I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 823: Dig the foot of the wall

After the three rule seeds were integrated into the bodies of Kong Xuan's trio, the endless rules here surrounded the trio, exuding a wave of mystery.

Beside Hong Yun, a distressed color flashed in the eyes of the incarnation of Tiandao Will.

In his opinion, this Kong Xuan and others are outsiders. If they want to break through the cultivation base in this realm and reach the realm of saints, then they must consume this law.

Every time the law is consumed, it has an impact on her, but in order to successfully survive the world perfection in the future, it can only be so now.

Kong Xuan and the others were surrounded by endless rules. In this high altitude, thousands of images manifested, and it seemed that the creation beast appeared and fell on the three of them.

Kong Xuan and others in the rules only feel that the laws in their bodies are constantly being transformed, and then they are completely transformed into the laws of this world.

At the same time, the bodies and souls of the three have reached their peak.

The three people who were in the three corpses had already reached the peak at this moment, and under the blessing of these rules, they had further achieved a qualitative change.

The endless thunder shining in the air, turned into a thunder dragon roaring towards the three.

Seeing the rules, Kong Xuan opened his eyes slightly, looking at the countless thunder dragons roaring at the three people, raising his hand and gently tapping in front of him.

In an instant, the countless thunder dragons rushing towards everyone vanished in an instant.

At the same time, Ao Xue and Daji also opened their eyes, and a saintly spirit came out, directly sweeping the entire Promise World.

The three of them became holy...

When the three were sanctified, in the underworld of this world, the mud womb that suppressed the rules faintly vibrated, and the mud fell from his body.

After a while, I saw that mud tire slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Hongyun.

After a long time, there was a sigh: "It seems that the time has come. I didn't expect you to really get this far."

Hong Yun naturally noticed that someone was exploring in the dark, and the divine light swept out of his eyes, and at a glance he saw the mud tire that suppressed the underworld.

After seeing this person, there was a smile on his face, he almost forgot that he still had such a combat power.

At this moment, Kong Xuan and others looked at the red cloud in front of them, the excitement on their faces had not subsided, and they knelt directly in the void: "I wait, thank you for your mercy!"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and then raised his hand slightly, and the three of them stood directly beside him.

Then he raised his head and looked out of the world. Today's Promise World is still his pocket cave.

When the world is truly complete, it will directly appear in the void, appear in this universe, and fall on the stars.

When the time comes, the breath of the thousand worlds in the new born will be transmitted to the entire universe, attracting all the wanderers who wander in this universe.

But now it's still a bit worse, and the odds of winning are still a bit too low.

After thinking about it for a moment, Hong Yun looked at his disciples.

Especially a few days ago, I went to Yang Jian in the fairy island of Penglai.

But after hesitating for a long time, they still didn't recruit a few people. After all, the cultivation base of those people was too low, but the Daluojin fairyland hadn't even reached the quasi-sage.

Even in this world, it is difficult to achieve the status of saint in a short time.

Hongyun ordered several people to keep Taoism in this world, and then left directly and returned to Penglai Fairy Island.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned his attention to the other great powers like the prehistoric.

Most of these people have reached the pinnacle state of the quasi-sage of the two corpses, but under the suppression of Hongjun and Tiandao, I am afraid that they will never be able to truly achieve the status of a saint.

If they can make these people achieve the status of saints, they shouldn't mind changing to another world.

At this point, Hong Yun went directly to the underworld.

After arriving in the underworld, Houtu found the red cloud for the first time, and he directly manifested, fell beside Hongyun, and asked aloud: "I don’t know if my brother came to the underworld this time, but there is something to discuss with me. ?"

Hongyun smiled and nodded and said, "That's the case, I want to take the Jizo Bodhisattva away."

Speaking of it, although Ji Zang Bodhisattva was mixed with Tang San's burial all day, he also intended to create a brand new Buddhism in the world, but his cultivation level had already reached the peak of a corpse, far surpassing Tang San's burial.

Compared to the creation of a new Buddhism to achieve the status of a saint, perhaps this place is more suitable for him.

After hearing what Hongyun said, Hou Tu couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, then frowned and said, "What happened?"

Although she stayed in the underworld all day, she knew everything that happened in the predicament.

Earlier, she discovered that there were a few breaths missing in Penglai Fairy Island, and that Kong Xuan and others had long been missing, including the two gold and silver boys who had always served Hongyun.

Only Hong Yun could make the breath of these people disappear completely, so she would ask questions like this.

Hearing what Hou Tu said, Hong Yun was not surprised. After all, he couldn't hide the incident, so he told Hou Tu directly: "There are indeed things that happened. I need some saint-level combat power to survive the catastrophe. "

Hou Tu frowned and said, "But the catastrophe?"

Hong Yun thought about it for a moment, and then only nodded and said, "It should be considered."

If the Promise event could not survive the complete calamity of this world, causal backlash alone would be enough to kill the red cloud, but it would be considered a calamity.

Hou Tu hurriedly said: "Since what is needed is saint-level combat power, why don't Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva go there, I would like to accompany my seniors through this killing."

In her opinion, this Earth Store Bodhisattva is only a quasi-sage level, how can it meet the requirements of the seniors.

Hong Yun smiled and shook his head and said, "Junior sister doesn't need to be like this. There is no need for junior sister to come out. I have my own plans."

After hearing this, Houtu stopped talking and followed Hongyun to the eighteenth hell.

Today's eighteen layers of **** have long changed its appearance, no longer the gloomy and wailing as in the past, but has become peaceful.

Looking at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Tang Sanzang who were chanting Buddhist scriptures, Hongyun smiled lightly: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, I have a chance, can you dare to ask for it?"

The two raised their heads in doubt, and only listened to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva asking: "What is the chance that the sage can come to the underworld?"?

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Sage status, brand new orthodoxy, can you dare to ask for it?"

When the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva heard the words, his eyes lit up instantly.

When Tang Sanzang on the side saw this, he felt a little bad in his heart. When he saw Hongyun, he was still a little curious about why the saint appeared here.

Now it seems that it was digging his corner...

Tang Sanzang just wanted to speak, he listened to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the side to say quickly: "If there is such a chance, why dare the poor monk?"


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