I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 835: Restart the Beast Palace

Although she didn't understand why Hongyun had to give this soul seed to her, since she had already accepted it, she would act according to what the brother said.

After a moment of silence, Houtu said, "If Brother Hongyun asks, the younger sister will naturally help, but the three Sanqing brothers, where are they now?"

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then smiled: "The three of their brothers are now in the world under my control, feeling different principles of the Great Way."

He didn't make it clear, after all, the World of Promise is different from others. If the Tribulation of the World is passed through safely, it's okay to say, if it cannot be passed through, it will be completely destroyed.

The Soul Seed that he handed over to Houtu just now was one of the backhands he laid, and more than one person was blocked.

After hearing what Hongyun said, Houtu nodded, and then said: "If this is the case, then Houtu has no more concerns."

Hongyun nodded slightly, and then said: "If this is the case, then I will leave first."

Houtu nodded and said, "Senior brother, please take care of yourself."

When the voice fell, Hong Yun's figure instantly disappeared in the underworld, and when it reappeared, he was already in the wild clouds.

Just as he was about to rush towards the Penglai Fairy Island, he saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Nuwa who had arrived from the Wa Palace upon hearing the news.

Nu Wa looked at the red cloud in front of her, bowed, and then said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you, brother?"

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Thank you, sister-in-law, worry, brother-in-law has been fine recently, but everything is a bit heavy. I wonder if the sister-in-law is stopping here now but waiting for me?

Nuwa nodded when she heard the words, and then said: "Even more so."

Hong Yun heard the words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then asked aloud: "Junior sister is waiting for me here, is there something important?"

Nu Wa nodded solemnly, and then said: "So Sanqing and others are now going to the world controlled by their brother?"

Hearing Nuwa's question, Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

There was some doubt in his heart, how these people seemed to know where Sanqing was going in just a few days.

Just when Hong Yun was puzzled, she heard Nu Wa speak: "Brother, sister also wants to go to the world under your control, is it possible?"

Hong Yun frowned slightly, and then said: "Now that world is facing a terrible catastrophe, even if I am not sure to retreat, I am afraid that there is a danger of saint falling, the junior is not good at fighting, and I still stay here for Great!"

When Nuwa heard the words, a look of disappointment appeared on her face, and then nodded, and said, "If this is the case, then the junior sister will stop harassing!"

After all, finally turned and left.

But I heard Hong Yun suddenly speak behind him: "Wait until that world has survived the catastrophe, the brother will come here again and invite the sister to see what happened."

Hearing this, Nuwa suddenly turned her head, looked at Hongyun, and said with a smile: "Okay, in that case, brother, don't want to say anything in the future!"

Hong Yun smiled and said, "As it should be!"

In the next moment, Nu Wa saluted Hongyun, and then returned directly to the Wa Palace.

Hong Yun breathed a long sigh of relief before returning to Penglai Xian Island with a smile.

After returning to Penglai Fairy Island, Hong Yun did not return to the Promise World for the first time. Instead, he stuck out his spiritual thoughts and sank directly into the Pure Yang Palace.

After Hong Yun's divine mind entered the Pure Yang Palace, he came to a secret hall. The door of the hall was closed, but one could still feel an extremely terrifying power from it.

This is the Spirit Beast Palace in the Pure Yang Palace, where countless spirit beasts collected by the previous owner of the Pure Yang Palace are concentrated.

Among them, the one with the lowest cultivation level is also a saint.

In those days, Yue Lingtu once said that when Hongyun's cultivation was enough, he could open this spirit beast palace and release the closed spirit beasts.

Although Hongyun has reached the level of the world master, it is still very difficult to completely open the gate of the spirit beast palace.

Only the slightest difference from opening the palace gate last time is that he can open about one-tenth at this moment.

This is also the biggest back-hand for the Promise World to face the wanderers in the starry sky.

Standing in front of the closed gate of the Spirit Beast Palace, Hong Yun took a deep breath, then raised his hand to cover the palace gate. The endless laws and mana surging in the body entangled in the midair, covering the entire spirit. The gate of the beast palace.

As the will of Hongyun controlled Pure Yang Palace descended, the gate of the Spirit Beast Palace trembled slightly, and then slowly opened towards the inside.

A hint of excitement flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and the spirit beast palace gate he opened now was enough to release the beasts of the contact level.

As long as these monsters are still in the Pure Yang Palace, he is sure to use the Pure Yang Palace to subdue these monsters at the level of the realm master.

It's just that he didn't know that by opening the gate of the Spirit Beast Palace this time, several levels of monster beasts could be released.

When he was at the peak of the saint before, he felt that this spirit beast palace was a bit unusual, but now it seems that the beasts trapped in it are numerous and their strength is extraordinary.

Devouring the Sky is only the weakest monster among them, and now with the long years of Yue Territory in the Promise World, it has reached the level of the pinnacle of the half-step world master.

Moreover, these monsters have a completely different promotion path from theirs. If a monster wants to be successfully promoted to the level of a realm master, it will take a long time.

It forms a world in its own body, and then slowly breeds creatures, making it a real world.

Only in this way can it be successfully promoted to the level of the world master.

And just like Hongyun and the others, they only need to find a world without an owner. After refining the core of the world and the heavens, they can completely control their hands, and then they can break through the level of the realm master.

If Hong Yun could smoothly release a few monster beasts at the master level this time, it would be equivalent to gaining the support of several worlds.

In this way, the Promise World will have more confidence in passing through the Tribulation of World Consummation.

With the slow opening of the palace gate, it has now opened to about one-tenth, and it has stagnated here. Even if Hongyun tried his best, he could not open it again.

But even so, it was enough for Hongyun.

He looked at the door of the Spirit Beast Palace that opened about ten minutes later, and then used Pure Yang Palace will to make a gentle move towards it.

In an instant, I heard the endless beast roar from the spirit beast palace.

After that, bursts of mania spread out, surging.

The red cloud standing in front of the palace gate could clearly feel the terrifying will in it.

Feeling the power of horror emanating from it, there was a touch of joy on the surface of the red cloud, and then raised his hand with a gentle stroke, and three spirit crystals suddenly flew out of the spirit beast palace.


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