I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 838: The cultivation of the moon rabbit

"Enough, isn't it shameful enough?"

In the starry sky, there was a cold shout, the purple-robed Taoist's complexion instantly changed, and then he gave a cold snort and stopped speaking.

On the other side, the raccoon snorted coldly, then turned his head to look in the direction of the Promise World, and his eyes became more cold.

In his opinion, if it weren't for Hongyun's move, he wouldn't have suffered this innocent disaster for nothing.

When he breaks through this world in the future, he will definitely draw the soul of this world master and turn it into a puppet around him, and let him send him.

Hong Yun saw the coldness in Li Qi's eyes, and sneered in his heart, and then looked at the deepest part of the starry sky, where the sound came from before.

I saw a figure slowly walked out of the deepest part of the starry sky, wearing a battle armor, holding a long Ge, sitting on an ancient chariot exuding vicissitudes of life.

There was a horrible aura on his body, and it was exactly the kind of wanderer who spoke before.

On both sides of its chariot, there are also two servants of the saint's pinnacle.

This person looked towards the Promise World, the divine light flickered in his eyes, as if there was an electric snake lingering in it.

Looking at the red cloud in the Promise World, he said coldly: "Are you the realm master?"

Hong Yun was stunned, and then sneered: "It's the poor way, how are you doing?"

The man said coldly: "Hand over 90% of the core of the world and heaven, and sacrifice 90% of the creatures in the world, I can forgive you not to die!"

Hearing this, Li Qi's complexion changed drastically. He also wanted to draw the soul of the realm master of this world. If this person saves him, then what he said before will be empty.

Immediately he opened his mouth and said: "Great God, no."

Qingtian turned his head and looked at the raccoon with cold eyes, his body felt more chilly, and said coldly, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

With cold sweat on his body, Li Lei hurriedly said: "No, the little **** just feels that the world's lord is arrogant and domineering, and will not agree to these conditions."

Qingtian said: "If he doesn't agree, then he can accompany this world to death."

Hearing this, other people in the court stopped talking.

On the contrary, it was the red cloud in the Promise World, and his face became more cold. When he looked at the Sky God in the starry sky, he seemed to be looking at a dead person.

At this moment, the incarnation of the will of heaven suddenly said: "If you are not sure to survive this world perfection, perhaps it is a good choice to promise this person."

Hong Yun turned his head and looked, and only listened to the incarnation of the will of Tiandao and said again: "Sacrifice 90% of the core of the world and the way of heaven, in exchange for successfully passing through this world complete disaster, although it will make this world fall from the middle world to a small one. Thousands of worlds, but at least it has survived the catastrophe, and the level of the world can rise in the future. If it fails, then there will be nothing..."

After the incarnation of Tiandao Will, he stopped speaking and stood quietly beside Hong Yun.

After a long silence, Hong Yun suddenly smiled and said: "If you don't even have the confidence to survive this catastrophe, how will this seat upgrade this sword to a great world in the future, how to see the beauty of the thousands of worlds in the starry sky, and how to visit them? Ten Thousand Worlds!"

The voice fell, the incarnation of Tiandao Will sighed involuntarily, and then stopped speaking.

I saw Hong Yun holding his hands in front of him, stepping into the edge of the starry sky, and chuckles: "A group of bereaved dogs is also worthy to bark in front of this seat!

As soon as he said this, countless powerful breaths surged in the starry sky, as if to break the starry sky.

And the former Sky God, who was wearing a battle armor and holding a long Ge, looked even more ugly, and said in a cold voice, "Well, it's another ant who doesn't know what to do. When the protection of this world disappears, it will be this world. The day of destruction."

"I will refine your soul, refine your body, and transform you into a cart in front of this chariot."

The raccoon on the side laughed secretly, if it were him, I am afraid he would agree to this person's request without thinking.

It's just a sacrifice of 90% of the creatures, and it's not a difficult task for him to give up 90% of the world core and heaven.

If you can exchange this for your own breakthrough, it's worth it.

Hong Yun didn't get angry when he heard the words. Instead, he waved at the Qingtian **** in front of him, and said with a smile: "In that case, come and try."

Seeing Hong Yun's posture like a mortal beckoning cats and dogs, God Qingtian was immediately furious, and then boldly shot, stabling Hongyun with Chang Ge in his hand.

In an instant, a long dragon appeared in the starry sky, and after breaking through a tiny star, it went straight to the red cloud.

Hong Yun looked at the galloping dragon and the endless star fragments, with a mocking smile on his face, standing still on the edge of the starry sky.

Quietly watching the long dragon and star fragments in front of him hit the Promise World.

Eventually, he was directly stopped by a shallow light curtain, and everything would turn into dust and disappear into the starry sky.

The provocative taste in Hongyun's eyes became more and more intense, and he hooked his hands at the **** Qingtian, smiled and said: "Continue!"

Excited fire spurted out of Qingtian God's eyes, but after seeing the light curtain outside the Promise World, he turned and left with a cold snort.

He knew in his heart that before the world's protective light curtain disappeared, even if the saint of the starry sky, including the powerful shots on it, could not possibly break it.

What's more, this little pinnacle of the world lord is still a pinnacle of world lord without the support of the world.

How can the world leader peak without the support of the world break the protective light curtain outside this world.

Looking at the Great Sky God who had just left, the other wanderers in the starry sky also had an unsightly complexion, and when they looked at the red clouds in the Promise World, they seemed to be looking at a dead person.

These wanderers returned to their respective continental debris and disappeared into the starry sky.

This caused Hong Yun to sigh. He wanted to see how many wanderers were hidden in the starry sky, but he didn't expect that his previous actions would not arouse these people.

On the contrary, it is a pity to let them hide one by one in the starry sky.

Hong Yun sighed, and then returned to the Promise World again.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit suddenly appeared in front of him, looking at the **** three strange beasts not far away, there was a flickering light in his eyes, and asked: "Master, you opened the Spirit Beast Palace again."

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and then looked at the Moon Spirit Rabbit seriously, and suddenly said, "I forgot, your rabbit's cultivation is not weak."

Before he was promoted to the top level of the realm master, the hidden cultivation base of the Moon Spirit Rabbit he saw was only the initial stage of the realm master.

Now it seems that Yuelingtu's cultivation base is far more than the realm master's initial stage, it should be the realm master's peak.

After hearing this, Yueling Rabbit shook his head and denied it: "I am not, I don't, master, don't talk nonsense!"


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