I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 837: Be the first to win

Barbarian bull was suppressed by the terrifying power of the pinnacle of Hongyun's realm master and corrected his mistake!

There was a low growl in his mouth, no matter how hard he struggled, but he could not stand up, and finally screamed, his head was suppressed on the ground, and a voice of surrender was heard in his mouth.

When Hong Yun saw this, the coldness on his face eased a lot, and then waved his hand, and the terrifying power in the hall disappeared.

Man Niu stood up and tremblingly came to Hong Yun, his eyes full of fear.

Seeing this, Hongyun was surprised.

Then I carefully looked at the strange beasts on Wednesday. These three strange beasts, like the Devouring Sky, have given birth to some spiritual wisdom, but they are far inferior to other monks.

The heels are clearly top-notch, but their wisdom is not as good as those golden fairy level fairies.

This is rather strange!

After a moment of contemplation, Hongyun's divine consciousness directly protruded, and then dived into the sea of ​​knowledge of the strange beast on Wednesday, wanting to find out.

As a result, his divine consciousness had just entered it, but he saw a shackle in the minds of the three strange beasts.

Within the shackles, these three reduced versions of strange beasts were blocked.

Hong Yun knew it in his heart, and it was precisely because of the existence of these chains that the intelligence of these three strange beasts was far inferior to that of ordinary beasts. Even if they reached the level of the world master, they were still unable to be like ordinary people.

Seeing the flattering black face at his feet, Hong Yun smiled and touched his head, and then said: "You must be tired of staying in this spirit beast palace. Today I will take you out to see the outside world."

When the three strange beasts heard the words, they all showed a touch of joy.

Then, with Hong Yun's big wave of his hand, everyone disappeared directly into the Pure Yang Palace, and when it reappeared, they were already in the Promise World.

The three strange beasts looked at the world under them, their eyes filled with light.

They were previously locked in a cage and shackles in the Spirit Beast Palace. Not only did they seal their bodies, but even their spirits were also sealed for ninety-nine percent, and they couldn't detect the outside world at all.

They couldn't even see the place outside the spirit beast palace. After being banned for an unknown number of epochs, this was the first time they came out.

After everyone appeared in the Promise World, the incarnation of Tiandao Will appeared in front of Hong Yun, looking at the three strange beasts around Hong Yun with a surprised expression.

Naturally, she could see that the three strange beasts around Hong Yun were all realm master level cultivation bases, but she couldn't figure out where Hong Yun got the three strange beasts.

And looking at the relationship between them, Hong Yun seemed to be the master of these.

After hesitating for a long time, the incarnation of the will of heaven said: "After you left, a few realm master-level auras broke out in the starry sky. I originally thought that this kind of world's consummation would be impossible, but Unexpectedly, you found these three strange beasts from nowhere, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!"

Hearing this, Hong Yun's face was slightly stunned, and then turned to look into the stars.

Today's Promise World has completely appeared in the starry sky, and they will completely appear in front of the wanderers only after the original protective power disappears.

Sure enough, just as the incarnation of the will of the heavens said, in several hidden areas in the starry sky, a few unfamiliar world master-level auras appeared.

It's just that these breaths are much weaker for him, and should be the realm master's initial or mid-stage cultivation.

The level of saints who wanted to come to fish in troubled waters has long since disappeared, leaving behind the vassals of these world masters.

It seemed that he was aware of Hongyun's visit, and a sneer came from the starry sky: "Ant! Are you ready..."

Hong Yun snorted coldly, and then raised his hand to a virtual grip in front of him. In an instant, he saw a Tianhe under the starry sky, rushing towards the source of the sound.

The next moment, where the Tianhe River passes, the heavens and stars evade.

An embarrassed body fell out of the hidden place in the starry sky.

It was a young Taoist wearing a purple robe. At this moment, his figure was embarrassed, and there was also a little broken image in the supreme-level purple robe.

Then he looked up at the place where Hongyun was in horror.

He was a wanderer who had first entered the starry sky. The world he was in had long been broken, and his father was the previous master of that world.

When it was breached by a wanderer, his father handed him the core of the world, and used a body to force him to break through, and then sent him into the starry sky.

Finally, the wanderers who swarmed into that shattered world died together.

It's also a coincidence that the father of this purple-robed young Taoist is also the pinnacle of the world lord, even at the level of a half-step star saint, otherwise it is impossible to expose all the wanderers who invaded his world and die.

This is the young Taoist who just broke through, but the realm master's initial cultivation base is nothing more.

He originally thought that the newly born World Boundary Master was just the initial or mid-stage cultivation base of the Boundary Lord, but he did not expect that Hong Yun had already stepped into the pinnacle of the Boundary Lord.

Even if he was only one step away from the starry saint, raising his hand actually made him suffer a dark loss.

After seeing the purple-robed young Taoist eating the other hidden masters in the starry sky, they all secretly laughed.

At the same time, he was sure of Hong Yun's cultivation base, and he became vigilant.

As for the two wanderers who are also the pinnacle of the world lord, after seeing Hong Yun's behavior, they looked at each other and understood the meaning.

If it is not easy to take, the two of them can take this world together.

They are the pinnacles of the world masters who have wandered in the starry sky for an unknown number of eras. Although they are fierce in nature, they have a sense of stability in their bones.

After all, they want to destroy the world controlled by other world masters. Once the world is destroyed, the person will die.

Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone the lord of the world.

Just listen to Hongyun laughed coldly: "The worm shakes the tree, and I don't know what I can do!"

Hearing this, the purple-robed young Taoist turned red in an instant, then snorted coldly, raised his hand and smashed the level of the sneer saint beside him.

Only a short distance away someone shouted coldly: "Zipao, do you want to fight the deity?"

Just now, the purple-robed Taoist crushed easily was a saint servant under his seat.

This person is also at the initial level of the world master, but it is an era before the purple-robed Taoist to step into the world master level, so naturally he is not afraid of words.

The purple-robed Taoist said coldly: "Raccoon, don't take it as the deity and fear that you won't succeed. Since this person dares to insult this seat, how can this seat kill him?"

Tanuki secretly cursed the tragic servant of the saint in his heart, there was nothing to provoke this mad dog to do anything.

The original world of this purple-robed Taoist was shattered, and he was the only one left. He destroyed an unknown number of worlds along the way, but never accepted a servant, and his subordinates were absolutely inanimate.

Under the same realm, no one is willing to provoke him easily.

When the raccoon was embarrassed, he listened to a wanderer at the pinnacle of the realm master in the starry sky and said coldly: "Enough, is it not shameful enough?"


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