I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 827: Tongtian into the first sun

Hongyun and Tongtian walked side by side, walking through the prehistoric clouds, but in a moment they arrived on Jin'ao Island.

Entering the island, the child under the Tongtian seat offered immortal tea and immortal fruit, placed in front of the two, and then directly exited the hall.

Just listen to Tongtian opening his mouth and say: "It is really enviable for the poor Dao to hear that the seniors are practicing diligently!"

Although he hadn't seen Hongyun for a long time, he knew exactly what had happened in the past.

Moreover, during this period of time, Hongyun can travel in different worlds, but these saints are vaguely aware.

Just connecting to the sky, I often think again, if I can travel through other worlds, I am afraid I can improve a lot.

After hearing what Tongtian said, Hong Yun smiled and said: "It's not enough to be a little diligent."

Tongtian lightly teased, and then said with a serious face: "Dare to ask brother, how does this realm above the saint feel?"

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Above the sage is the world master, the master of a world, who can control a world, and only if you control a world can you become a world master!"

"Control a world?"

Tongtian's eyes were horrified, if that was the case, wouldn't Hongyun today be like his teacher.

Although the teacher was fit for the heavens and they were worried, but now it seems that it is the teacher who controls the prehistoric world?

Seeing the surprised expression in Tongtian's eyes, Hong Yun shook his head and said, "Perhaps, but whether we can truly gain a foothold in this state, we still need to survive a catastrophe!"

When Tongtian heard this, the look of horror in his eyes was slightly weakened, and then he smiled bitterly: "Heard the Tao, you can die in the evening!"

Afterwards, he looked at Hongyun and said thoughtfully: "A few days ago, the fellow Taoist had no interest in the crowd. Could it be that he was also sent to the rest of the world?"

Hong Yun nodded and said: "That's right, if I want to survive this catastrophe, I still need some help. Moreover, the world I control is different from the prehistoric ones, and there are many holy places, but I can make it further."

Hearing this, the expression of horror in Tongtian's eyes became more and more intense.

Many holy places?

In the early years, when the teacher had just been sanctified, there was a faint gap between them, and heaven seemed to loosen the boundaries of the holy place.

But over the years, the imprisonment of the holy throne seems to have become more and more terrifying, and I don't know what happened.

Tongtian shook his head, then stopped thinking about it, and then said a little expectantly: "I wonder if I can go to the world controlled by my brother?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and then smiled: "If Junior Brother wants to go, you can ask Junior Brother to go after I successfully overcome the catastrophe."

"Crossing the robbery?" Tongtian frowned slightly, and then said: "A few days ago, the senior brother sent everyone under your control into the world under your control. I am afraid that because of this robbery, Poor Dao can help you."

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun felt a little thoughtful for a moment.

For Tongtian, it can be said that this world is most similar to his thinking, so the two of them have a very good relationship.

Furthermore, Tongtian's cultivation base can be said to be among the forefront of the saints, if compared with killer moves and combat power, I am afraid it is only slightly weaker than Lao Tzu.

Perhaps this method is feasible!

Hong Yun solemnly said: "Junior Brother must think clearly that the possibility of this robbery is extremely high. If you fight the evil demon outside the territory, even if you are poor, you are not sure to protect yourself."

When Tongtian heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then smiled: "It's okay! I'll leave a benevolent corpse in this world. Even if I'm in danger of death, I can cross it safely."

Hearing this, there was a contemplative look on the surface of the red cloud, and when he looked at Tongtian, he smiled and nodded.

Immediately he opened his mouth and said: "In that case, I ask my younger brother to make preparations. After some time, I will come to meet the daoists into the world!"

Tongtian smiled and nodded, then stood up with Hongyun and sent him out of Jin'ao Island.

After leaving Jin'ao Island, Hong Yun shuttled among the clouds over the prehistoric sky, his complexion slightly relieved.

He didn't expect that Tongtian would help him in this way.

He originally thought that many saints in this world lived the same life as the heavens and the earth, and they did not like to take risks for a long time, but he did not expect this Tongtian to be so different.

Hong Yun smiled and shook his head, and then he didn't think much about it, and went straight into Penglai Fairy Island.


At this moment, on Jin'ao Island.

Tongtian thought for a while, and then left Jin'ao Island directly to Shouyang Mountain.

On the Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu and the alchemy room were taking care of a furnace of medicine, and the two children sitting listlessly were fanning the furnace in front of him.

Lao Tzu is different from other saints. Other saints either like incense or human luck, so many saints fight each other endlessly.

But he likes to make alchemy, studying the Golden Pill Avenue all day long, and outsiders don't know what he thinks in his heart.

On this day, while Laozi was making alchemy, he suddenly turned his head and looked outside in a certain direction, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

After a while, he left the alchemy room directly and came to the outside of Shouyang Mountain, standing quietly among the clouds.

Not long after, Tongtian appeared outside Shouyang Mountain and saw Lao Tzu who was waiting outside. There was no unexpected flicker in his eyes. Instead, he gave a chuckle, and then said: "Brother stopped the mountain, but you don't want me to enter the mountain? "

Laozi smiled and shook his head. Since the separation that year, the three brothers have never gathered.

Now that Tongtian was able to come to Shouyang Mountain, he was a little surprised.

When he turned around and entered the mountain, Tongtian saw it, and followed him and entered the Shouyang Mountain together.

Just as Tongtian followed Laozi into Shouyang Mountain, at this moment, on the Kunlun Mountain, the primitive and the hall looked in the direction of Shouyang Mountain, and an unexpected color flashed in his eyes.

When Tongtian went to Shouyang Mountain before, his aura hadn't been condensed, so many great abilities in the prehistoric can be noticed.

It’s just that Primordial is somewhat surprised that this Tongtian has never been to Shouyang Mountain for tens of thousands of years, but now why suddenly he left the island and went to Shouyang Mountain?

Primitive had many doubts in his heart, and after instructing his disciples to guard the gate, he also rushed out of the mountain in the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

On Shouyang Mountain at this moment, Laozi and Tongtian are sitting in the hall, and the desk in front of them is full of immortal tea and immortal fruit.

After a long period of silence in the court, I heard Lao Tzu asking: "This time, the younger brother is here, but what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Tongtian couldn't help but laughed: "I waited until my brother had seen each other for so many years, wouldn't my eldest brother want to see me so much?"

Laozi smiled and shook his head. Back then, it was a helpless act to separate the families, but the brotherhood between the three did not subside.

When Tongtian saw this, he didn't ask much, and continued: "Come here, Tongtian does have something to ask for!"


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