I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 833: Prepare for war!

After Zeus left, Cang Xuzi summoned the seven gods under the door to discuss matters in the hall.

Among these seven people, the leader is his big disciple in the upper world, named Tianchenzi.

And the remaining six people are the talented and intelligent people he has received in this world, who can step into the **** level in just a few thousand years, and their talents can be imagined.

After the seven came to the hall, they saluted Cang Xuzi respectfully, and then said: "The teacher is looking for me to wait, can you discuss important matters?"

Cang Xuzi looked at the seven people in front of him and said, "How are you preparing for the combo skills?"

Those people were taken aback for a moment, and then they met each other: they all saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

One of them said, "Teacher, is it possible that what the teacher said before is about to come."

The faces of the other few people also showed a "sure enough" look.

As early as when they achieved the position of gods, Cang Xuzi had told them.

Perhaps one day, they will encounter intruders from the stars. Those people are powerful, fierce and cunning, and enjoy destroying the world.

The combined attack skills they practiced are just to deal with the powerful wanderers in the group.

Now Cang Xuzi recruited them to the main hall. As soon as he spoke, they had already guessed a little, so that's why he asked.

Cang Xuzi looked at the seven people in front of him, nodded solemnly, and said, "That's the case, you are familiar with it during this period of time. As a teacher, you have to go to the stars to make arrangements. Don't slack off!"

Hearing the words, the seven hurriedly bowed to Cang Xuzi respectfully, and then said: "I will wait to follow the teacher's decree!"

Cang Xuzi nodded when he heard the words, and then left the hall directly and ascended into the clouds.

Tiandao Will also received news from Hongyun before the incarnation, and he appeared at this moment, taking Cang Xuzi to hide his body and aura, all the way to the starry sky.

After Cang Xuzi left, the seven went back to their homes and began to prepare for the catastrophe.


And the West at the moment.

Where the endless mountain stood, Zeus returned to one of the high mountains. As soon as he entered the mountain, a servant of God came to meet him and took him to the mountain hall.

The hall is extremely vast, like a small world, in which Athena in armor stands.

After sensing the breath of Zeus at this moment, he quickly turned his head and said in surprise: "I have seen the Father God!"

Zeus nodded, and then said from Athena: "You summon my Western gods, and call the Bacchus by the way. I'll wait for something to discuss!"

Athena nodded when she heard the words, and then suddenly looked at Zeus in surprise.

He asked: "Father God has the breath of Lord Master!"

Zeus was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Yes, just now I saw Lord Lord on the old guy's mountain. It is precisely because of this that the Western gods are called here."

Athena said excitedly: "What's the matter?"

Zeus looked solemn, and solemnly said: "The catastrophe of this world is coming, I should prepare early to deal with powerful enemies!"

Hearing this, Athena's expression changed. She remembered the world they were in before, the wanderers from the stars, and the tragic battle.

In that battle, I don't know how many old friends died tragically.

She didn't know how many creatures died in the turmoil of the world. She didn't want to experience such tragic scenes a second time.

Athena opened the mouth and said: "This world is clearly far from reaching the point of destruction. Why is there a wanderer in the starry sky?"

When Zeus heard this, he laughed and said: "This catastrophe is not the catastrophe of the world, but the catastrophe of the creation. If we can survive this catastrophe, I will be truly relieved!"

After hearing what Zeus said, Athena couldn't help but was taken aback, thinking for a moment, and a touch of excitement appeared in the back.

The Tribulation of Creation!

It is completely different from the catastrophe of the world, but the crisis is the same. Regardless of the creation or destruction of the world, as long as the catastrophe cannot be overcome, the world will be destroyed.

But the difference is that after the triumph of creation is successfully passed, the whole world will be reborn.

Then the potential of this world will slowly unfold.

It is even possible to advance all the way, cross the barriers of the world, break the world level, and achieve an eternal world.

And the calamity of destroying the world, no matter whether it passes or not, the world will eventually be destroyed.

The catastrophe only determines the speed of the world's destruction.

The only thing they have in common is that they cannot be avoided or erased.

Athena nodded, and then left the hall directly, using her magical powers, summoning the Western gods to come.

In an instant, on the sacred mountain of the entire Western world, countless streams of light lit up, galloping toward the sacred mountain where Athena was.

But in a moment, the Western gods have gathered in the hall on the Mount Athena.

A group of gods came into the main hall, looking at the figure standing in front of them, their faces suddenly stunned.

They all know that since his reincarnation, Zeus has cultivated all the way to the level of gods, and has never returned to the Western Mountain. This is the first time he has returned to the Western Mountain.

A group of gods hurriedly bowed to Zeus, and then one of the gods asked: "I don't know why the **** king summoned me to wait?"

When Zeus heard the words, he said: "Before coming here, I had seen Lord Master in the East and learned about the creation of the world!"


At this moment, it is located in the temple in the center of the Promise World.

The incarnation of the will of Tiandao appeared here, Kong Xuan and others sat cross-legged in the temple, adjusting their breath and consolidating their cultivation.

It has been a long time since they came to this world, and for thousands of years they have become temple envoys among the world's population in this world.

Every time there is a change in the heavens, it is they who announce to this world.

So this world has already known them, especially the aborigines of this world. Among them, there are many forbidden places, holy ancestors, worship every year, and offer sacrifices, let Kong Xuan and others give pointers to their descendants' outstanding children.

Even though they are now the cultivation base of saints, they have not refused such requests. Instead, each instruction has become a grand gathering once in a hundred years in this world.

Tian Dao slowly lowered his figure, Kong Xuan and others also opened their eyes at this moment.

Just listen to the incarnation of Tiandao Will slowly speak: "The catastrophe in this world is coming, you need to spread this matter, so that those forbidden areas and holy sects will prepare early!"

Most of those forbidden land masters and saint sovereigns are also at the peak of quasi saints or at the level of saints.

At this point, this world has far surpassed the prehistoric, and there are even signs of approaching the former Hongmeng.

Kong Xuan and others heard the words, showing a solemn look on their faces, and then said, "I'll know it later!"


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