I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 815: Li Jing and his son go down to earth

At this moment, above the Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor's face was uncertain.

He could see clearly that the two spirit treasures in Chenxiang's hands were all imitations.

The authentic product is in the hands of Penglai.

But if there is no authentic product, even the existence of saints can rarely make textiles.

Is it possible that Penglai's line is still not involved?

At the beginning, he ordered that Yang Jian capture the Third Mother, and then followed Yang Jian's whereabouts one by one, naturally knowing that Yang Jian went to Penglai Fairy Island.

But he obviously took a step back, allowing Liu Yanchang and Chenxiang to survive.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor's heart rose with anger, and Yang Jian, relying on his identity as a line of Penglai, became more and more unstable.

If it hadn't been for the cause and effect between Hongyun Saint and Heaven, how could Yang Jian live to this day.

The many immortal houses in the main hall looked at the expressions of the Jade Emperor above, all of them bowed their heads and said nothing, for fear of offending His Majesty.


At this moment, Li Jing brought Nezha to his fairy house.

Nezha looked up at Li Jing and frowned, "Father, don't you know that I and Mr. Erlang Zhenjun go out of the same door? Why do you have to ask for orders to capture the Three Mothers?"

Li Jing heard the words and said helplessly: "It is precisely because you have gone out of the same school, so after you meet, you can still talk... If you change to someone else, I am afraid that a few words will anger True Lord Erlang, and I am afraid that it will be more troublesome. ."

Hearing the words, Nezha showed a pensive look.

It seems to be the same.

Immediately, Li Jing and his son ordered Qi Tianbing and rushed towards Guanjiangkou.

At this moment in Chenxiang's home, Liu Yanchang and his wife are reunited. They have never left the sight of each other, and they are very pleased to see Chenxiang.

He has paid too much for this family. . .

If it weren't for the teacher, I'm afraid that my mother is still suppressed under Huashan, and she would not have acquired this ability.

But since the teacher gave the magic weapon that day, there has been no trace.

Where should I go out to find a teacher?

While Chen Xiang was meditating, she heard the Three Madonna suddenly speak: "Agarwood, who is your teacher, do you know?"

Chen Xiang heard the words and shook his head quickly and said, "I don't know, I only know that the teacher's cultivation is through the sky, not an ordinary person."

The Three Madonna was taken aback when she heard the words, and then helplessly shook her head.

How could she not know, if it were not for a person with a strong cultivation base and a tyrannical background, how could she have the courage to accept Agarwood as a disciple and teach Agarwood cultivation.

And also gave these two treasures, let them rescue themselves from the Huashan Mountain.

Liu Yanchang said, "The lady wants to know the identity of Master Chenxiang?"

The Three Madonna nodded.

Chen Xiang had such a master, she didn't know whether it was good or bad, but if she knew her identity, she would be a lot easier to deal with.

Liu Yanchang smiled and said, "Although I don't know the identity of Teacher Chenxiang, I know his face, and I can show it to the lady."

The Three Mothers heard the words, with brilliant eyes, nodded and said: "If this is the case, then there is Lord Lau."

Liu Yanchang heard the words and immediately became energetic, and immediately waved: "Agarwood, prepare the four treasures of the study."

Chenxiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sighed.

He walked directly into the house and placed the small desk in the courtyard, set up the four treasures of the study, just when he was about to study ink.

I saw the Three Madonnas approaching the two with a smile, and getting the ink ingot from Chenxiang's hands, and then dripping ink.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is indeed a scene of red sleeves.

Of course, we must exclude the agarwood standing silly on the side...

While studying ink, the Three Mothers watched Liu Yanchang splashing ink on the paper, a touch of love flashed in his eyes.

At the beginning, in addition to the section of the beauty saving the waste chai, it was Liu Yanchang's bookishness and the literary talent that attracted him.

Speaking of which, in addition to the Four Books and Five Classics and Wu Wen and Mo, Liu Yanchang's Danqing is also a must.

But in an instant, Yang Jian's appearance was on the paper.

The Three Mothers who came back to their senses, looking at the appearance of Yang Jian on the paper, looked at the face for a moment, and then murmured: "Second brother..."

Hearing what the Three Madonna said, Liu Yanchang and Chenxiang were also taken aback.

"Brother Uncle?"


The Three Mothers came back to their senses, and quickly turned to Chen Xiang and said: "You can see clearly, is this person teaching you the practice?"

Chen Xiang looked at the paper in front of Liu Yanchang, and the portrait on it had been similar to his teacher.

It's just missing some otherworldly charm.

Dang Even nodded and said: "Yes, this is Teacher Haier, mother can see clearly, is this my uncle?"

The Three Madonna was blank, and then nodded stiffly.

It was my second elder brother who brought him to the heavens by himself, and because of this, Liu Yanchang and his son survived proudly.

But now, why does the second brother teach Chenxiang the method of practice? He also gave two treasures to rescue him from under Huashan.

What on earth is the second brother thinking?

Looking at the stunned Three Madonnas, Liu Yanchang and his son stared at each other and did not dare to bother.

They were equally shocked, and they couldn't imagine that this immortal who taught Chenxiang's practice turned out to be his elder brother (uncle).

At this moment, Guanjiangkou, in the temple of Zhenjun Erlang.

A clear light fell from the idol, and fell in the hall, turning into the appearance of Yang Jian. At his feet, the Roaring Sky Dog stood up and looked at the sky.

They could see that a group of people were rushing in the direction of Guanjiangkou.

Above those clouds, there are all heavenly soldiers and generals.

Yang Jian opened his third eye and looked into the clouds. At a glance, he saw Li Jing and Nezha and his son in front of many heavenly soldiers.

He couldn't help but stunned. Although he had guessed that things would not be hidden for too long, he did not expect it to be so fast.

And this time, the Jade Emperor would be so decisive, sending Li Jing and his son out.

The snarling dog barked twice, then turned to look at Yang Jian beside him.

A layer of mist suddenly appeared under Yang Jian's feet, supporting him and the Roaring Heavenly Dog to directly ascend into the sky, and came to the place where the Heavenly Soldier and Heavenly General must pass.

However, in a moment, he was in front of a crowd of heavenly soldiers.

Li Jing looked at Yang Jian who appeared suddenly, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, and then said: "Li Jing has seen Erlang Zhenjun."

Erlangshen smiled at Nezha and nodded, then looked at Li Jing and asked, "Why did General Li appear in the boundary of my Guanjiangkou?"

Hearing this, Li Jing looked solemn and said: "Your Majesty has a purpose, send me to arrest the Three Mothers."

Yang Jian smiled lightly: "My sister has been suppressed by your majesty under Huashan. How can General Li talk about arresting him? Furthermore, even if it is arresting, General Li should take people to Huashan instead of coming to my Guanjiangkou. local."


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