I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 829: Two people want to be sanctified

Hong Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he and the two of them had already explained their stakes, and that Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were still determined to go.

After a while, Hong Yun seemed to understand something in his heart.

If he hadn't gotten the Promise World back then, I'm afraid he would go there even after he learned that he could go to a foreign land.

Although you can become a saint, you can not be among the five elements, jump out of the three realms, live the same life with the world, and shine with the sun and moon...

But for them, there is still something missing after all.

The great powers that can truly reach this level all have the idea of ​​"hearing the Tao in the morning, and dying at night."

After a long time, Hong Yun nodded and said: "If this is the case, then you wait and go back to prepare. After a while, I will go to another land together."

Hearing this, Laozi and the others nodded with joy, then bowed their hands to Hongyun, and then left Penglai Xian Island directly.

Only Tongtian and Hongyun are left in the field.

Tongtian said with a sullen expression: "Brother Hongyun, I was negligent on this matter, and I did not expect that this would originally go to Shouyang Mountain today..."

He wanted to go to Shouyang Mountain by himself, and asked Lao Tzu to take good care of him after he left.

But he didn't expect that Yuan Yuan was staring at him in secret. After he rushed to Shouyang Mountain, he also went to Shouyang Mountain, and seemed to have known that they were going to a foreign land.

At this moment, I took the opportunity to come to Penglai Fairy Island with him, looking for Hongyun to intercede.

Hong Yun heard the words and said indifferently: "Junior brother, don't mind, this catastrophe is in danger of saintly death. If they want to go, then go."

He knew in his heart that even if Sanqing and the others went, they would leave a benevolent corpse or a wicked corpse in the wilderness to cope with the unexpected.

At that time, even if they fall outside the territory, it will take tens of thousands of years at most, and they will be able to return to practice.

But what Hongyun is now worried about is whether these wanderers will find out the prehistoric news and location if these people fall outside the territory.

Today's prehistoric can't bear the catastrophe of wanderers.

After thinking for a while, Tongtian said: "My two elder brothers understand in my heart that even if there is a danger of saintly falling, they will go to a foreign land to find out, so brothers don't need to mind!

After speaking, Tongtian arched his hands again and said: "If this is the case, then Tongtian will also return to Jin'ao Island to prepare for one or two. When I go to a foreign land in the future, my senior will call me."

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, "Yes!"

When the voice fell, Tong Tian turned and left with a smile, galloping in the direction of Jin'ao Island.

After Tong Tian left, Hong Yun glanced towards the land and then returned to Penglai Xian Island with a light smile.

This time he returned to Honghuang to find help, but the ending was somewhat unexpected.

With the participation of these people, oneself will be able to gain a certain degree of assurance through the world's consummation.

Back in the Penglai fairy island, the mountain protection formation opened again.

Penglai Fairy Island instantly disappeared above the East China Sea, and the red cloud at this moment also disappeared in the hall, returning to the Promise World again.

The moment it appeared, Tiandao felt, and the incarnation of Tiandao's will instantly descended by his side.

Looking at the red clouds scanning the entire Promise World, Tiandao Will incarnate said: "The two people who were sent to this world last time, Lord Master, have reached the pinnacle of the quasi-sages, and they only have one opportunity to break through to the sage level.

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun couldn't help but smile, and it seemed that these two people did not live up to his expectations.

He turned his head to look at the incarnation of Tiandao Will next to him, and said, "I will leave the rest to you."

Hearing the words, the will of Tiandao turned into a look of helplessness.

Speaking of which, she hoped that Hongyun could bring in the power of several saints rather than the cultivators who needed to break through in this realm like this.

This world has not given birth to a sage level, and the burden on the world has to be increased.

Even if he successfully survives the tribulation of the World Consummation in the future, his development will be much slower, but his strength will increase a lot.

It can only be said that there are good and bad, not all good.

Just when he hesitated in his heart, he heard Hongyun continue to speak: "In addition to these two, there are three saint-level powers who will come here to spend the world's consummation with us."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the incarnation of Tiandao Will, and then smiled and said: "If this is the case, then I will be 80% sure of the whole world through the disaster."

In addition to the test of the creatures in the world, every calamity of world perfection is also a test of the world's heaven.

But now that the Heavenly Dao of the Promise World has developed to perfection, there is no need to worry too much about it.

Hong Yun glanced at the incarnation of Tiandao Will, and then galloped towards where the two Zhen Yuanzi are now, with Tiandao Will Transforming God closely behind him.

The two came to a high mountain in the mortal world, here is a rare spiritual mountain, and has not yet been occupied by other powers.

After the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Zhen Yuanzi came here, they lived on this mountain, comprehending the laws of the world, and more understanding, in order to break through the status of saints.

The incarnation of Hongyun and Tiandao's will descended on this mountain, watching Zhenyuanzi and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who were comprehending the law, a smile appeared on their faces.

The two seemed to feel instinctive. They opened their eyes and saw the two of Hongyun. Zhen Yuanzi even said, "Thank you Brother Dao for this help, Zhen Yuanzi is grateful!"

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also stood up and said, "Thank you sage!"

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, then his face was solemn, and he said: "You can be ready in your heart. If you break through and become sacred in this world, I am afraid that you will not be able to return to the predicament in the future. You must come to a conclusion soon. "

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Zhenyuanzi looked at each other, then smiled and said, "Naturally!"

For them, it does not matter which world they practice in, but whether they can break through smoothly.

Since they can break through and become holy by borrowing them here, what's the harm in staying in this world.

After all, they are in the predicament, but they have no hope of breaking through and becoming holy.

Not a saint, but an ant in the end!

Even though he lives with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon have the same brilliance, he is ultimately within the Three Realms, invisible.

That is not a good thing for them.

This is also one of the reasons why they came to this realm resolutely after hearing what Hongyun said.

They were originally the powers of the same period as Hongyun, how could they be willing to fall behind, seeing others become holy and ancestors, but they still stay at the quasi-sage level and have nowhere to go.

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and then looked at the incarnation of Tiandao Will.

Upon seeing this, Tiandao Will incarnate, raised his hand to lightly lightly touch the sky.

In an instant, the situation changed.


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