I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 834: Backhand

Kong Xuan and others directly turned and walked out of the temple, wandering in the sky above the Promise World, and at the same time descended the oracle to inform sentient beings in this world that outsiders would invade.

The oracle spread all over the Promise World and spread out instantly.

Those forbidden areas and holy sects learned of the oracle for the first time, and the leader was shocked, and then summoned the number of his subordinates to gather in the ancestral land.

The endless details are all released, and we must do our best for this great battle.

Sanqing and others are located on the sacred mountain, together with Zhen Yuanzi and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, looking at the whole Promise World.

After a long time, Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said: "All will come together, there is no reason for failure in this world."

Now his sage status has been completely consolidated, and he has reached the peak of the sage with the help of heaven.

It can be said that he is no longer a prehistoric creature, but a saint's combat power spawned in this Promise World.

This is true not only for him, but also for the Ksitigarbha who came to this world with him.

With the help of Heaven's Dao, the two achieved the status of saints, and the Dao in the body turned into Dao in the Promise World.

At this moment, I felt the will of the world, and saw that the creatures in this world were united and focused on the outside world, and my heart was relaxed a lot.

Sanqing and the others also nodded with a smile. Among them, Yuan said, "Senior Brother Hongyun had to wait ahead of me when he first became a teacher, and now he has walked far ahead of me. I can’t even wait for it!"

Lao Tzu also smiled and said, "I can't wait to see the dust at this level, but it's a blessing to see extraterrestrial beings today!"

Tongtian is even more gearing up, looking up at the starry sky, through the corner of the world shelter, I can see the broken continents in the starry sky, and the creatures standing on the fragments of the continents.

Immediately sneered and said: "It's just a group of homeless wild dogs, look at the sword slaying all saints today!"

The rest of the people laughed, extremely heroic.


And in the starry sky at this moment.

With the help of Heaven's Dao, Cang Xuzi connected the starry sky with the entire world of Promise, and set a big game.

Take the void where the Promise World is located as a chessboard, use the sky full of stars in the starry sky as chess pieces, and the Promise World as a way to cut the dragon, with the sword pointing to the starry sky.

At the moment under the big formation, the wanderers at the level of the realm master hidden in the starry sky felt the existence of the formation at the same time.

It's just that they don't know what effect this formation has, they can only vaguely feel the slightest suppression.

Then one by one sneered.

"The trapped beasts are still fighting, but they are just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, and they dare to resist me. It is really ridiculous!"

One of the wanderers of the realm master level laughed.

He crossed this starry sky without knowing how many epochs, and he had slaughtered many stars with his own hands. Just like the Promise World, there were many stars in the Middle Thousand World when he was born.

But without exception, they were destroyed by his hands, and the world was silent!

He has seen too many stars like the Promise World, the last struggling stars, and their final result is only one, completely destroying the starry sky.

If the star seeds of the proud sons of the heavens in the great thousand worlds crossed the catastrophe, they would naturally not dare to participate in the wanderers who could not reach the level of the realm master.

After all, the proud sons of the heavens in those great worlds, there are guardians when they cross the calamity, and the weakest is the level of the starry saint.

Even some hidden Sejong gates, forbidden land holy sects, all have ancient holy guards!

If they go, let alone whether they can beat the proud of heaven, even if they can really defeat the proud of heaven, they will die under their protector.

Where the real evildoer is, even if the saints in the starry sky dare not plan, let alone them.

They had already found out the news of this world before they came, but it was just a casual cultivator after good luck, and it was really jealous to be able to get to this point.

But he can only get to this point!

As soon as this person's voice fell, he saw someone in the starry sky saying, "This person's roots and feet comprehension is good, I wonder if it will be liked by some big people?"

Someone laughed and said: "This place is in the starry sky, and outsiders can't detect it. If I waited by coincidence to learn a trace of leaked aura, I wouldn't have probed here at all. Those big things are not so lucky!"

The others also chuckled when they heard this, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. It's really good luck for them to wait for others.

For unknown reasons, this starry sky was guarded by a formation, hiding under the universe.

Even though the ancient sage level couldn't detect it, they got a breath when they were promoted in this world. This kind of luck is really good.

Several people speculated in their hearts that there are voids guarded by formations everywhere, perhaps once the residence of a quasi-big world.

Failed while crossing the world of promotion, and then completely collapsed.

The starry sky remained.

Perhaps in addition to this world seed that is about to be promoted to Zhong Qianshi, they can also obtain other benefits.

Several people thought in their hearts that they would use the breath of this realm to explore the starry sky and see if the remains of the Great Thousand World could be found.

If they can be found, maybe they can't continue to wander in the stars.

This is an opportunity for them to become enlightened!

Just as the wanderers in the starry sky calculated in their hearts, the red clouds at this moment also completely settled the land.

Today's Yang Jian and others are not strong enough, but they can make them a good practice in the predicament.

After the World of Promise has completely passed the Tribulation of World Consummation, it will be brought into the World of Promise to help it become holy.

After hiding the entire Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea again, Hong Yun directly entered the underworld.

The moment he arrived at the underworld, Houtu appeared in front of him, looked at the red cloud with a complicated expression, and said: "Senior brother seems to be a little upset today."

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It's not a big deal, Junior Sister, don't worry!"

Houtu sighed softly in his heart, and then said: "Houtu knows that his strength is low and he can't help the brother. I hope that the brother will forgive me!

Hong Yun smiled freely, and then said: "That's not necessarily true. The brother came today, there is really something to trouble the sister."

As he said, a Divine Soul Seed appeared between his hands, which was wrapped in chaos, making it impossible for people to see clearly.

Even though the earth has been in charge of the underworld for many years, it has never been able to see through this soul seed.

Houtu froze for a moment, and then said: "This is..."

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Please ask Junior Sister to take care of this Divine Soul Seed. If the chaos manifests in the future, please ask Junior Sister to throw this Divine Soul Seed into the cycle of reincarnation!"

Hearing this, Houtu took the Soul Seed and nodded thoughtfully.


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