I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 839: Same chance

Looking at the Moon Spirit Rabbit who shook his head again and again, a smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then he said: "Do you remember what we said when we traveled the world?"

Yueling Rabbit heard the words with a blank face, not knowing what Hongyun said.

What did they say when they traveled the world before?

At this moment, Devouring Sky, who had been following the Moon Spirit Rabbit, immediately stretched his head and arched the Gongyue Spirit Rabbit when he saw this situation.

Moon Spirit Rabbit still looked blank.

I saw Hongyun sighed, and then said: "Do you remember how to make spicy rabbit head?"

Hearing this, Yueling Rabbit's face turned pale with a "swish".

Then he smiled and said: "Master, this princess just remembered that in the past few days, my cultivation base has recovered a lot, and now I can stop the peak of the world lord."

Hearing this, Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and said: "If this is the case, then it will be much better. In the future, on the battlefield, you can come in handy..."

Yueling Rabbit nodded, for fear that Hongyun would mention the spicy rabbit head again, that would be really troublesome then.

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, two figures suddenly walked from the starry sky, it was the former Cang Xuzi and the incarnation of the will of Heaven.

The two came to the front and bowed to Hongyun. Cang Xuzi smiled and said, "Poverty Dao does not humiliate the mission, the formation has been laid, and the rest depends on how the battlefield will be..."

Hongyun nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "Thank you fellow daoists, during this period of time, Dao Friendship rests and prepares for the future starry sky war."

Hearing the words, Cang Xuzi nodded helplessly, and then returned to his dojo.

After Cang Xuzi left, Hong Yun looked up at the starry sky again, his expression becoming more solemn.

He could see that in the starry sky, the realm master levels he found now were just a few people on the surface, and some people were hiding in a deeper place. He needed to make more complete preparations.

Hong Yun invited Kong Xuan and others to wait in the temple.

Today, Kong Xuan and others have reached the pinnacle level of saints, and a few people may be able to fight the early stage of the world master, but after all, it is still much worse.

After a few people came to the temple, they saw Hongyun and quickly saluted: "I've waited to see the master!"

The faces of everyone are complicated. Although they have now reached the realm of saints, they also know what the Promise World is facing today.

A war capable of destroying the entire world.

Hong Yun looked at the complex expressions on the faces of several people, and smiled: "You waited but regretted it."

When the voice fell, the complex expressions on the faces of several people suddenly disappeared, showing a smile, and then they said: "I don't regret it, it's just a pity."

Even Daji smiled and nodded, "It's a pity that we can't step into the realm master level now, so we can share our worries for the master!"

When Hongyun heard the words, he smiled and shook his head and said: "If you want to step into the realm master level, wait until after this great war to practice cultivation. If the opportunity comes, you may be able to control a world and become a realm master."

Several people smiled and nodded.

Then I heard Hong Yun continue to speak: "Now I invite you to come, so that you can recruit all of the forbidden lands in this world and all the combat power above the Saint Sect saint level. Before I come to the temple, I have something to do. To say."

Now the image of Kong Xuan and others' temple messengers are deeply ingrained in this world, so Hong Yun didn't bother to let the heavens descend and summon those people to the temple.

After hearing the words, Kong Xuan and others nodded repeatedly, then bowed to Hongyun, then left the temple directly and hurried away.

Nowadays, in this world, apart from the initial body refining and his like, the practitioners who are like the predecessors, and without the imprisonment of the world, there are many more levels of saints.

It can be said that excluding the battle power at the level of the master, it is only at the level of saints, and the world of Promise is more than ten times that of the prehistoric.

Unless Hongjun releases the restrictions of the heavens in the future, so that everyone can be sanctified, will it be possible to surpass the Promise World.

At this moment, over the world of Promise, Kong Xuan and the others went to the forbidden land holy sect and his party to work separately.

Using the identity of the temple messenger, these forbidden areas and the Saint Sect, and the saint-level combat power were all summoned outside the temple.

The elders of the Forbidden Land and the Saint Sect, or the Sovereign, were all surprised before learning that Kong Xuan let everyone go to the temple.

Although they knew that the world catastrophe was imminent, and that the extraterritorial demon was about to invade, with the intention of destroying the world.

But for them, being able to go to the temple for a pilgrimage is a great joy, no matter it is because of anything.

For a time, meteors continued to flow in the sky over the Promise World, galloping towards the temple, and more body refiners stepped through the sky, stepping across a thousand miles away.

In just three days, all the top combat power at the saint level in the Promise World came outside the temple.

Hongyun's spiritual thoughts came out, scanning these gods from various forbidden places or holy sects, or the gods who came here with him from the other world before, there are hundreds of people in total.

After investigating the number clearly, Hong Yun nodded in satisfaction, at least there was no difference at the level of saints, and even a faint winner.

It's just that the level of the world master is still quite different, but it should be enough to resist those wanderers outside the territory.

Many powerful abilities came outside the temple, looking into the temple with reverence in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun walked directly out of the temple and came before the many mighty powers, and then the will of heaven came and fell on him, making him look majestic.

At this time, many great powers felt in their hearts, and naturally knew that the person in front of them was the real master of this world.

One by one knelt down on the ground with feverish expressions, and congratulated in unison: "I'll wait for the Lord of the Realm to come!"

Seeing this, Hong Yun nodded slightly, then raised his hands in front of him, and saw many powerful bodies slowly standing up uncontrollably below.

After standing up, the expressions of horror on these mighty faces became more intense.

Originally, they had imagined the realm above the sage, but after the hand of Hongyun, they knew that the real gap between themselves and the realm master was like the difference between clouds and mud.

Just listen to Hongyun opening and saying: "You are the top combat power in this world, and now you are attacked by the alien monsters, you may be timid in your heart!"

After hearing this, many powerful abilities turned red, and congratulated in unison: "It's just an extraterritorial celestial demon. What a fight for my cultivator!"

Upon seeing this, Hongyun flashed a satisfying look in his eyes, and then said: "These extraterritorial celestial demons regard me as a resource, but in my eyes, they are not top opportunities. If they can be left here, Everyone can enter!"


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