I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 818: That being the case, then ask the saint to take action!

Outside the Penglai Fairy Island, the Jade Emperor stood side by side with the Queen Mother in the void, looking at the opening of the island guarding formation, with a little seriousness on his face.

Hong Yun walked out slowly, looking at the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother standing in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"The two are not staying in the heavenly court, why come to my Penglai Xiandao?"

The Jade Emperor cursed secretly in his heart. If it weren't for that Yang Jian was ignoring the majesty of the heavens in the mortal world, he estimated the Penglai Immortal Island line, why come here.

The cause and effect back then should be over now!

Before the Jade Emperor spoke, he heard the queen mother smile and said: "I will wait a long time to visit the saint in the future, this time I will go there specially, I hope the saint is not to blame."

Hong Yun smiled, and then led the two into Penglai Fairy Island.

When they came to the hall, two strange boys served tea to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. On the tea water, the atmosphere of Da Luo floated out and spread to the entire hall.

The Jade Emperor was puzzled, and then said: "Why don't you see Immortal Monarch Ao Xue who is in charge of the four o'clock in heaven?"

The Queen Mother looked around at the same time and found that apart from Ao Xue, Kong Xuan, Da Ji and others who had been following Hongyun did not appear in the hall at this moment.

And there is no trace of these people in the mortal world, where did these people go?

Just listen to Hong Yun smiled and said: "The breakthrough of their cultivation base is imminent, I sent them into another small world, try to make a breakthrough."

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor was shocked.

You must know that those people are already at the peak of the quasi-sage cultivation base, if you break through again, wouldn't it be necessary to prove the way and become holy.

As for Hong Yun's ability to travel through different worlds, he already knew that, after all, the two of them were originally disciples under Hongjun's seat, so naturally they knew more than ordinary people.

If it is really as Hongyun said, then once these people break through, Penglai Xiandao will add a few more saints.

This is not a good thing for their rule of heaven.

After hesitating for a while, the Jade Emperor opened his mouth and said, "So that's the case, then I congratulate Hongyun Saint in advance."

Hong Yun laughed, then looked at the two of them with a serious face, and said: "Your Majesty is here now, but there is something to discuss with the poor Dao."

The Queen Mother smiled, and then said: "A trivial matter, no need to bother the saint."

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said: "Although the matter is small, it has something to do with the saint, so the saint still needs to know."

The Queen Mother was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the Jade Emperor with puzzled expression.

In her opinion, Penglai Xiandao has a strong line now. It is better for them not to provoke or not to provoke.

Moreover, the Three Madonnas can be regarded as a person in Penglai's line, because she offended Saint Hongyun for this little thing, it is a bit unwise to be true.

Just listen to Hongyun speaking: "Oh, what does your Majesty mean?"

The Jade Emperor cursed again in his heart, he did not believe in the Three Madonnas, Hong Yun did not know.

He could see through the Haotian realm that the two spirit treasures in Chenxiang's hands were imitations of the most precious treasures, and no one except the saint could get this kind of thing.

Even he had a vague guess in his heart whether this matter was supported by Saint Hongyun.

The Jade Emperor sighed, and then said: "The saint knows that there is one of the heavenly rules of my heaven, and one of them is mortal and cannot communicate."

Hong Yun pretended to be surprised: "There is such a heaven?"

The Jade Emperor turned dark, and then continued to speak: "Yang Jian's younger sister, Yang Chan, violated the rules of heaven and has fornicated with mortals, and has now fled to the Temple of Zhenjun Erlang, Guanjiangkou."

Hong Yun "suddenly realized" said: "So that's it, your Majesty is here this time, but you want to demonstrate to the poor road?"

When the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother heard this, their complexions changed instantly.

I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense...

How dare they demonstrate like a saint, even if they are the rulers of heaven, they cannot despise a saint.

He only heard the Jade Emperor cough slightly, and then said: "Not so, the saint misunderstood that I was waiting..."

Hong Yun looked at the two people in front of him and said with a smile: "Then how does your Majesty want to solve this matter?"

The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he pondered for a moment before he said: "In the view of the saint, how should this matter be resolved?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If you follow the poor Taoist view, since there are some unreasonable things in this Tian Tiao, you should correct it."

The Jade Emperor: "..."

Queen Mother: "..."

They never thought that Hong Yun would say so.

What is unreasonable about Tiantiao?

This Tian Tiao has been established since the creation of Tian Ting, how could it be unreasonable.

It was obviously that Yang Chan violated Tian Tiao first, how could it be unreasonable to become Tian Tiao among the Hongyun Saint population?

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

If you change to other saints, even if you have the heart to protect your shortcomings, you will change your language.

They didn't expect that the Hongyun saint bluntly said that the sky rule was unreasonable, and the meaning was self-evident, that is, to change the sky rule.

After hesitating for a long time, the Jade Emperor said: "Enlighten the saints, this Tian Tiao has existed in the world since the establishment of Tian Ting, how can it be wrong?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "It's not that there is no error if it exists for a long time. Some things should be changed..."

The Jade Emperor's face changed, and then he looked at the red cloud with a straight face.

He always felt that the Red Cloud Saint was threatening him.

The rule of the sky can be changed, can the Emperor of Heaven also change it?

But when he looked at Hong Yun, he found that Hong Yun hadn't moved, and he still looked at both of them with a smile.

At this moment, the Queen Mother suddenly said: "The saint is very true, it is not that time is too long and it will be at a loss. Since it is wrong, then change it."

The Jade Emperor turned his head suddenly, but saw the Queen Mother shook her head at him.

Then I heard the Queen Mother speak: "Since the saint bluntly said that the sky is unreasonable, then ask the saint to take action and change the sky for me."

At this time, the Jade Emperor understood what the Queen Mother meant.

This Tian Tiao is a branch of the law of heaven. How can ordinary people change it?

Even if he is the Jade Emperor and is in charge of the prehistoric, he can only use his power to make small-scale changes.

Let alone other people, in his opinion, even the saints cannot change the sky.

Unless they ask Dao Ancestor to take action, they can change the sky.

Otherwise, it will be a useless effort...

The Jade Emperor also opened his mouth and said: "If this is the case, then Saint Lao will take action and help me wait for changes to the sky!"

Hong Yun smiled and looked at the two people in front of him, and he could see through the two people's thoughts at a glance.

Immediately smiled and said: "Since your Majesty and Queen Mother have requested it, the poor way will naturally take action."

When the voice fell, Hong Yun looked towards the sky, then raised his hand and gently tapped towards the court.

In an instant, the world changes!


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