I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 830: Show the stars

I saw all the rules in the entire Promise World converge, hovering around the two bodies of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, slowly entering their bodies.

A violent force of rules is constantly scouring through the two bodies, slowly fusing the power of rules that originally belonged to the prehistoric bodies in the two, and finally assimilating them completely.

The good and evil corpses of Jizo Bodhisattva and Zhenyuanzi went directly out, and finally assimilated under the rules.

Beside him, Hongyun's eyes were shining slightly, and he raised his hand to make sword fingers at the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Zhen Yuanzi, and cut straight down.

In an instant, Zhen Yuanzi and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva felt a terrifying mana surging and slashed lightly on the three flowers above their heads.

In the end, a corpse appeared again around the two of them, which was their own corpse.

After the two corpses appeared, the two opened their eyes at the same time, looking forward, their faces were full of ecstasy.

After the three corpses were killed, they were recognized by Heaven and later proved the status of a saint.

They have already taken a big step, only one threshold away from the saint.

Just listen to Hongyun speaking softly: "Don't relax, merge the three corpses, and witness the law of the avenue, so that you can completely prove the status of the saint."

After hearing the words, the two looked at each other, then nodded, put the three corpses into their bodies, and then let go of the spirits, and realized the principle of the great way.

Hong Yun glanced at the incarnation of Tiandao Will next to him, and the latter nodded helplessly.

Then he raised his hand and gently tapped towards the two of them, and the law of the great realm flowed past, touching them lightly, leaving the mark of the law of the great.

In an instant, a sky full of visions appeared here, and the stars changed, like a chessboard covering the sky, and two sons fell.

Endless purple gas emerges!

In the sky above the two of them, a stream of pure merits slowly fell.

When the Heavenly Dao of this realm was completed, Hong Yun integrated the long dragon of merit in his body into the Heavenly Dao of this realm.

After so many years of gestation, it has now been completely controlled by the fusion of Heaven and Dao and used it.

Surrounded by holy light, the two of them slowly opened their eyes, and their eyes were full of joy. They looked at the two strong masses of merit in front of them, and then looked at the red clouds.

Just listen to Hongyun smiled and said: "This is the power of merit born in this world, you two can use it to consolidate cultivation."

Zhen Yuanzi and Ji Zang Bodhisattva heard the words, bowed to the red clouds and said, "Thank you, Lord Master."

Hong Yun said helplessly: "Why do I have to wait while I wait?"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "Due to the rules, not to mention, if it were not for a Taoist friend, I am afraid I would have no hope of sanctification in this life."

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nodded and said, "That's it."

Hong Yun smiled and said, "Since you are waiting to be successfully sanctified now, you will need to prepare early when you wait for this world to cross the catastrophe in the future."

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi and Ji Zang Bodhisattva nodded solemnly.

They were already prepared in their hearts, even if they died and died on the day of the catastrophe, it was worth it.

Hong Yun continued to speak: "In this case, you two will go back first, so that you can consolidate your cultivation and leave it to the day of the future to fight hard!"

Zhen Yuanzi and Ji Zang Bodhisattva nodded solemnly upon hearing this.

Then the two saluted Zhen Yuanzi, and then returned to their own cave.

After the two had left, Hong Yun turned to look at the incarnation of the will of Heaven on the side, and asked, "How long will it take?"

The incarnation of Tiandao Will heard the words, raised his hand and waved lightly, and instantly opened a light curtain in front of the two of them, fully presenting the starry sky.

Most of today's Promise World has appeared in the starry sky, and now it is exuding a vigorous opportunity, constantly spreading into the starry sky.

In the starry sky in front of him, Hong Yun faintly noticed a few strange auras.

These are the wanderers who wander the starry sky with mainland fragments, and their cultivation is only the early stage of a saint, and they can barely walk in the starry sky with only a part of the world core.

Hong Yun frowned slightly, but he did not expect these people to come so quickly.

The few unfamiliar auras in the starry sky are nothing more than the vanguard of the world's consummation.

When the entire Promise World appears in the starry sky, I am afraid that a large number of wanderers will come.

Beside him, the incarnation of Tiandao Will frowned and said: "This time the world consummation catastrophe is much more difficult than I thought."

The surface of the red cloud is also not very beautiful. Hearing what the incarnation of the will of Heaven said, he immediately said: "I know, I will prepare early."

The incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded when he heard the words, and then pointed in a certain direction: "It is worth mentioning that the people you sent before have a lot in this world, and their combat power should be stronger than the two before. ."

Hongyun nodded with a smile when he heard the words. He naturally knew that the incarnation of the will of Heaven said that it was Kong Xuan and others.

Now that these people are sanctified, it has relieved the pressure on his shoulders a bit.

"There are also the gods who came with me. I have already told this. They have experienced the catastrophe of world destruction, so they will be even more desperate to cross the catastrophe."

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, then looked at where the gods were, and couldn't help but smile.

He didn't expect that it was easy for him to save the people of the next world, but now he has helped him a lot.

Without the existence of these gods, I am afraid that this time of crossing the world to complete the catastrophe will be nine deaths.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "In that case, you are good at making a living in this world. I will bring those three people into this world and get acquainted with them in advance."

Hearing the words, the incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded, and then disappeared completely in the clouds.

In the next moment, Hong Yun's figure also disappeared in the Promise World, and when he reappeared, he was already in Penglai Fairy Island.

At the moment when the red cloud appeared, above the sky, the giant eyes of Heavenly Dao slowly opened, looking towards the wilderness below.

After a long time, it slowly dissipated.

Hongyun used her great supernatural powers to inform Sanqing to come to Penglai Xiandao to gather.

After hearing the voice of Hongyun, Lao Tzu asked Xuan Du Haosheng to take care of Shouyang Mountain. After leaving the benevolent corpse in the heavenly court, I hurried towards Penglai Fairy Island.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Yuan was very excited. After Voice Transmission asked his disciple to guard the gate, he also left a benevolent corpse, and then hurried towards Penglai Fairy Island.

On Jin'ao Island, Tong Tian looked at the disciples of Jiu Jiao who were listening to the Taoism below. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then said: "Today's preaching is over, you will go back separately!"

Upon hearing this, the disciples of Jiu Jiao stood up one after another, saluted the sky above, and then left.

But half a day, Sanqing gathered outside Penglai Xiandao.

Hong Yun was suspended in the air, looking at San Qing in front of him, and smiled: "Since the three juniors are all here, I will go there."


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