I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 817: The Jade Emperor Out of Heaven

Li Jing watched the battle ahead and sighed quietly.

Although he was already familiar with the habits of his three sons, he couldn't help sighing now when he saw the other side behaved like this.

Then faintly said, "Enough, Nezha, you are really blind as a father!"

Nezha, who was in the "shocking battle" in Chenxiang, was taken aback at this moment, and the back was stunned, raising his hand and grabbing at Nezha.

Everyone only saw a huge palm formed in the void, heading towards Nezha Xu.

No matter how Chenxiang resisted it, he still couldn't escape from the big hand transformed by mana, and he was directly held in his hand and held him beside Nezha.

Agarwood struggled hard, but could not escape.

Nezha smiled and said: "Little guy, you should get rid of this thought! You can't escape in my hands..."

Agarwood heard the words and immediately glared.

Li Jing snorted, and then led the heavenly soldiers to chase in the direction where the Third Mother and the others were leaving.

At this moment, the Three Madonna and Liu Yanchang had already escaped for dozens of miles.

Although the Three Mothers had been suppressed under Huashan for so long, and the magic power had faded a lot, the ordinary ability to soar through the clouds and fog is still there.

When the celestial soldiers and generals were about to catch up, they finally came to the Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

Standing on the main hall, Liu Yanchang looked at the familiar statue in front of him, shocked.

It turns out that the one who taught Chenxiang to practice before was really his elder brother...

I saw the Three Mothers standing in front of the idol, and weepingly said, "Second brother, save me..."

Inside the idol, Yang Jian's true body couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing the pitiful look of my sister, she sighed quietly.

After a while, Li Jing and others personally led the Heavenly Soldiers to the Temple of Zhenjun Erlang.

Seeing the Three Madonnas and Liu Yanchang inside through the gate, he immediately said in a cold voice: "The Three Madonnas, you escaped from Huashan Mountain and violated the sky, and quickly follow me back to the heaven to confess your sins!"

When the Three Mother heard this, her complexion changed, and then she knelt directly in front of the statue and said: "Even if the second brother is unwilling to save me, please save Chenxiang and me, they are innocent!"

Upon seeing this, Liu Yanchang knelt before the idol.

Outside the Erlang Zhenjun temple, Chen Xiang, captured by Nezha, looked at the familiar face inside the temple, and immediately shouted: "Teacher save me, uncle save me!"

Li Jing couldn't help but change his face, raised his hand with a finger, and directly sealed Chenxiang's mouth.

Then I saw a figure suddenly appeared in the Erlang Zhenjun Temple, holding a weapon and wearing a silver armor, it was the Erlang God Yang Jian.

Looking at the Three Mothers who were kneeling on the ground in front of him, Yang Jian sighed faintly, then raised his hand gently towards the outside of the temple.

Seeing that the magical magic spell that originally bound Chenxiang shattered in an instant, and then raised his hand to hold it empty, Chenxiang went directly into the temple of Zhenjun Erlang.

Nezha's eyelids twitched, and then he looked at Yang Jian in front of him with some meaning.

Just listen to Yang Jian's words: "I will save these three people. I promised the Jade Emperor to capture the Three Madonnas. I have done it. Now this matter has nothing to do with me, but you can't enter my temple!"

Li Jing's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and then he said: "The true monarch must not make mistakes. These three virgins have violated the rules of heaven and should have been handed over to your majesty. Your act is an enemy of heaven!"

Yang Jian sighed faintly, and said: "General Li, let's go back. Nezha and I are the same door. You can't fight each other. You alone are not my opponent..."

Li Jing looked at the Three Madonnas behind Yang Jian, his complexion turned cold, and then he fell directly around the Erlang Zhenjun Temple, monitoring it.

Then he sent a heavenly general back to the heavenly court, so that His Majesty sent another mighty power.

Just as Yang Jian said, if Nezha doesn't make a move, they are not opponents.

The current plan is to go to heaven and ask your Majesty to send someone else.

In the heaven at this moment.

The heavenly admiral came directly to the High Heaven Hall, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Qi, Yang Chan and others hid in the Erlang Zhenjun Temple, and I can't capture him back to the heaven."

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, his brows were slightly frowned, and he said: "Let Erlang send him to the heavenly court."

That day, he suddenly looked embarrassed when he heard this, and said: "His Majesty, it was Zhenjun Erlang who prevented me from waiting, so we could not bring the Three Madonnas back to the heaven."

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was furious, and then said: "Asshole thing, this Yang Jian is going to rebel!"

The Queen Mother on the side said: "Your Majesty calms down, that Yang Chan is his own sister after all. It is not easy for him to catch him once. It is impossible to make another shot this time. It will be difficult for me to catch him back to heaven."

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, his face instantly became ugly.

Indeed, the Erlang God Yang Jian is one of the most powerful people in the heavenly court. The most important thing is that he is still from the Penglai Xiandao line, backed by the saints, even if they can't interfere excessively.

After a long time, I saw a person from the homes of the immortals below walked out, and said to the Jade Emperor, "Your Majesty, in the opinion of the ministers, your Majesty might as well go to Penglai Fairy Island for one day and ask the Red Cloud Saint, how should this matter..."

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, and he smiled and nodded as he looked at Taibai Jinxing who spoke below.

"If this is the case, then I can only go to Penglai Fairy Island..."

Today's heavenly court is no longer a matter of conferring gods. The ascendants of the world for tens of thousands of years have made the heavenly court no longer lack of immortals.

Moreover, there were also many who set foot on the Conferred God List. Although their combat power was not as good as Yang Jian and others, it was time to replace them.

Now the Penglai fairy island line seems to have formed a special force in the heavenly court, and they cannot interfere at all.

I took this opportunity to open the skylight and speak bright words to see what the saint Hongyun thinks.

Upon hearing the words, the Queen Mother nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I will go down here and find the Red Cloud Saint."

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly, and then let all the immortals below disperse.

After that, he took the imperial coffin and rushed towards the Penglai fairy island in cooperation with the queen mother.

In the Penglai Immortal Island at this moment, a divine light burst out of Hongyun's eyes, and he saw the movement in the heaven at a glance, and then a smile appeared on his face.

During this period of time, he saw everything Yang Jian did, so he expected the Jade Emperor to go to Penglai Xiandao and his party.

I also took this opportunity to talk about the laws and regulations of the court that day.

After all, the current Yang Jian has already contacted Nezha. If he can no longer change the laws of the sky, it is impossible to say that these little guys really have to go to the heaven.

Then it will be really troublesome...

Thinking of this, Hong Yun shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand slightly, and the mountain guard formation opened instantly.

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