I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 813: Agarwood Pishan Rescue Mother

After hearing what Liu Yanchang said, Chen Xiang smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the old hen who was singing in the courtyard.

This old hen is different from the ordinary, perhaps listening to the sounds of Buddha all year round at the foot of the mountain, her life span is higher than the others.

It has been nearly ten years in Chenxiang's home. Today, after receiving news from his mother, Chenxiang is determined to find her mother.

Liu Yanchang naturally couldn't stop a mortal, let alone go with him.

All he can do is catch the old hen who was in the hospital and kill Agarwood to make up for it.

At about noon, Liu Yanchang finally grabbed the old hen. Hearing the clucking sound in his ear, he immediately cut off the chicken's head with the knife.

Scarlet blood flowed out, plucked hair, dismantled bones...

After washing it, Liu Yanchang suddenly found a stone in the abdomen of the old hen, which looked exactly like the relics enshrined in the temple on the mountain.

He couldn't help but was taken aback, and then murmured: "How can an old hen make relics these days..."

Not long after, the whole chicken was put out of the pot, boiled and simmered in the pot, and a scent of aroma drifted out.

Since Yang Chan disappeared, Liu Yanchang has no money in his family, let alone hired servants, so he can only learn the cooking skills by himself, and now the things he makes can be imported.

After noon, Chen Xiang had dinner at home and the two treasures Yang Jian gave him left the house.

Liu Yanchang sighed faintly as he watched Chenxiang's fading back at the door.

At the same time, in the clouds above the town.

Yang Jian looked down at the agarwood that was far away below, with a firm expression on his face.

This sky has stood for thousands of years, far beyond his ability to shake, even if a teacher is endorsing it, some preparations are needed.

This agarwood was the introduction he shook. When he wanted to give the two treasures to himself before coming to the teacher, he had already thought of this.

This kind of thinking, Yang Jian is far behind him.

More than half a month passed.

Chenxiang had already arrived at the foot of Huashan, looking at the towering Huashan in front of him, frowning slightly.

Now that he has a cultivation base, he can naturally see that there are many heavenly soldiers and generals on the Huashan Mountain.

With these people, it is impossible for him to open the mountain to save his mother.

The brilliance of Chenxiang's hand flashed, and the small imitation sky-opening axe instantly appeared in his hand, and then he slammed down in front of him with a low growl.

A horrible light shot out, and went straight to Mount Hua in front of him.

The next moment, he fell outside Huashan, and was blocked by a light that suddenly rose. This light enveloped the entire Huashan, which was obviously the mountain protection formation outside Huashan.

There was a roar from Huashan: "Bold! What kind of evildoer, dare to be presumptuous here."

When the voice fell, he saw dozens of celestial soldiers suddenly appeared in front of him.

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level has a golden immortal level, but the head is a heavenly general.

Since the Monkey King made a big noise in the Heavenly Palace, the selection of this Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General has been stricter, and the weakest Heavenly General also has a Golden Immortal level cultivation base.

The slightly stronger one is that Taiyi Jinxian is leading the army, and he can barely make a few moves with Monkey King under the army.

Chen Xiang watched the heavenly soldiers suddenly appeared in front of him, frowning slightly, then raised his hand with the axe to point at the heavenly soldiers in front of him, and said coldly: "Who is suppressed under this mountain?"

For the first day, he frowned slightly, with a weapon blade in his hand pointing diagonally to the ground, and said angrily: "It has nothing to do with you. Don't rely on a bit of self-cultivation. You dare to fool around here and leave quickly, otherwise you will be behind I can't protect you..."

After hearing what the general said, Chen Xiang suddenly raised his hand and slashed directly.

Upon seeing this, the general held his weapon in front of him, but he still flew out.

Although Chenxiang's cultivation base is not as good as his, the imitation of the Open Heaven rank in his hand is quite high, and it is not something that a heavenly general of his level can resist.

When the heavenly soldiers saw their Shangguan being smashed into the air, their expressions changed drastically. They waved their weapons and rushed towards Chenxiang.

It's just that the cultivation base of these heavenly soldiers is the same as Chenxiang at most, but their attacking methods and weapons in their hands are far inferior to Chenxiang, and they are directly knocked to the ground after just one face.

When I saw this that day, I looked at the imitation sky-opening axe in Chenxiang's hand, and his expression changed, and then he quickly said: "Bastard thing, here is the Three Mothers of Heaven. There is no place for you anymore."

After hearing the three characters of the Three Mothers, Chen Xiang's eyes flashed, and then he rushed towards that day.

Tian Jiang's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly shouted: "Arrange an array!"

As the words fell, the many heavenly soldiers who had fallen to the ground stood up one after another, came directly to the general that day, and tightly surrounded the agarwood.

There is a formation at the foot that needs to rise, and there is shining starlight on the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a large invisible formation instantly wrapped agarwood in it.

This is a method above the celestial realm, and a method created for the heavenly soldiers and generals to trap the enemy.

Even if there is someone with a cultivation base that is higher than the heavenly general before him, he cannot break this magic circle.

Feeling the power of the formation method around her body, Chen Xiang's complexion remained unchanged, and a small lamp suddenly rose above her head, emitting a gleam of light, blending into her body.

In an instant, the immortal power in Chenxiang's body increased sharply, flowing throughout the body, and the realm seemed to be loosened, and then with the open axe in his hand, he slammed down in front of him with full strength.

boom! ! !

A brilliant axe light emerged out of thin air, directly rushing to the dozens of heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him.

In an instant, all the heavenly soldiers died. Only before they died that day, they suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the clouds above Huashan, only to see Yang Jian standing among the clouds, looking down the earth expressionlessly.

Only then did he think of the grass head gods on Mount Hua, and the immortals under Yang Jian's seat, why they suddenly disappeared...

"Yang Jian pit me!"

After the scream, Tian will die completely.

Behind him, Huashan was slowly split into two under the axe light, and the two sides turned into cliffs to separate outwards, exposing the space within Huashan.

Among the clouds, looking at Huashan that had been split in half, a wave of fluctuation flashed in Yang Jian's eyes, and then suddenly raised his head and looked up, raising his hand and holding it gently.

A small lamp suddenly appeared in front of him, which turned into a sky full of light, covering the entire Huashan Mountain.

These heavenly soldiers died, Huashan was split by agarwood, which would definitely attract the attention of heaven...

Today's Chenxiang is far from the opponent of this heavenly court, he still needs to cover it up, and by the way attract some contacts for it.

You know, this heavenly court has strict laws and regulations, but Yang Jian is not the only one who can't understand these rules.

He needs to find a way to introduce them into it.

If agarwood can attract the approval of those people, it is imperative to change the heavenly rule!


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