I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 820: Finished perfectly

Above the Lingxiao Hall, a group of immortals looked at the returning Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, bowing to salute.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne and looked at the immortal houses below. After a long silence, he said: "The changes in the sky, can you see it in your eyes?"

As soon as this remark came out, the immortals below responded one after another.

"I can see it in my eyes!"

"The Jade Emperor's deeds are really a great blessing to the heavens. I am waiting for the blessing of the gods!"

"Your Majesty and Empress are looking forward and looking forward. I really admire them!"


Listening to the words of the immortal houses below, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother couldn't help but turn black.

If they hadn't known this was Hongyun's work, I'm afraid none of these gods in the field can escape and they will all be punished.

But after a long time no see, each of them became a lot of yin and yang.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor coughed slightly, and then said: "Here, the sky is modified by Saint Hongyun..."

The immortals below are all aware of it, and at this moment they quickly changed their words: "What your Majesty said is extremely..."

The Jade Emperor's eyelids twitched, staring coldly at the many gods below.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Since the rule of heaven is changed, then the Three Madonna is not a violation of the rule of heaven."

"Your Majesty Shengming!

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath, resisting the urge to get angry in his heart, and then said: "Where is the household registration immortal official?"

Below a fairy official came out, holding the Tianting household registration book, hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Xiaoxian is here!"

Just listen to the Jade Emperor opening his mouth and say: "The Three Madonnas are united with mortals, and I order you to expel them from immortals and demote them to mortals."

Upon hearing the words, the household registration immortal official quickly turned the Tianting household registration book in his hand, found out the name of the Three Madonnas, and crossed it out.

Then he looked up at the Jade Emperor, and saw that the Jade Emperor raised his hand slightly, and there was a fairy from the lower realm to convey his will.

From today onwards, the Three Madonna Yang Chan is no longer a heavenly fairy.

As for the mana in his body, some people will go to abolish it, and then fall into the mortal world, become a mortal, and experience the suffering of reincarnation.

Afterwards, the Jade Emperor waved his hand again, letting all the immortals disperse.

After the immortal houses dispersed, the four brothers of the Mo family walked on the road, and they all spoke: "The heavens have changed, and the Three Mothers will be demoted to mortals from now on. Is this worth it?"

"Why not worth it? The love in the world is so beautiful, it is better than the rhythm, but it is degraded to a mortal. The Three Madonnas are originally from the Penglai Xiandao line. The underworld belongs to the saint of Hongyun. Say hello and you can save him..."

Hearing this, those immortal houses who were walking slowly also shined.

For them, this Tian Tiao does not seem to have any deterrent.

If they violate the rule of the sky in the future, even though they are demoted as mortals, but they have connections with them, they will be rebuilt in the next life.

Why not be afraid!

One by one, his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

After all the immortals left the Lingxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, and then sighed deeply.

If today's article is revised, the dignity of the two of them may be wiped out.

This article does not have any binding force for the immortals in the heavenly court.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked down at the world, in the direction of Guanjiang Estuary.

Now the immortal soldiers who pass the decree have come to the Erlang Zhenjun Temple in Guanjiangkou.

First, he spoke to Li Jing and his son: "General Li, Your Majesty has a decree to expel the Third Mother Yang Chan from immortal status and demote him to a mortal."

Li Jing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

This result is a good thing for him and Erlang Shen Yang Jian.

Immediately, Li Jing addressed the Erlang **** Yang Jian in the temple and said: "Can you hear Erlang really?"

Yang Jian appeared outside the temple gate, looked at Li Jing and his son, nodded slightly, and then said: "I already know about this."

Li Jing took a step forward and said, "Since the Three Mothers of God have been expelled from the immortal status, then the mana must be abolished. I will come, or the true Lord Erlang will come."

At this moment, Yang Chan's family appeared behind Yang Jian.

Chen Xiang was even more furious, and said, "Why are you people so unreasonable? The magic power in my mother's body is because of his success in cultivation. How can you just say it is abolished?"

Liu Yanchang was also uncommonly hard-hearted, and stood in front of Yang Chan, pretending to be bold: "If you want to bully my lady, you have to step on my Liu Yanchang first..."

Yang Chan was beside him, his expression moved.

But this is a good thing for him.

Immediately spoke: "I promise!"

Yang Jian was also silent for a moment, and then he said: "This matter is naturally my responsibility."

When the voice fell, he raised his hand and kept touching the center of the Three Madonna's eyebrows. Suddenly, a frenzy of mana poured into his body, and endless rules manifested like a shackle on the Third Madonna.

This shackle can turn him into a mortal body, but Yang Jian is still a little selfish.

When Liu Yanchang died, the shackles would naturally fall off, and the memory of Liu Yanchang would be cut off, and it would be the reincarnation of the Three Mothers and another life.

Yang Jian opened the mouth and said: "In the future, you will have a destiny for life, old age, sickness and death."

"So, General Li is still satisfied..."

Li Jing nodded slightly when he saw this. Although he also saw this trick under Yang Jian, he didn't point it out.

After all, this is under the permission of heaven.

Subsequently, Li Jing and Nezha led the Heavenly Soldier and General to return to the Heavenly Court.

Chen Xiang looked at Yang Jian angrily, and said, "Uncle, these people are so unreasonable, why do they still agree?"

Before Yang Jian spoke, he listened to Yang Chan scolded: "How did your child talk to your uncle? This is the rule of heaven. Although the ancestor has changed the rule of heaven, the rules after the change are still the same. A good ending, you are so gibberish."

Chenxiang heard the words, and immediately stopped speaking.

Liu Yanchang on the side felt fortunate, and then he said: "Since this matter has been resolved, there will be nothing to prevent our family of three from reuniting in the future."

Yang Chan also smiled.

Upon seeing this, Yang Jian snorted in his heart, and then directly sent Yang Chan and others back to their home.

After Yang Chan and others came back to their senses, they looked at the familiar sights around them, sighed slightly in their hearts, and then a smile appeared on their faces again.

At this moment, Yang Jian was heading to Penglai Fairy Island with the Roaring Sky Dog.

He thought that his teacher wanted to change the rules of the sky, or even get rid of the rule of immortality.

I didn't expect that in the end, the teacher had to take action.

Yang Jian sighed slightly in his heart, and two magic weapons suddenly appeared in his hands, which were bestowed by the teacher that day.

Now that the matter has been resolved, it should be returned to its original owner.


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