I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 822: Fulfill his promise

The Red Cloud Spiritual Mind covered the entire Wuji world, not only saw Kong Xuan and others, but also the otherworldly gods who came with him.

He has been deployed for many years, and now the saint-level combat power in this world has already reached about thirty people.

Cang Xuzi, who used the stars as his son and the starry sky as his chessboard, is now on the path of formation again.

And the sentiment of the formation seems to be more than in the previous life.

The memory of his awakened past life made him even more passionate about this world.

There is also the goddess of war, Athena, who has now grown to the level of her father Zeus, setting foot on the top of the saint.

And the Eastern Pluto who raised his hand and pointed to kill the wanderers outside the territory...

There is also Tanatos who was bullied by Athena all day long, and the Bacchus who used his as a medium to force two wanderers to blew himself up and put an end to the world war.

There is also Zeus, who voluntarily sat in reincarnation ten thousand years ago, and has now experienced ten thousand years of practice, once again ascending to the realm of saints.

Hong Yun closed his eyes tightly, his heart lingered, and only opened his eyes after a long time.

Then the whole spirit spread out instantly, sweeping the entire Promise World.

Those mosquito people who were sent into the world of Promise, Kong Xuan and others, after sensing the familiar breath at this moment, their faces showed excitement.

Not only them, but also the gods who followed Hongyun from another world, were equally excited.

Bacchus raised his head to look at the sky, a drop of crystal wine still remained on his mouth, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Muttered to himself: "Old friend, you are finally here."

On a high mountain in the west, Athena also looked in the direction of the red clouds with a smile on her face.

In a small town in the world, an elegant young man held his hands and back, and the young man beside him was puzzled: "Master, Wu Guoshou changed into a new suit and came to you to play chess again."

With that said, Xiao Si was full of disdain, and Wu Guoshou did not know how many times he had come, and every time he played chess with the young master, he had to change into new clothes.

But after repeated defeats and repeated defeats, I really don't know how strong his family is to withstand such a prodigal.

Thinking of this, Xiao Si couldn't help but raise his head to look at his young master, who has already reached the realm of chess sage at a young age, and is even a great scholar of the Wu Kingdom.

The elegant young man laughed and said, "If this is the case, then I will be worthy of Wu Guo's last game of chess."

When the voice fell, he turned and left under Xiao Si's puzzled gaze.


Above the clouds, the incarnation of the will of Heaven stands beside Hongyun, quietly looking at the surrounding situation.

She could clearly feel that the people who had been sent in by the Lord Master were now rushing towards this place in all directions.

It only takes a moment to gather here.

She wondered whether she should keep those people outside.

At this moment, Hong Yun suddenly said, "You don't need to stop, just let them come over, everything is arranged by this seat."

Hearing this, the incarnation of the will of Heaven also cut off the idea of ​​stopping everyone, and waited quietly here.

But in a moment, Kong Xuan and others came here, looking at the red clouds in front of them, and said with excitement: "Kong Xuan (Ao Xue, Daji) has seen the master."

Hongyun smiled and nodded, and then Haosheng looked at everyone in front of him.

Just like his previous divine exploration, the cultivation of several people now has reached the quasi-sage pinnacle level, and they are only one step away from the saint.

It's just that the method of sanctification in this world is still perfect, and even Athena and others have continued their previous cultivation.

When Zeus returned to the top of the saint, he also relied on incense to become a god.

However, these methods are not suitable for Kong Xuan and others.

After thinking about it for a moment, Hong Yun used this realm of heaven to make a detailed deduction, and the Moon Spirit Rabbit also appeared beside him, telling Hongyun the method of sanctification in the great world.

For the Great Thousand World, the sage is just a starting point for reaching the summit.

So this kind of method, at best, is to lay the foundation, and of course there are advantages and disadvantages.

However, with the Moon Spirit Rabbit, it was natural to inform the method collected by its previous owner and let Hong Yun choose one by one.

After a long time, Hong Yun opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him.

Raising his hand and gently tapping towards the few people in front of him, a clear light burst out from his fingertips, transforming into three parts in the air.

As a result, they fell into the minds of the three people in front of them, deeply imprinting them.

What Hong Yun gave to these three people was not the same method, there were thousands of methods of cultivation and sanctification in the vast world, and there were also thousands of races.

In each race, there is a corresponding practice method.

The last owner of Moonling Rabbit that year was placed in the Great Thousand World, and he was also a generation of Tianjiao.

In order to obtain the strongest method of foundation building and sanctification, with the help of the protector, he challenged the children of the gods of the holy land and the Tianjiao.

Obtain the sanctification method of all races, and thus be hated by all holy land **** races.

Among the Protoss he challenged at the beginning, there were dragons in the vast world, and Ao Xue, as a dragon, naturally obtained the dragon clan.

Kong Xuan is the foundation and sanctification method of the nine-feathered golden-winged bird clan in the vast world he obtained.

What Daji got was the method of the nine-tailed celestial fox family.

Feeling the method of sanctification engraved in their minds, Kong Xuan and the others showed ecstasy on their faces and bowed directly in the void.

Gongsheng shouted: "Thank you for the reward, Master, thank you for the reward."

Looking at the expressions on the three of them, Hong Yun said with a smile: "It doesn't need to be so, since you have already reached the summit of the quasi-sage, then this seat will help you become a holy.

The voice fell, the color of ecstasy on Kong Xuan and others' faces had not faded.

I saw Hong Yun raising his hand and lightly grabbing it in the void, and the rules of heaven in this world instantly gathered in his palm, and then turned into a series of rules seeds.

No matter how sophisticated the methods of the Great Thousand Worlds are, he still has to rely on the rules to take that last step.

Looking at the regular seeds floating in the palm, a touch of distressed color appeared on the face of the incarnation of Tiandao Will.

Then I saw Hong Yun raising his hand and tapping on the regular seed in his palm. In an instant, the regular seed condensed in his palm was directly divided into three at this moment.

Turned into three smaller regular seeds, suspended in the void.

Kong Xuan and the others looked at the three regular seeds in Hong Yun's hands, and there was a faint throbbing in his body.

They knew in their hearts that these three small regular seeds were the key to whether they could successfully break through the holy position.

At this point, the three raised their heads to look at the red clouds in front of them, and there was a flash of fanaticism in their eyes.

In fact, even Kong Xuan did not expect that Hong Yun could actually help him become holy, just as he said when he first met.

The promise came true.

Hong Yun looked at the excitement on the faces of the three of them, and with a flick of his fingers, he incorporated the three regular seeds into the three of them.

In an instant, the situation in this world changed.


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