I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 814: East window incident

Yang Jian used the Baolian Lantern to cover up everything that happened in Huashan.

Then looking in the direction of Chen Xiang and others, a smile appeared on her face.

Now that Yang Chan has been rescued by Chen Xiang, he can then proceed according to the plan.

Seeing Yang Jian slightly raised his hand, Huashan instantly closed, just as it was when he suppressed the Three Mothers.

On Huashan, hundreds of grass head gods suddenly appeared, separated around Huashan, as if guarding Huashan.

After doing all this, Yang Jian returned to Guanjiangkou, Erlang Zhenjun Temple, waiting for the heavenly court to come.

Although he had covered up the matter of Huashan, he couldn't hide it for long after all.

What's more, if the court is big today, I am afraid that these things can only be busy for three to five years at most, and put them in the sky, but it is only three to five days.


Far from Mount Hua.

Chen Xiang assisted the Third Mother Yang Chan and rushed towards his home. After all, his home was also within the Guanjiang Estuary.

Now that the Three Madonnas had just escaped from the danger, their minds were exhausted, and while they were running all the way, they still turned their heads to look at Chenxiang, her eyes full of love.

You must know that Chenxiang was just a baby when she was captured by the Heavenly Court, but now more than ten years have passed and she has grown into a handsome young man.

It even rescued her from below Huashan, which really surprised her.

On the way, Yang Chan asked, "Where did your mana come from? Why did you cultivate to such a realm in just over ten years."

Although Chen Xiang was born as a human and **** body, and his path of cultivation was originally magnanimous, it is still a bit weird to cultivate to the present state in just a dozen years.

Chen Xiang looked around vigilantly, without stopping under her feet, and said: "Naturally the teacher taught me, and the teacher told me that my mother was suppressed under Huashan."

"Teacher?" Yang Chan heard this, with a look of astonishment.

Now that the mortal world no longer shows the realm of immortals and gods, those who can cultivate to such a realm are certainly not the generation without a background.

But how can those gods who have names and surnames teach her children?

Everyone knows that Yang Chan was imprisoned under Mount Hua for offending Tiantiao.

Chen Xiang and the others were able to live, it should have been their brothers working in secret, but if those people knew Chen Xiang's identity, it would be impossible to teach him to practice, let alone let him come under the Huashan Mountain to save himself.

Who is the teacher in Chenxiang's mouth?

She seemed to be aware of Yang Chan's surprise, Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Mother, my teacher has cultivated to the sky. This time I can save my mother thanks to the two magic weapons given by the teacher..."

As he spoke, the imitation Baolian Lantern and Sky Open Axe appeared on his hands.

Looking at the two magic weapons in front of him, Yang Chan frowned slightly, then looked into the clouds, seeming to notice that someone was following them.

Although Yang Chan was suppressed and unable to practice under Huashan, his spiritual consciousness had not faded much. At this moment, he could naturally detect the strangeness in the clouds.

And she could also see that the two magic weapons in Chenxiang's hands were imitations.

But because of this, she realized that the matter was not simple. Two imitations could allow her to fight higher and rescue her from below Huashan.

If it is genuine, it must be of the highest level.

The lowest one who can possess the most precious treasure is also the quasi-sage cultivation base, who is secretly calculating behind this.

Chen Xiang didn't take into account the doubts in her own mother's heart, and took her all the way to the home.

At this moment, he did not hesitate to spend mana driving the clouds, but he returned home in three to five days.

Looking at the familiar sights around him, a touch of movement appeared on Yang Chan's face, tears in his eyes.

Liu Yanchang, who was teaching at home, seemed to be aware of it. He looked up through the window and saw Chen Xiang and Yang Chan supporting each other at a glance.

When Ye Ye left the many teenagers who were listening and came to the courtyard, the family of three embraced and wept.

At this moment, in the heavenly court, the immortal official's household registration is in charge.

The household registrations of all the gods in the Heavenly Court are sealed here, including those of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The immortal official who is taking care of the household registration is responsible for checking the relevant household registration daily.

On this day, the immortal official who was in charge of the household registration counted the household registration location on a daily basis, but suddenly a few jade slips that recorded the household registration suddenly shattered before his eyes.

If there is a mission of lowering demons and eliminating demons in the sky on weekdays, the jade slips are normal.

Nowadays, there are very few demons in the mortal world, let alone the great demons that disturbed the heavens.

Moreover, after the death of the fairy soldiers who were ordered to drop the demons and exterminate demons, they will resurrect in the Huaxianchi, and the jade slips will be broken unless the soul is destroyed.

But if today the court did not have the task of slaying demons and demons, how could this jade slip suddenly shatter.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly used the instrument to explore the cause, but after repeated explorations, he never found the answer.

This time he was completely panicked. You must know that he is responsible for the jade slip here.

If the reason is unknown, the lowest is also a responsibility of oversight.

If the situation is more serious, I am afraid that I will be cut off from the immortal, demoted to the mortal world, and experience the suffering of reincarnation.

At this point, he hurriedly stumbled to the Lingxiao Hall and informed the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the matter.

As soon as he arrived on the main hall, the Jade Emperor looked at the flustered appearance of the household registration immortal official, and immediately shouted angrily: "It's so disorganized to be so flustered!"

The immortal official looked at the many immortal houses on both sides of the main hall, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva nervously, and then said: "My Majesty, there is a broken jade slip of the immortal official's household registration, and I can't find out the reason after exploring the mirror. Gu will be so terrified when he is under the official..."

Hearing this, the faces of many immortals in the field were one of a touch of surprise.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand slightly and said: "Through the clairvoyance and the wind ear, let these two explore the reason for the broken jade slips of the immortal official's household registration."

Hearing the words, the fairy soldiers hurried to inform the clairvoyance and shunfeng eyes.

I was exploring the clairvoyance and wind ears in the world, and after learning what his Majesty meant, he immediately used his magical powers to explore the world.

But no matter how the two of them probed, they couldn't find the reason, so they had no choice but to go back and report to the Jade Emperor.

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, his face was slightly angry, and then slightly raised his hand to reveal a magic mirror in front of him.

As the Jade Emperor raised his hand lightly, the magic mirror instantly showed what happened to Huashan before.

Under the gaze of many immortals and above the magic mirror, Agarwood slayed many celestial soldiers and generals with an imitation sky-opening axe, and split Huashan to rescue Yang Chan from the Three Madonna.

Seeing this situation, the Jade Emperor became furious, and shouted coldly: "Asshole, who dares to violate the decree of my heavenly court, come and arrest this arrogant person into the heavenly court."

Hearing this, Li Jing, the King of Tota, who was holding the small tower below him, immediately walked out of the homes of the immortals and said, "I'll wait for the edict of the Jade Emperor."

When the voice fell, he took Nezha and left the High Heaven Palace with him.


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