I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 840: Facing the stars

The Promise World, outside the temple.

After hearing what Hong Yun said, all the top powers in the Promise World showed a hint of fanaticism.

Hong Yun was right. Since those wanderers from the starry sky could treat them as prey, on the contrary, they could also regard these wanderers as their great opportunity.

After all, most of these wanderers from the starry sky were once the masters of a world. Even if the world is shattered, they can only rely on the core of the world and some continental fragments to wander in the starry sky.

But the inside story is far beyond ordinary saints, and even far beyond the realm master Hongyun.

This is a great opportunity for many gods in the Promise World, but this opportunity is extremely dangerous. If it fails, perhaps the entire Promise World will be completely annihilated.

But for them, there is no choice.

These wanderers originally came to destroy the Wuji world, and wanted to make profits in the Wuji world.

Maybe it's the core of the world, maybe it's the way of heaven, or maybe it's the new rules of this world.

After all, these things far exceed others for them.

If they can gather a complete world, heart, and heaven, they can be sure to recast one world and become the master of one world.

So this is one of the reasons why they are keen to invade these new worlds.

And those worlds facing ruin and collapse are far inferior to the new world at this level, not to mention the one-sided mid-thousand worlds, so the Promise World in Hongyun's hands has just been completed, and it will attract so many wanderers.

Hongyun turned his head to look at Cang Xuzi among the crowd, and said, "Family Daoist can arrange the big formation properly?"

Cang Xuzi arched his hands towards the red cloud and said, "It has already been laid down. As long as the world is completely completed, when I set foot on the starry sky, I can stimulate it and suppress these wanderers in the starry sky."

After hearing what Cang Xuzi said, Hong Yun nodded.

Although there are many great abilities in the Promise World today, the strength is still a little worse after all.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know if the rest of the wanderers are still hidden in the starry sky, so everything has been arranged properly.

After that, Hong Yun saw a familiar figure among the crowd, holding a gourd wine in his hand, sipping sips, it was the original Bacchus.

Dionysus has been developing new wine ever since he reincarnated in this realm and stepped into the realm of gods to recover his memory.

He has experienced the war of the collapse of the world, so he doesn't want to experience it again, nor does he want to be as powerless as before.

Because he knew that although this world hadn't been completely consummated yet, after the level was consummated, it would also attract enough wanderers, and he didn't want to experience world destruction again.

So he spent a lot of time developing new wines. Fortunately, he has the memory of his previous life and the brand new rules of this world, which really allowed him to develop a new wine.

This is a combination technique that can fuse several gods together, which can give them a short-term strength at the master level, but if it takes a long time, they will disperse.

And the strength will drop a lot for a short time, so this can be said to be the last card for the gods. After all, if their strength drops, they will be slaughtered in the starry sky, so if it is not a last resort, they will not use wine. These new wines developed by God.

It seemed that he was aware of Hongyun's gaze, which was to raise the wine gourd in his hand and give a salute.

Hong Yun smiled and nodded, and then looked at Sanqing and others, these saints from the prehistoric land.

I saw Laozi smile and said, "Brother, don't worry, I can resist the peak of the three saints alone."

Although he left a benevolent corpse in the wilderness, his strength is the number one saint in the wilderness after all, after all, Hong Yun is no longer among them.

With its cultivation base and background, it is indeed enough to resist the peak of the three saints.

Yuan Yuan also sneered: "Poor Dao can fight two people."

Tongtian also hurriedly said: "Junior Brother can also fight against two people."

Hong Yun nodded. After all, Lao Tzu was the strongest among the Three Qings, but if it were only based on combat power, Tongtian might still be in the middle.

Original is slightly weaker, but between him and Tongtian, there is no way to tell the winner.

As for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Zhen Yuanzi on the side, they shook their heads, and said with a guilty expression: "I can wait for each to resist one person!"

After all, they have just been sanctified, and they are still somewhat different from Sanqing and others. It is not easy to block the next person. This is still under the bonus of the world.

Hong Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, you just wait for your best!"

Speaking of the sage level at most, it is only the first level of this battle. If you want to tell the victory or defeat, after all, you still need to look at the battle power of the master level.

As for Kong Xuan and others, they entered the saints earlier than Zhen Yuanzi and Ji Zang Bodhisattva, but they were better than them.

But after all, it is a saint-level combat power!

As for the battle power at the master level, there are a few around him. If it is properly arranged, this calamity should be passed 80% surely, provided that his battle power with the master level is not hidden in the starry sky.

Hong Yun looked up at the starry sky, with a solemn look on his face.

The barriers to protection in the world are getting weaker and weaker, and I am afraid they will disappear completely in a few days.

At that time the whole world will fall in front of those starry sky wanderers, like an unsuspecting lamb being stared at by a hungry wolf.

It was not that Hong Yun had never thought of going to the other world to find the time, but in comparison, at this critical moment of survival, he did not have the time of trust that he had imagined.

Moreover, with the current cultivation base at that time, at most the early stage of the world master, coming here is not only in danger of falling, but even the world he is in will be discovered. He will definitely not dare to come, and will not come.

At the beginning, the relationship between him and Shi Chen was only to use each other. Although there were some friendships, they did not reach the point where they could be dependent on their lives.

Looking at all the great powers in the Promise World before him, in addition to the familiar faces before, there are some that he has already laid out in advance, laid out the means, and left the native creatures of Orthodoxy.

That was the means left by him and this world in the early years, and the few children who were once young have now become giants.

Each of them reached the mid-stage or even peak strength of the saint, but he did not disappoint.

Suddenly, there was a turmoil in the starry sky. The saints or world masters who were originally hidden appeared before the Wuji World at this moment.

Looking at the Promise World below with a surprised look, his eyes were full of surprises.

Because they can see the protective power of the Promise World.



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