I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 826: Invite

After hearing what Hongjun said, Hongyun looked blank. He didn't know what Hongjun meant.

What happened then? Can Hongjun regret it so much?

And now, Hongjun's changes, is it because of what he did before that he was calculated by Heaven?

Hong Yun looked up and looked at Hongjun, who was looking ugly, and asked aloud, "Teacher, what happened back then? What is your situation now?"

Hongjun shook his head slightly, and slowly said: "Back then, when the world was not open, Heaven tried to control three thousand gods and demons, and nourish the prehistoric world with the blood of the gods and demons."

After hearing what Hongjun said, Hong Yun's expression of horror was obviously beyond his imagination.

Most of his previous control of events in the predicament came from the memories brought by later generations and the secrets of his deductions after his sanctification.

However, what Hongjun said at this moment was beyond his expectation.

It turned out that three thousand gods and demons besieged Pangu, not for selfish desires, but controlled by the heavens. As a last resort, they besieged Pangu and used the blood of the gods and demons to nourish the prehistoric world.

Therefore, not only Pan Gu was in the calculations of Heaven's Dao, but even the three thousand gods and demons were also in the calculations of Heaven's Dao.

Hong Yun was astonished. He might have some understanding now, why Hongjun became like this.

As if perceiving what Hong Yun was thinking in his heart, Hongjun slowly shook his head and said, "It was not the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao that counted Pangu."

"It's just that now the Dao has evolved into the Hongmeng Heavenly Dao, but it can still have an impact on the prehistoric world. It wants Hongmeng to be reborn into the Great Thousand World, but it has failed."

"So it put its idea on me, wanting to completely integrate me into this realm of heaven and evolve into a new avenue, and then swallow me in an attempt to go further."

Hong Yun's expression instantly turned ugly upon hearing this.

Everything seemed to be connected directly at this moment, allowing his thoughts to be thoroughly sorted out.

Everything is controlled by the road behind.

If you didn't get the Promise World, then whether you are also under the control of Dao and cannot be detached.

At this moment of thought, Hong Yun looked up again, the divine light in his eyes seemed to have traveled through the two worlds, and he saw the heavenly path in the cosmos.

After a long time, Hong Yun said, "Then what will the teacher do in the future?"

Hongjun smiled and said: "Being a teacher has not yet reached such an age. It is endless joy to compete with the Tao of Heaven, and even more joy to compete with the Tao."

When the voice fell, Hongjun's hearty laugh appeared in the whole hall.

Hong Yun was silent for a long time, and he knew in his heart that with the cultivation of his own teacher now, he could not be the opponent of Dao Dao.

It may be delayed for a while, but this period of time is definitely not too long.

After a while, Hong Yun said: "Can the teacher get out and leave the wilderness?"

Hongjun shook his head and said, "Now I have fit into the realm of heaven for tens of thousands of years, and I have long been unable to escape. For the sake of this plan, I can only fight with the realm of heaven and win a ray of life!"

Hong Yun looked sad, and said, "How can the disciple help the teacher?"

Hongjun smiled and shook his head: "You have been able to get to this point. It has already exceeded the expectations of being a teacher. If you want to help me, only the realm above the starry sky can you hope to detach me."

Hong Yun fell silent for an instant. He has just consolidated the main cultivation base of the realm, and he is still a thousand miles away from the starry saint, how can he reach the realm above the starry saint.

He pondered for a moment, then asked again: "Other than that, is there another way?"

Hongjun said: "Unless the teacher can completely swallow the heavenly path of this realm, and completely control the entire prehistoric land, can he be surpassed under the control of the Dao."

As he said, he smiled freely, and then said: "You don't have to worry about being a teacher. It is not yet known who wins and loses in the future."

"It's you, the world is coming to perfection. If you need it, you will bring your juniors and sisters, perhaps adding a glimmer of hope."

Having said this, Hong Yun suddenly looked towards the west, and then smiled: "If you really want to take them away, then you should also take away the two unkind ones from the west."

Hongjun smiled and shook his head and said, "The two of them are big chess pieces, you can't take them away..."

Hong Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of what had been done by Jiuying and Zhunti before, and he fell silent for an instant.

Hongjun waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be a little girl like this. If you leave, if you want to be devoured by the teacher, this Heavenly Dao still needs a few Yuanhui, you can rest assured."

When the voice fell, Hongjun's figure disappeared instantly.

In Zixiao Palace, Hong Yun turned around and left after being silent for a long time.

But as soon as he left the Zixiao Palace, he saw Sanqing and the others who came here, not only them, but even the western guide and Zhunti came here with solemn expressions.

Obviously, they all sensed Hongjun's breath, so they came to visit again.

Nuwa, Houtu, and Tongtian, when they saw Hongyun bowing deeply, they said in unison: "I'll see the brother."

Hong Yun nodded.

Laozi, Tongtian and others also said, "I have seen Brother Hongyun."

Hong Yun said: "You are late, and the teacher has already left. If you want to visit the teacher, you can wait for the teacher to call."

Laozi and Yuanshi sighed when they heard this, then turned and left.

Jiuying and Zhunti took a deep look at Zixiao Palace, then stared at Hongyun again before turning to leave.

Tongtian smiled and said: "Senior brother has a good temper. If it were me, it would be impossible for these two bald donkeys to leave here safe and sound."

Hong Yun smiled, and then said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Junior Brother is fine."

Tongtian laughed and said: "Naturally, it is well, thanks to the help of the previous brothers, otherwise I will not be so prosperous."

Hong Yun waved his hand and said, "This little thing!"

When Nuwa and Hou Tu saw this, they could see a touch of jealousy in Hongyun's eyes. Coupled with what Hongyun had done before, they knew in their hearts that their brother must be hiding something from them.

But since Hongyun didn't want to speak, they stopped asking.

As long as it doesn’t mess up...

The two of them bowed to Hongyun and said: "If this is the case, then both of me will leave."

Hongyun replied, "Yes!"

Tongtian looked strangely at the figure of Hongyun and the baby girl, and was a little curious in his heart. How could these two and Hongyun be so weird today.

After thinking about it for a while, I was still confused.

Then he shook his head and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, brother, would you like to follow me back to Jin'ao Island for one or two."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Naturally!"


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