I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 832: Willow

Cang Xuzi stretched out his hand and led Hongyun into the Zongmen Hall.

Hongyun looked at the sect in the mountain, and besides Que Cang Xuzi, there was also a figure of the pinnacle sage waiting in the hall.

After the two returned to the main hall, the man stood up and slightly arched his hand toward Hongyun: "Long time no see, Lord of the Realm."

Seeing this person, Hong Yun couldn't help but smile.

This person is no one else, but Zeus who was injured in the battle against the stars and chose to reincarnate and rebuild.

Like Cang Xuzi, he returned to the peak of this life and reached the level of the peak of a saint.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zeus would actually be here in Cang Xuzi.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "In the battle of that year, the style of fellow Taoists seemed to be yesterday. How good are these days?"

Zeus smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Lord, for your concern. It's not bad these days, but in the starry sky, I seem to have...

Hong Yun and Cang Xuzi sat down. After hearing what Zeus said, the expression on Cang Xuzi's face was also taken aback, and then he gave a wry smile without speaking.

Hong Yun gave a light cough and laughed: "I am here this time because of this."

Zeus and Cang Xuzi were silent at the same time.

Just listen to Hong Yun continuing to speak: "This world was not a complete world at the beginning. This is something that the two Taoists already knew."

Cang Xuzi nodded and said: "When my memory was restored, I explored this world. As the master said, when my memory was restored, this world was incomplete, but now it is infinitely more complete. "

Zeus hesitated: "Is it impossible, just like the message left by the realm master, when the world is complete, there will be a catastrophe."

Hong Yun nodded and said: "That's right. This world has reached completion and will soon appear in the starry sky. Once fully exposed, it will surely usher in the world's perfection. And those people in the starry sky are exactly the same Groups of wanderers are generally no different."

When Zeus and Cang Xuzi heard this, there was a touch of solemnity on their faces.

With their current realm, they have long felt the group of wanderers in the starry sky.

It's just that the realm master hasn't spoken, so they are inconvenient to guess.

Now it seems that the group of people is as much as they thought, and it really is the group of reptiles.

Zeus said coldly: "Don't be afraid of the moths in the starry sky."

Cang Xuzi also opened his mouth and said, "There are seven gods under my sect. They can practice combined strike magical powers. They can block dozens of gods, and they can also resist the lord of the world!"

When he first awakened his memory and remembered the tragic battle, he began to make arrangements early to recruit disciples and comprehend the principles of the world.

Eventually, with the help of the great laws of this realm, he created the magical power of one strike.

With the help of this world, the power of the seven gods can be used to resist a realm master.

Of course, the premise is that the realm master they are enemy has no world name behind, and is alone in the stars.

It can be said that his magical power was prepared for the wanderers in the starry sky.

After all, the gap between the saint and the realm master is like heaven.

If it is the level of the realm master that controls a world, like Hongyun, killing a **** is like killing a pig, even if there are hundreds of gods, it cannot stop a realm owner.

After all, behind that realm master, it was the support of a world.

But these wanderers in the starry sky are different, they can only rely on this point that the core of the world is in the wandering starry sky, and there is no support behind them.

It's like a duckweed without roots, so Cang Xuzi can be sure that the seven gods under his sect can block one of the world masters.

After hearing this, the red cloud couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

Originally, he still had some worries in his heart after detecting the wanderers at the realm master level hidden in the starry sky, but now his party made him feel a little less worried.

It's just that the wanderers in the starry sky are not alone, and the rest can only be seen by how many people he can block.

It seemed that he had noticed that Hong Yun's expression was a little wrong, and Cang Xuzi spoke again: "My lord of the world, is there any concern?"

Hong Yun smiled bitterly: "The level of the realm master hidden in the starry sky is not one person, there are as many as several people."

Zeus, who had been silent for a long time, also said: "My western gods can also block another person. Recently, Bacchus has developed a new wine. After taking it, you can fuse several gods together, which can be obtained briefly under the support of the world. Master level combat power."

"Bacchus?" Hong Yun's eyes were far-reaching, as if thinking of this old friend, then he smiled and said, "If this is the case, then I am more relieved."

At this time, Cang Xuzi said again: "If Lord Master allows me, I can go to a line in the starry sky and set up a large formation in the starry sky in advance to reduce the strength of outsiders."

"No matter what the realm, it can be reduced!"

When Hong Yun heard the words, the smile on his face became more intense, and then he said: "In this case, you can go to the faint formation in the starry sky with the support of heaven."

After hearing this, Cang Xuzi nodded slightly. He had experienced the collapse of a world, so he cherished the perfect world more than others.

Not just him, but all the creatures who have experienced that war cherish a whole world more than ordinary people.

Even though they are fighting with each other endlessly, if they encounter a notorious creature like the Wanderer, they will also work together to defend the world.

Hong Yun got a lot of answers during his trip, and he also had a countermeasure for those wanderers in the starry sky.

It's just that he didn't know whether there were other Wanderers at the level of the realm master hidden in the starry sky.

Everything needs to be cautious!

Hong Yun arched his hands at the two of them and said, "If this is the case, the gods who put things on will have two of you."

Cang Xuzi and Zeus both got up at the same time, and said to Hongyun, "Lord Master does not need to be like this, this is what I should do."

Hong Yun smiled freely, and then left the hall here.

After Hongyun left, the two Zeus sat down again, and then looked at each other, both of them could see the solemn color in each other's eyes.

The news brought by this red cloud was too shocking for them.

Although they had experienced the collapse of the world, they were all wanderers of the **** level, that is, the power of the saint.

However, none of the world master levels appeared. If it was the power of the world master level that appeared, I am afraid that they would not appear here.

Thanks to Cang Xuzi's precautions, he created this combo technique by coincidence, as well as Dionysian's new wine, otherwise, I am afraid that this world consummation will not be able to survive.

The two discussed in the hall for a long time.

After a long time, Zeus got up to say goodbye, left the hall and headed west.


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