I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 828: Sanqing enters Penglai

When Laozi heard the words, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and then he said, "What's the matter? Come and listen."

Tongtian smiled and said: "It's not a major event, but after a while, I will leave this world with Brother Hongyun, leaving a benevolent corpse to guard the teaching."

Speaking of this, a look of excitement flashed on Tongtian's face, and then slowly said: "It's just that I don't feel relieved to stop teaching."

Although a benevolent corpse in the sky had already stood on the top of the primordial land, he was still a little worried, after all, the news he had received from Hongyun before.

You can't rely on the lead and quasi mention!

If these two people join forces, it is just a benevolent corpse of him, and it is completely impossible to resist.

If there are four swords of Zhuxian, maybe there is still a battle.

But this time to deal with the world's consummation, Zhu Xianjian must be with him, so now he can only ask Lao Tzu to guard the teaching.

Hearing this, Laozi flashed a look of contemplation on his face, then looked at Tongtian, and said with some doubts: "Do you want to leave the wild world if you wait?"

Tongtian smiled and said: "Naturally, but the rest is inconvenient to say more."

Hearing this, Laozi took a deep look at the sky, and then thought about it for a moment.

If it is true as Tongtian said, if he leaves the prehistoric world with Hongyun, he may be able to witness the level above the saint.

This is not only a good thing for Tongtian, but also a good thing for them.

The only difference is that they can't leave the prehistoric world with Hongyun like Tongtian, go to other worlds, and see the demeanor above the saint.

Just when I was about to speak, he suddenly raised his head and looked outside Shouyang Mountain, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I saw that outside of Shouyang Mountain, the primitive side stood in the clouds, looking towards the mountain with a smile.

Lao Tzu shook his head and smiled: "I'll talk about it later, in fact, I went out to meet the original brother."

Hearing the words from the sky, his face turned black.

You know, it was because of some discord between Yuanyuan and him that it finally got to the point where the three cleansing families were separated.

For him, the reason for the discord was that Yuanyuan looked down on their disciples, and the fault was Yuanyuan, which had nothing to do with him.

Now let him go with him to meet the primitive, Tongtian feels reluctant, but when he thinks that he is now on Shouyang Mountain, he has something to ask Lao Tzu, so he can only go out with him reluctantly.

Coming to the outside of Shouyang Mountain, Yuan Yuan looked at the two of them, and said, "I have seen the eldest brother, the third brother..."

With a cold snort, he stopped speaking.

On the contrary, Lao Tzu smiled and said: "I didn't expect that now I am waiting for the three brothers, and there will be one day to get together. It is a blessing!"

After speaking, they led the two towards Shouyang Mountain and returned to the hall.

The three were silent for a long time.

He heard the original cough, and then said: "I haven't been here for a long time to meet the big brother, so I came here specially today. I hope that the big brother will not be offended!"

Hearing this, Tongtian immediately snorted and said: "Then what a coincidence your purpose is!"

Not long after I came to Shouyang Mountain, this was originally on the back foot and came to Shouyang Mountain. If this primitive is not staring at him in secret, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Hearing Tao Tongtian questioning, the original said with a smile: "If I hadn't come today, how can I get together after Sanqing?"

Lao Tzu also smiled roundly and said: "Well, you two shouldn't quarrel anymore, tens of thousands of years have passed, how can you still have the same temper as before."

Tongtian sneered and said, "Is it the same bad as before?"

Lao Tzu quickly said: "It's nothing, what you said before, I totally promised that after you leave, I will help you watch the teaching."

A flash of joy flashed in Tongtian's eyes, and then respectfully said, "If that's the case, thank you brother."

On the side, the original question asked: "You want brother to guard the teaching, where are you going?"

Tongtian said dissatisfied: "Where do I go and what to do with you?"

Yuan Yuan shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart.

For tens of thousands of years, he had already looked away. He thought that Tongtian would look away like him, but he didn't expect that he would still eat a turtle today.

He looked at Laozi and asked, "Tongtian is going to the rest of the world with Hongyun this time?"

A look of surprise flashed in my eyes, and then he nodded.

Yuan Yuan rubbed his hands and said, "If this is the case, can the third brother say hello to that red cloud and let me go to other worlds to take a look?"

Tongtian knew it clearly, and now he knew why Primitive came, and immediately snorted: "This time of coming and going is extremely dangerous, even the saint may fall..."

Yuan Yuan shook his head and said, "What's the matter even if Holy Fall? I have been here for an unknown number of epochs. I have already stayed enough..."

Tongtian took a deep look at Primordial, feeling a little undecided in his heart.

But before he had any thoughts, I heard Lao Tzu say: "Speaking of which, Pang Dao also wants to go to the rest of the world to take a look..."

Tongtian was silent for a while, and he never thought that he came to Shouyang Mountain this time to seek help from Lao Tzu, but the two of them also aroused the thought of going to the rest of the world.

After thinking about it for a long time, he listened to Tongtian opening his mouth and said: "I don't count this matter. I still need to consult Brother Hongyun."

Yuan Shi heard this and said excitedly: "If this is the case, it should not be too late. I will go to Penglai Xiandao and his party and see how Hongyun answers?"

When the voice fell, he stood up first and hurried towards Penglai Xiandao.

When the other two saw this, they hurriedly followed.

This time the three saints had stopped, but they were still noticed by other saints. As for the saints, no one could detect them.

When Nuwa and Houtu saw Sanqing and the others rushing towards Penglai Fairy Island, they couldn't help but wonder.

But after a while, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it. After all, the three of them were not Hongyun's opponents when they joined forces, so naturally they didn't need to worry.

But in a moment, Sanqing and the others came to the outside of Penglai Xiandao and glanced inside.

I saw the guard island formation directly opened, Hong Yun walked out of it, looked at Sanqing in front of him with a little surprise, and then asked out aloud: "The three juniors are here, but are there any discussions?"

As soon as the voice fell, before the sky could speak, he listened to the original opening on the side and said: "My three brothers are here this time, just want to ask the brother can take my three brothers to the rest of the world together?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun looked at Tongtian in front of him, and saw Tongtian waved his hand helplessly.

Hong Yun said, "Going this time, but there is a danger of saintly death, do the three juniors have to be clear about it?"

Lao Tzu and Yuan looked at each other, then nodded together.


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