I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 811: ready

After returning to Penglai Fairy Island, Hong Yun's eyes flashed with thought.

According to today's Promise World, the number of sage levels in it can't support the world through a complete disaster.

Although he has never seen the world cross the consummation catastrophe, he has seen the tragedy when the world ends.

Hundreds of millions of lives will die tragically between the world and the earth.

And if the Promise World is unable to cope with the world's consummation, it will not only be the Promise World that will be damaged by that time.

The connection between him and the Promise World has long been inseparable.

If the world is ruined, as the master of this world, he will fall completely, and even the possibility of the true spirit escapes.

Therefore, he must add some saint-level combat power to the Promise World to survive the world consummation.

At this thought, Hong Yun thought in his heart who would enter the world of Promise, be familiar with the rules, and then be consummated and become a saint.

After a while, he had a candidate in his heart. Apart from his disciples, Kong Xuan and Ao Xue, who had been with him the longest time, were also the best choice.

After sending these people to the Promise World, at least a few disciples under his staff are available, and he can at least arrange the heavenly affairs properly.

Then send it into the Promise World to help it become holy.

Thinking of this, he called Kong Xuan, Ao Xue and others in front of him. Looking at the three people in front of him, Hong Yun nodded slightly, and then said: "You have been at the Quasi-Saint level for a long time. Further grasp?"

Kong Xuan, Ao Xue and others looked at each other, and then shook their heads one after another: "I'm not sure!"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "In that case, I will send you to the world to become a holy!"

Kong Xuan and the others showed a touch of joy when they heard the words. What was promised by the master, is now finally going to be promised?

When the three of them were excited, they saw him wave their hands slightly, and the three of them disappeared in the hall instantly, together with the red cloud.

The four of them came to the sky above the world of Promise, Tian Dao's will appeared in front of him, looked at the three people beside Hong Yun, and nodded slightly: "These three have average aptitude, but they can also be sanctified!"

"In addition to the silly mosquito-path man before, it can also increase combat power a bit."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "In your opinion, is there still a chance of winning?"

The incarnation of Tiandao Will carefully thought about it, and then nodded and said: "If they wait for them to become holy, this world still has a three-point chance of winning."

On their side, the three of them were all at a loss when they heard their master talking with the will of Heaven.

Hearing this, Hong Yun shook his head slightly: "The odds of winning by 30% are too low. Now it seems that we need to find a few more talents!"

The incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded slightly, and then said: "This matter is not in a hurry. As far as I am concerned, I can delay the completion of this world. After I have enough certainty, I can make it complete, but I can't delay it too long. time!"

Hearing this, Hongyun nodded in agreement, and then said: "If this is the case, then they will leave it to you."

The incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded when he heard the words, and then sent it to the temple to seriously understand the laws of this world.

And Hong Yun returned to Penglai Fairy Island in exchange for the two children of gold and silver. The cultivation of these two is weaker than that of Kong Xuan and others, and can reach the level of quasi-sage.

But back then, Hong Yun used the power of magical powers to enlighten these two people. After all, the roots and feet of the two were set. It would be difficult to become holy in this world.

It is also possible to send these two people into the Promise World.

At this thought, Hong Yun asked aloud: "Will you two be holy?"

Jin Er Yiner heard the words, her eyes showed ecstasy, and she nodded quickly and said: "I am willing to wait, I am willing to wait..."

Hong Yun said meaningfully: "With your current cultivation base, you can achieve longevity, but if you want to pursue the holy road, the road ahead is very difficult, and even in danger of falling, are you sure you are willing?"

Jin Er Yin'er nodded again and again without hesitation: "I am willing to wait, and please master it!"

When Hongyun heard the words, he laughed and said, "If that's the case, then I will send you to wait..."

When the voice fell, I saw him raise his hand with a wave, Jin Er Yiner instantly disappeared in the Penglai Immortal Island, and when he appeared, he had already entered the Promise World.

Within the Promise World.

The incarnation of Tiandao Will looked at Jiner Yiner in front of him, with a touch of joy on his face.

Although the two of them are still a little behind, in this world, they can barely become holy.

Once the combat power of the two saints was added again, that direct grasp had increased to four points.

Great good!

After the Jiner Yiner was sent away, only Hongyun was left in Penglai Xiandao.

After thinking about it for a moment, Hong Yun transmitted the sound of the six-eared macaque and the gibbons back to Penglai Xian Island for driving.

As for the **** cow, now that he has married a wife and had children, let him spend his life safely.

There are not many people in the Penglai Xiandao line, and now most of them are recalled to Penglai Xiandao, and the many saints who have been observing Penglai Xiandao are surprised.

They didn't know what Hong Yun was thinking about right now, they were all afraid that Hong Yun would ruin their plan.

Some people even secretly deduced secrets to explore the mysterious.

All of these were naturally seen by Hongyun.

However, Hong Yun didn't respond. After returning the six-eared macaque and the gibbons back to the island, they each gave them opportunities to practice.

Tongbei Monkey is a disciple of Kong Xuan, including several of his brothers, who are all practicing in Penglai Xiandao.

Although the cultivation base of the six-eared macaque was not as good as Kong Xuan Aoxue and others, it was considered good now, and he was sent into the Promise World by Hongyun.

Let them familiarize themselves with the laws of the world in advance, and strive to make further progress as soon as possible.

As for the other disciples, there are still some things that have not been completed here, so don't be too anxious to send them into the Promise World.

At this moment, after Ao Xue, who was in charge of the four o'clock in the heavenly court, left, this fairy official position was handed over to a junior in his clan.

Above the High Peak Palace, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They couldn't figure out what the Red Cloud Saint wanted to do.

Is it possible that it has something to do with Yang Jian?

But they have relaxed the conditions for the Three Madonnas, only suppressing it for 30,000 years.

For the fairy, it was just a long sleep.

It should not provoke Hongyun Saint.

After thinking about it, neither of them thought about the reason, and then stopped thinking about it.

On the contrary, in the temple of Zhenjun Erlang, Guanjiangkou, Yang Jian looked at the direction of Penglai Fairy Island, with a firm expression in his eyes.

In his opinion, Hongyun's all these actions are to support him.

The teacher is so optimistic about the disciple, then he will never let the teacher down.


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