I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 821: The world is about to complete

At this moment, within Penglai Fairy Island, Hongyun raised his head and looked towards the Guanjiangkou.

His eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of miles, and he saw Yang Jian who was looking towards this.

At Yang Jian's feet, the Roaring Sky Dog crawled on the ground, sticking his tongue out to look around, and whimpered twice from time to time.

For him, he doesn't want to go to Penglai Fairy Island very much. Although there are gains every time, there is always the power to make him roar.

Either the dog's hair is braided, or the ears are arranged with flowers...

While hesitating in their hearts, Yang Jian and the two had already arrived outside Penglai Fairy Island. As soon as they arrived here, they saw the island protection formation directly opened.

Yang Jian knew in his heart that his teacher knew that he was coming, and simply took the Snarling Sky Dog into the Penglai Fairy Island.

When he came to the hall, he found that only Hongyun was left in the hall.

Yang Jian hurriedly knelt to the ground, bowed and said: "Tui'er has seen the teacher, and later offered two magic weapons to the teacher."

Hong Yun looked at the two spirit treasures floating in Yang Jian's hands, smiled and shook his head and said: "This treasure will be handed over to you, so you can hold it well."

Yang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "Thank you teacher, thank you teacher!"

Hong Yun looked at Yang Jian and said with a smile: "Are you doubting in your heart? Why do you take action?"

Yang Jian nodded.

Just as Hongyun said, there was some doubt in his heart as to why his teacher would take action.

He had originally planned to let his nephew bring two imitation spirit treasures, and befriend Monkey King and others, trying to reach the heavenly court and intimidate the Jade Emperor to modify the heavenly rules.

However, he didn't expect that his plan had just begun, and Hong Yun would directly modify the Tian Tiao.

This made him a little at a loss, could it be that what he did before was all wrong.

Seeing Yang Jian with a dazed expression, Hong Yun smiled and said: "Do you think that you can only rely on you to wait to get into the heavens?"

Yang Jian was silent for a moment, and then said: "I know the strength of the Heavenly Court in my heart. If nothing happens, the people I plan should be able to attack the Heavenly Court."

Hong Yun shook his head and said, "You think that Heavenly Court has only this strength. Don't think that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother never make any moves. The two of them alone are equivalent to two saints."

Yang Jian was shocked when he heard this.

He did not expect that the Jade Emperor, who seemed to have always been cowardly, was actually equivalent to a saint.

Hongyun raised his head and looked towards the sky, where the heavens were.

This Haotian and Yaochi were the boys beside their teachers, and it was precisely because of this relationship that they could ascend to the position of the Jade Emperor.

When they first built the Heavenly Court, it was already at the top of the Daluo Jinxian, and later they used great luck to become a heavenly saint.

It's just that the rest of the saints can't see it.

If it hadn't been for him to have achieved the position of world master now, I am afraid it would be hard to see the true cultivation of these two people.

After a long silence, Yang Jian suddenly said: "Teacher, why don't you see Ao Xue, Kong Xuan and others, don't they want to be with the teacher?"

Hong Yun looked at Yang Jian, and said: "A few of them are no longer in the predicament."

Yang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something, and looked at Hongyun with excitement: "Did the teacher send them to another world?"

Red Cloud can travel through different worlds, so the cultivation base can break through so quickly. This has long been a default fact in the hearts of many great abilities in the prehistoric world.

Now listening to what Tao Hongyun said, it seems that he can not only travel through the world by himself, but also send others to the rest of the world.

My senior brothers and sisters have reached the quasi-sage pinnacle level, and now sending them to other worlds, is it...

Yang Jian looked up at Hongyun with excitement, as if he wanted to be sure of what he was thinking.

But seeing Hongyun nodded with a smile, and then said: "Their cultivation level has reached the peak. If they are in the predicament, it would be difficult to go further, so I sent them to the rest of the world to break through and attain the sainthood. ."

After getting a definite answer, Yang Jian became even more excited.

Now he is only one step away from the quasi-sage level, if he can successfully ascend to the quasi-sage realm, wouldn't it be that he can also enter other worlds to achieve the status of a sage in the future.

Yang Jian looked at Hongyun expectantly, and said, "Teacher..."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "If you can reach the level of quasi-sage, this seat will also send you to the rest of the world to see if you can reach the position of quasi-sage."

Hearing this, Yang Jian's expression was exhilarated. At his feet, the Snarling Sky Dog also widened his eyes, looking at the red cloud with an unbelievable expression.

He couldn't even dream that his master would have the opportunity to be a saint.

Hong Yun raised his hand and gently, Yang Jian and Xiao Tianqu left Penglai Immortal Island in an instant. When they came back to their senses, they had already reached the boundary of Guanjiangkou.

Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

Yang Jian still had a look of excitement. He didn't even dream that he would become a saint one day.

Although there was only such a chance, it gave him great motivation.

He looked up in the direction of Yang Chan and others, and shook his head slightly.

After Liu Yanchang's life is over, perhaps Yang Chan will change his mind and say hello to the underworld, and it is not impossible to give Liu Yanchang the glory and wealth.

In the Penglai Fairy Island, Hong Yun glanced at the rules of the heaven above, and a touch of fear flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps what he thought was wrong, and it was not the way of heaven but the great way that counted his teacher.

He shook his head, and then the whole person disappeared into the hall in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already in the Promise World.

After its appearance, the incarnation of the will of heaven also appeared beside him, and the red cloud divine mind swept away, and the place where Kong Xuan and others were located was instantly in sight.

Today, Kong Xuan and others have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and they are only a step away from the saints.

Tiandao Will incarnate next to Hong Yun, and slowly said: "Their qualifications are acceptable, they can reach the position of saints, but if they want to go further down, I am afraid it will be difficult!"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "It's okay, just by looking at it, how long can you delay?"

After thinking for a moment in the mind and body of Heaven’s will, then he said: “At most, only a few of them will be sanctified. After these people are sanctified, the rules of heaven will be completely fulfilled, and the world and heart will be completely repaired, and then the Promise World will be Complete Consummation and achieve a true Zhongqian World."

Hongyun nodded when he heard this.

If the Promise World becomes a true middle-thousand world, then it will inevitably face the world's completeness.

At that time, the wanderers of this universe will come here, like a hunting dog smelling a fishy smell, trying to get benefits from it.

Hongyun looked up at the starry sky, muttering to himself: "It seems that time is running out..."


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