I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 816: The ghost is by my side?

Hearing what Yang Jian said, Li Jing couldn't help but was stunned, and then said: "Please raise your hand, Lord Erlang, don't let this be difficult!"

Yang Jian's eyes turned cold, and then he looked at Nezha beside Li Jing, his aura spreading out.

Nezha said badly, he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "If you have something to say, don't be so serious..."

I saw Yang Jian suddenly smile, and then staggered his body directly, gave up the road, and said: "General Li, please!"

After speaking, he turned into a streamer and returned to the temple of Zhenjun Erlang.

Li Jing and the others who watched this scene couldn't help being stunned. They didn't understand what kind of medicine Yang Jian was selling in the gourd.

Then he shook his head, and then looked at Nezha and said: "It seems that it is not wrong to bring you here. Yang Jian is more or less concerned about your fellowship, otherwise today I am afraid it will not be so easy to get through him. The boundary of Guanjiangkou."

Nezha was puzzled, looking at the Erlang Zhenjun Temple below, there was always something wrong.

And at this moment in the Erlang Zhenjun Temple, the Sky Dog looked up at his owner, wondering: "Why didn't the owner stop Li Jing and the others? The lady is still at home, and I didn't know that Li Jing and others were coming."

Yang Jian took a long sigh of relief and said, "Everyone has their own fate. I can stop her for a while, especially for a lifetime."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, there was a look of contemplation in the eyes of Roaring Sky Dog.

At the moment, he was shocked at home that Master Chenxiang was the Third Mother Yang Chan of his elder brother Yang Jian. He slowly recovered, and then suddenly looked towards the sky.

She could see that above the clouds in the distance, all the celestial soldiers in the heavenly court stood.

The breath spread out one after another, and it couldn't hide it at all.

The Three Mother's complexion changed, and then quickly said: "Agarwood, you take your father and leave this place quickly, go to Erlang Zhenjun Temple, remember, don't look back along the way!"

Liu Yanchang looked slightly stunned. The three of their family had just reunited, his wife, this is nonsense.

Why let them go to the temple of Zhenjun Erlang...

Chen Xiang also seemed to feel something, raising his head and looking at the clouds above the sky with a cold expression.

Divine light shot out from the eyes, and directly saw the densely packed heavenly soldiers above the clouds, as well as the two leaders Li Jing and his son.

Immediately said: "Mother, you take your father to avoid disaster, this matter will be resolved by the child!"

Listening to Chenxiang’s words, the Three Madonnas were taken aback, and then quickly said: "You are not their opponent, and they just came to me, your uncle actually saved your father and son, they will not embarrass you. , Leave quickly, don't say anything!"

After hearing this, Liu Yanchang still couldn't figure out what happened.

It turned out that it was the group of people who had captured his wife who had returned.

When even standing in front of the Three Madonnas, she shouted loudly: "Miss, you and my husband and wife will naturally take care of things together. We live and die together, so how can I abandon you and leave!"

Looking at the silly Liu Yanchang, the Three Mother shook his head with a wry smile.

The stupid husband of my own family still didn't understand what happened.

That was a heavenly soldier and general. This time he was rescued by his son. This time the leading heavenly general will definitely change. It may not be the general in the heavenly court.

If you are the only one here, it's okay, even if you can't beat him, you can save your life, and there will be a goodbye in the future.

If Liu Yanchang and his son stayed here, it would be really troublesome.

Just when the Three Madonna was about to say something, a small lamp appeared above Chen Xiang's head, and the bright light directly enveloped her whole body.

He could clearly feel that Chen Xiang's body's cultivation base was constantly rising.

Then I saw Chenxiang raising his hand and sending them out of the mountain and landed on an official road.

It’s only a few hundred miles away from Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

The Three Mothers mournfully shouted: "Agarwood..."

Liu Yanchang also had a look of annoyance in his eyes. Only he was a mortal in the family of three, and he could only do nothing about it.

Seeing my lady with such an attitude, she immediately said: "Miss, I will go to the Erlang Zhenjun Temple for a while, and don't let Chen Xiang's pains go."

Seeing this, the Three Mothers could only give up, leading Liu Yanchang to gallop towards the temple of the true monarch of Erlang.

At this moment, the imitation Baolian Lantern was suspended above Agarwood's head, and he held the imitation Sky Opening Axe in his hand. The whole person directly rose into the sky and stopped in front of Li Jing and others.

Li Jing and the others looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them, and couldn't help but froze, then suddenly thought of something, and said: "You are the heir of the Three Mothers in the mortal world."

Chen Xiang opened the heavenly axe in his hand and said coldly: "If you want to invite my mother to the heavenly court, then step on my corpse and say it."

Li Jing couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

Although this agarwood has the blessing of the Baolian Lantern and has added a lot of cultivation base, it is not his opponent after all.

What's more, there is Nezha beside him, Daluo Jinxian Peak, especially if this little guy can stop him.

I saw a look of appreciation flashing in Nezha's eyes beside Li Jing, and now it seems that Chenxiang is his appetite.

Think of Yang Jian's voice transmission before leaving. Can not help but nodded.

If it is really what the teacher meant, then he must obey and help this Chenxiang once.

I saw Nezha walk out slowly, and then he said: "You little guy doesn't know what is good or what is bad. If you leave now, I can keep you alive. If you are obsessed, then you will leave!

Chen Xiang looked at the young figure in front of him, and listened to the three little guys in the other's mouth, feeling a little weird in her heart.

Judging from his appearance alone, Nezha is much smaller than him.

However, he had also heard the story of Nezha in the mortal world. At this moment, he naturally didn't dare to underestimate it.

Upon seeing this, Nezha spear shot up in the air, and instantly knocked Agarwood away.

When Chenxiang stabilized his figure, he came back towards Nezha again.

After waiting for the next moment, he flew out again.

So it goes round and round.

After a while, Li Jing seemed to feel something wrong, and murmured: "This kid, why are you letting water out?"

He naturally knows the strength of his son, and the existence of Da Luo Jinxian peak, even if he holds two good spirit treasures, he is not the enemy of one.

But seeing Ne Zha shot several times, not only did he fail to kill him, but he did not even seriously injure Chenxiang.

He still couldn't tell where the little son of his family was deliberately releasing water.

No wonder Yang Jian walked so cleanly before, and he had already laid a back hand.

The ghost is by my side?


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