them, father and son, are mortals, how can they fight the heavens.

Chen Xiang raised her head and looked at Yang Jian sincerely, and said, "Please also ask the fairy to teach me the fairy method, I'm going to save my mother!"

Yang Jian was silent for a moment, then raised his hand and lightly touched Chenxiang's forehead.

A magic formula shot out from his fingertips and was engraved in Chenxiang's mind.

This is the eight or nine profound arts bestowed by his teacher back then!

This type of exercise is most suitable for humans and gods. It was originally created by a demigod, but now it is reasonable to give Chenxiang.

Feeling the method in her mind, Chen Xiang hurriedly kowtowed at the person in front of her: "Thank you teacher, thank you teacher!"

Yang Jian frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, "I am not your teacher, remember this."

Chen Xiang was taken aback for a while, just as he raised his head to say something more, he saw Yang Jian in front of him had long since disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

Beside him, Liu Yanchang also looked at the court with a dull expression.

After a long time, Chen Xiang nodded slightly, and secretly said in her heart: "Teacher, I will definitely not live up to your expectations, and I will rescue my mother!"


At this moment, in the clouds over the entire town.

Yang Jian returned to the appearance of a law-enforcement god, bowed his head and looked down at the small town below. After a long time, he sighed slightly.

Then he said: "Come out!"

When the voice fell, I saw a figure suddenly walking out, it was Fairy Baihua.

Fairy Baihua came to the front, looked at Yang Jian with some complicated eyes, and said, "I thought you would not come..."

Yang Jian shook his head slightly: "But I'm here anyway."

The two of them were silent for a moment, and then they heard Fairy Baihua speak: "Why do you want to teach that child the cultivation method, so that he can live his life peacefully, isn't it?"

Yang Jian smiled lightly and said, "As long as the rules of the sky remain unchanged, then the two of them will not be able to live in peace for a day. How can they talk about spending their lives in peace."

Fairy Baihua frowned slightly: "He is still only a child, and he is not of pure immortal blood. How can he change the sky."

Yang Jian laughed and said: "I never expected him to change the sky..."

Fairy Baihua was stunned when he heard the words, and then said with some suspicion: "Don't let him? Who did that let..."

When the voice fell, I heard Yang Jian speak: "Thanks to the fairy for taking care of them, father and son, during this period of time, Yang Jian has something to do, so I won't stay anymore!"

After speaking, Yang Jian left here, leaving only the fairy Baihua who was secretly angry.

After Yang Jian left, he came to Penglai Fairy Island again.

Hong Yun looked at Yang Jian who was waiting in the hall, feeling a little strange.

My disciple, shouldn't he really misunderstood his thoughts!

Don’t you really want to go to heaven!

No way? No way!

He wouldn't really think that with his own power, he could change the rules of the sky!

Hong Yun asked softly, "What's the matter for coming here today?"

Beside him, Da Ji looked curiously at Yang Jian left and right, and after seeing the Roaring Sky Dog and the future, a look of regret appeared on her face.

Kong Xuan and Ao Xue looked at Yang Jian expectantly.

Just listen to Yang Jian raising his head and saying: "The disciple is here to ask the teacher for a treasure..."

Hong Yun asked in doubt: "What treasure is it?"

Yang Jian confidently said, "It is the Baolian Lantern mentioned by the teacher that day!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help being taken aback, and then looked at Yang Jian with a weird look.

It seems that this kid is really going to go to heaven!

Hongyun was silent for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

That's it!

If he wants to attack the Heavenly Court, then fight! Anyway, all the teachers are backed up, but they can't get over any big storms.

Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly clicked, and appeared in front of him. A magic weapon that looked like a jade lantern was the Baolian lantern that Yang Jian said.

This Baolian lamp can wash away all the dirt in the world, as for all the wounds in the world, it can also stimulate the potential of humans and gods, and protect their masters. It is a rare treasure.

With Hong Yun lightly clicking, the Baolian lantern fell in front of Yang Jian.

Looking at the Baolian Lantern in front of him, Yang Jian showed a smile on his face. With this baby, he can boldly let go of what he thought before.

Putting the Baolian Lantern in front of him, Yang Jian saluted Hongyun before he said: "Tui'er will definitely live up to the teacher's expectations!"

When the voice fell, he turned and left Penglai Xiandao.

After Yang Jian left, Da Ji said with a puzzled look: "What is the master in his heart? Why do I always feel that Yang Jian is a little weird..."

Upon hearing this, Kong Xuan and Ao Xue nodded together.

They haven't felt it before, but now they feel that Yang Jian is indeed weird.

Could it be that he thought that with a magic weapon, he could overthrow the heaven and modify the rule of heaven?

If this is the case, he would be too naive to think.

Afterwards, the three of them turned their heads to look at Hongyun.

Seeing this, Hongyun waved his hand helplessly, and then said: "I don't know what he thinks..."

The three of them were disappointed.

Suddenly, Hong Yun's figure completely disappeared in the main hall, and saw the three of them stunned.

When the red cloud appeared again, he had already arrived in the Promise World.

Feeling the avenues and laws gradually consummating around, and the core of the world that has been completely restored, a shocking look appeared on the surface of the red cloud.

Just now, his body's cultivation base suddenly improved a lot, as if it was caused by the consummation of the world.

That's why he came directly to this world to check, and he did not expect this world to give him such a big surprise.

Originally, according to his plan, it would take tens of thousands of years for this world to reach its complete completion, but he did not expect to advance rapidly.

At this moment, the incarnation of the will of Heaven appeared beside Hong Yun, and said blankly: "Now the world is almost complete. If nothing happens, this world has reached the mid-thousand world level as soon as it was born. There must be a lot of wanderers that have been attracted. According to the level of gods in this world today, that is, the saints in your mouth, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive this calamity."

After listening to the will of Dao Tian Dao, a contemplative color appeared on the surface of the red cloud.

You should know that the level of saints in this world today is all he has collected from the outside world, plus the new gods born over the years.

Now, in the words of the will of Heaven, he can't survive the calamity of the formation of the world.

Then he needs to add some more saint levels!


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