I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 831: Old friend

Just listen to Hong Yun continuing to speak: "The three juniors must not resist, I will leave after this."

When Sanqing and others heard the words, there was a look of expectation on their faces.

The next moment, I saw Hong Yun raising his hand and waving it lightly. In an instant, the four of them disappeared directly above the East China Sea.

After the four disappeared, Tiandao's giant eyes slowly opened, looking in the direction of Penglai Xiandao.

His eyes were indifferent, without the slightest expression of emotion.

After a long time, it slowly dissipated.

After the giant eyes of the Heavenly Dao disappeared, the Penglai Fairy Island Guarding Island Formation opened, and the entire Fairy Island instantly disappeared above the East China Sea.


At this moment, in the Promise World.

The figures of Hongyun, Sanqing and others appeared in this realm for an instant, and the four of them were suspended in the clouds, looking at the surrounding scenery.

It was the first time that Sanqing and others came to the world of Promise, after looking at the surrounding scenes.

Close your eyes to sense the rules of this world.

When the three of them felt the rules of the Promise World, the incarnation of Tiandao's Will came again, looking at the three people around Hongyun, a look of doubt in his eyes.

She knew in her heart that these three people were the three saints that Hong Yun had said before.

After seeing it at this moment, there was still some surprise in my heart, after all, Sanqing and others were now the peak strength of the saints.

It was only one step away from the half-step realm master.

I have to say that the creatures in the predicament are very good, whether they are heels or their understanding. If it were not for the shackles of the world, I am afraid that there will be more powerful ones.

Among the three, Lao Tzu opened his eyes first and looked at the incarnation of the will of Heaven beside Hong Yun, with a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

Then he arched his hands and said: "Outside monks, I have seen heaven in this world."

Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian opened their eyes when they heard this, and saw Lao Tzu acting like this, and at the same time, the incarnation of the will of the sky arched his hands and said: "I have seen the way of heaven."

The incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded slightly, then looked at Hongyun and said: "In one month, this world will be completely exposed to the stars."

Hongyun frowned slightly when he heard the words.

He naturally knew what the incarnation of the will of heaven meant by this, Sanqing and others now only have one month to be familiar with the rules of this world.

After one month, the Promise World was completely exposed to the stars.

When the time comes, the wanderers in this universe will come one after another like a carp crossing the river, wanting to benefit from this new world.

After a long time, Hong Yun gave a chuckle, then looked at Sanqing and the others and said, "The three juniors have also heard it. You still have a month to go."

When Sanqing and others heard the words, they looked at each other, and then said in unison: "This is a small matter."

After they came to this realm, they discovered that the world intensity of this realm was not much stronger than that of the prehistoric, but the strong in this realm was much more than that of the prehistoric.

Even at the sage level, there are dozens of people, and the quasi-sage level has hundreds of people.

In this world, quasi-sages and powerful people are walking everywhere, and Da Luo Jinxian is walking everywhere. They are a little curious, what a prosperous world it will be.

Can the three of them explore a avenue in this world's consummation?

The three nodded towards Hongyun, and then rushed towards the direction of a fairy mountain where there was no holy spirit.

They have to use this month's time to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the rules of this world, so that they can play their greatest role in the subsequent world consummation.

After Sanqing and the others left, the incarnation of Tiandao Will opened his hand again, and saw a whole starry sky appearing in front of her and Hongyun.

In this starry sky, dozens of continent fragments have been densely suspended outside, and on each of the continent fragments, there is at least one quasi-sage or saint-level powerhouse.

These are the wanderers from all starry sky, those quasi-sage levels are just servants of the realm of saints.

Seeing the large number of them, it has exceeded his imagination.

The incarnation of Tiandao Will spoke again: "After all, I still underestimated the World Consummation Tribulation of the Middle Thousand Worlds. This world has more potential than the world I was in before, and the breath that it exudes is more attractive, the new wandering More..."

Hongyun was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then he said, "It's okay! If it's just a wanderer of this level, no matter how many come here, there is no threat..."

As soon as Hongyun's voice fell, he saw a hidden starry sky with cryptic and powerful fluctuations spreading out, and its aura fluctuations had faintly reached the level of the world master.

The incarnation of Tiandao Will naturally sensed this, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

After a long time, Hong Yun said: "It's okay! There is only one person..."

But when he just finished speaking, he saw the waves of the Boundary Master's breath spreading out in the starry sky.

There are already as many as several people.

And there is also a connection between these breath fluctuations and the wanderers of the saint level hidden in the starry sky.

It seems that they have a master-servant relationship!

Hong Yun took a deep breath. Before he could speak, he heard the incarnation of Heaven's Will speak: "Enough, don't talk about it, there are enough wandering hands at the level of the master... enough."

Upon hearing this, Hong Yun fell silent for an instant.

Even he didn't expect that the perfection of the Promise World could attract so many wanderers, but it was a little bit beyond his expectation.

Seeing the many wanderers in the starry sky, Hong Yun's heart moved.

Then he spoke from the incarnation of the will of heaven and said: "During this period of time, you are prepared for life, I still need to meet old friends..."

Hearing the words, the incarnation of Tiandao Will nodded, and then completely disappeared into the starry sky.

Hongyun also galloped towards a certain fairy mountain in the Promise World.

But in a moment, I came to this fairy mountain, and saw that there was a sect on the fairy mountain, and the leader was a power at the peak of a saint.

As if sensing the aura of red clouds, a middle-aged Confucian student stepped into the sky in the fairy mountain.

Seeing this person, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said, "Senior Cang Xuzi, it's good these days!"

Yes, this person was the Cang Xuzi who used the starry sky as the chessboard, and the stars as the chess pieces, laying out the starry sky to kill countless wanderers.

Cang Xuzi smiled upon hearing the words: "I haven't heard this name for a long time..."

Back then, his true spirit seed was collected by Hongyun and dropped into this world. Cang Xuzi was the last one to unblock and enter the reincarnation.

But he is the fastest power to reach the peak of a saint.

Later, he founded the Tianji Sect in this world, who is good at deducing the way of formation.

One person's combat power is enough to resist a thousand troops!

This is also a characteristic of the Tianji School. If Cang Xuzi is deployed in the starry sky, it will certainly be able to kill many wanderers.

This is also one of the reasons why Hongyun came.


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