I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 812: Make a mistake

At this moment, the boundary of Guanjiangkou.

Liu Yanchang looked at the agarwood practicing in the courtyard, a look of helplessness appeared on his face, then turned his head to look at the clucking old hen.

This old hen has survived since Yang Chan brought it back that day.

This old hen, who was supposed to be in the pot to replenish his body, has now become a little longer living thing in the house.

After a while, Chenxiang slowly opened his eyes and stared at the flow of mana in his body.

He was originally a body of a demigod, and now he has obtained the exercises taught to him by Yang Jian, and he has practiced more quickly, but within a few years, he has already stepped out of the Tribulation of the Earth Immortal.

Lifting his head to look at the sky, Chen Xiang's eyes showed a sense of determination.

After getting his mother's identity and the reason why he left home, Chen Xiang was determined in his heart to save his mother. Not only that, he also had to show his master, that he could definitely do it.

Over the years, there have been people wandering around his home, all of which is seen by Chenxiang.

When he was still a mortal, he couldn't see the identity of these people. Now that he has a cultivation base, he can see that these people are not ordinary people.

In the middle of the night, Chen Xiang quietly got up, cast a spell to cover her body's breath, then went straight to the outside of the courtyard and hurried away in one direction.

But in a moment, he came to the middle of the mountain and looked around.

Then quietly walked into a cave.

There was a flash of fire in the cave, and a middle-aged man was sitting beside the fire. Agarwood stepped forward and captured him in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man looked stunned, and then shouted: "Who are you? Why do you want to do it to me? I am just a trader, passing by here, take a short rest, if you ask for money, I can offer it with both hands, and please do not Do it!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiang couldn't help but sneered, and then said: "When will the vendors reach the fairyland!"

The middle-aged man's complexion changed, and then he suddenly said: "Liu Chenxiang, let go of this seat quickly, otherwise this seat will definitely inform His Majesty the Jade Emperor of this place. Who said that your life will be protected by True Lord Erlang, but if you want to Dealing with the heavenly soldiers is a dead end!"

Chen Xiang frowned slightly, and immediately knocked him out. Just when he was about to take him to a hidden area for questioning, he saw Aunt Baihua approaching.

Fairy Baihua looked at the heavenly soldiers who had fainted at Chenxiang's feet, frowned slightly, and then said: "How come there are heavenly soldiers here?"

Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't know, listening to what he said, it seems to be looking for me in private... By the way, Aunt Baihua, do you know where my mother is now?"

Fairy Baihua stunned slightly, then shook his head and said: "I don't know, you can practice with peace of mind. After your father enters the cycle of reincarnation in the future, I will take you into Baihua Fairy Valley."

She had some guesses about Yang Jian's thoughts, but in her opinion, all this was almost impossible.

Tiantiao laws and regulations have been around for tens of thousands of years, and they haven't changed. How can they change because of a mere fairy.

Chenxiang shook his head after hearing the words: "I haven't found my mother yet, so I won't stop. Thank you for your kindness."

At this moment, a cloud head appeared again in the sky, and Yang Jian slowly fell down with the Roaring Heaven Dog.

Agarwood's face showed a touch of joy, and he quickly said, "Teacher!"

Beside him, Fairy Baihua had a weird look, looking at the uncle and nephew beside him, she didn't know what it was like.

Yang Jian frowned slightly, and then said, "I said, I am not your teacher."

A hint of disappointment appeared in Chenxiang's eyes, and then she looked at Fairy Baihua, wondering: "How come Aunt Baihua came here today?"

Fairy Baihua raised his hand, and an extra porcelain bottle appeared in his hand in an instant. He smiled and said: "This is the fairy brew prepared by my aunt for you. It can increase mana and consolidate soul, which is very beneficial to you!"

Chenxiang smiled and took the Baihua Fairy Brew, and then said, "Thank you for your concern."

At this moment, Yang Jian suddenly said, "Do you want to find your mother?"

Chen Xiang nodded and said, "Teacher knows where my mother is now?"

Yang Jian nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "I naturally know where your mother is, but now you dare to save it?"

Chen Xiang heard the words and nodded excitedly: "I dare naturally!"

Fairy Baihua hurriedly said, "No, if you were suppressed because you violated the rules of heaven, if you forcefully save people, you might cause the emperor to be furious, and your family's lives will be unsafe!"

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "So what? Can the Emperor of Heaven just be unreasonable?"

Fairy Baihua, with an anxious face flushed, looked at Yang Jian on the side, eyes full of anger.

Yang Jian's eyes flashed, and he smiled: "Yeah! Heaven and earth can't be unreasonable, and the wrong one should be corrected!"

As he said, he raised his hand and lightly clicked, and a small light suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is an imitation of the Baolian lamp, which can exert 50% of the power of the body, but it is also enough.

Afterwards, he took out a small axe, which was also the imitation sky-opening axe he had asked for from Penglai Immortal Island, and gave it to Chenxiang.

"These two treasures will be handed over to you for self-defense. Remember to take them with you. Don't lose them."

Chen Xiang heard the words and nodded in agreement, then put the two treasures away, then looked at the unknown heavenly soldier at his feet, and asked aloud, "What about this guy?"

Yang Jian frowned slightly, and said coldly, "Ill-intentioned, kill!"

Upon hearing the words, Fairy Baihua showed a hint of intolerance, as did the agarwood beside him.

But the next moment, Chen Xiang slowly raised the Heaven-Opening Axe in his hand, directly chopped off the head of the Heavenly Soldier, and sent it into the cycle of reincarnation.

When Yang Jian saw this, there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and then he left with Jiayun.

Chen Xiang heard this and quickly said, "Teacher, you haven't told me where my mother is now?"

Yang Jian's figure had already left, leaving an empty word in place.

"Below Huashan, suppress ten thousand years!"

Hearing this, Chenxiang's eyes flashed with a gleam.

Seeing this, the fairy Baihua sighed slightly, and then Haosheng warned agarwood and left directly.

She couldn't figure out what Yang Jian meant, how could he cheat his nephew as an uncle!

After Chen Xiang got the news from her mother, she returned home directly.

At dawn, he said from Liu Yanchang: "Father, I now know the news of my mother, and I will go to save my mother today."

Liu Yanchang couldn't help but sighed when he heard the words, then slowly looked into the courtyard, and said, "Okay, but after lunch, I will leave. Dad will kill a chicken to replenish your body."


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