I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 841: Fight!

The protective light curtain of the Promise World is completely broken!

This also means that the entire Promise World will be exposed to the starry sky and presented to this group of wanderers like wolves and tigers.

In the stars.

All the wanderers looked at the Promise World that had no protection, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

His eyes were scarlet, as if he had eaten blood, and his heart was about to move.

Before the temple, Cang Xuzi looked at the protective light curtain that had suddenly disappeared, and his expression changed.

Then he hurriedly opened his mouth to the red cloud in front of him: "My Lord, the power of protection has completely disappeared. I should wait for an early response."

Hong Yun looked up and looked at the vagrant wanderers in the starry sky, a coldness flashed across his face.

Then he flew forward and fell on the edge of the Promise World and the starry sky.

With the power of heaven, combined with the power of control as the realm master, the passage between the Promise World and the starry sky is blocked.

Only a narrow, turbulent place full of crises was left.

Those wanderers who wanted to step forward and enter the world of Promise, now saw the red cloud blocking the starry sky, with a sneer on their faces.

Among them, the purple-robed Taoist who was shamed by the red cloud before, said in a cold voice: "Boy, the power of the world's protection has disappeared today, can you think about how to die?"

Not only him, the former realm master of the raccoon who was beheaded a saint servant by the purple-robed Taoist was also looking at Hongyun with cold eyes.

If it hadn't been for Hongyun's attack on the purple-robed Taoist before, the saint under his hand would not suffer from unsuspecting disaster.

Wandering in the starry sky, in addition to his own strength, the most important thing is to receive servants.

After all, these saint-level servants are indispensable whether they are seat pathfinders or people behind the palace.

What's more, the one he lost before is the most potential person among his servants.

Hong Yun looked at the two Wanderers at the realm master level in front of him, with a chuckle on his face, then raised his hand and gently called.

Before seeing the temple below, all the top powers in the Promise World were all lifted into the air at this moment.

Following the hand of the red cloud, through the turbulent land, into the starry sky.

Just listen to Hong Yun's cold voice: "The great opportunity is right in front of you, are you ready?"

Behind him, the many top powers in the Promise World spoke in unison: "I'm ready to wait."

The voice did not fall.

I saw a giant swallowing python coming straight towards Hongyun and the others in the depths of the starry sky. Its scales were pitch black, exuding a manic bloodthirsty meaning.

It seems that he wants to kill Hong Yun and others directly here.

Not only them, but even the two world masters of the purple-robed Taoist who are directly opposite Hongyun and others are covered by it/

The purple-robed Taoist's complexion changed, and he roared, "God of heaven, you dare!"

Li Qi cursed "idiot" secretly in his heart, and then quickly used his magical powers to wrap up the saints under his seat and stay away from here.

The purple-robed Taoist did not dare to be careless, madly urging his supernatural powers, and he could easily escape before the ferocious swallowing giant python was about to arrive.

But still embarrassed, the whole person glared at the depths of the starry sky.

Seeing this, Hongyun saw the sharp-killing spear in his hand, and the swallowing power on it turned crazily, like a terrifying giant vortex in front of him.

Face the giant swallowing python and go.

Now the Godkiller Spear in his hand, through the accumulation of these years, coupled with the absorption of the infinite genius and treasures, has already broken through the original rank.

I saw that the terrifying vortex in front of Hong Yun was in direct contact with that swallowing giant python.

As soon as the two touched, extremely terrifying fluctuations broke out, and a manic power of the law spread directly.

Has spread to the depths of the starry sky.

And those servants of the saints who had no time to escape, were directly annihilated under the ripples of the law.

Not even a trace of breath remained.

In the starry sky, the whirlpool swallowed, hovering around the swallowing giant python, swallowing a little bit into the whirlpool.

Completely fall apart.

In the starry sky, those saint servants looked horrified one by one, and backed away.

They knew that Great Sky God was a lunatic, but they didn't expect that this person would even take care of himself and others and directly shoot.

This level of battle, let alone their saint-level servants.

Even the great abilities of the realm masters such as the raccoon and the purple-robed Taoist did not dare to touch them. The aftermath of the battle was enough to seriously hurt them.

Before the Promise World, Hong Yun's sharp-killing spear pointed at the distant starry sky and smiled contemptuously: "Wait, is it just this skill?"

Among the crowd behind him, the Four Zhuxian Swords unfolded behind Tongtian, exuding infinite killing.

Looking at the sharp killer in front of him, he pointed at Hongyun, who was as powerful as his teacher, fascinated.

I don't know when he will be able to do like his big brother.

Beside him, Lao Tzu, the powerful people from the prehistoric, really realized at this moment what Hong Yun said before is the power of the holy meteor.

This level of battle, even if it is just the aftermath of the battle, is not something they can bear.

What they can do now is to fight with the servants of the group of realm master level wanderers, so that they cannot rush into the Promise World.

As for the real main battlefield, it is the existence they cannot approach.

Among the crowd, Bacchus looked at the wanderers in the distant starry sky, with scarlet blood flashing in his eyes.

Once upon a time, it was this group of wanderers who completely destroyed the world they were in.

Just one experience of that kind of thing is enough.

He will not experience it a second time.

Bacchus turned his palm in his hand, and several hip flasks floated above the palm of his palm. Then he laughed and gave the hip flask in his hand to the Western gods around him.

He said loudly: "Everyone! This war will start, this wine is not available until the critical moment."

Those Western gods who had obtained the hip flask looked at the hip flask in their palm, and a look of determination flashed in their eyes.

Then he smiled and said: "This matter, Lord Bacchus is not required to remind him."

They were prepared in their hearts, and they knew when Zeus summoned them on the sacred mountain of Athena.

This battle is a matter of the survival of the world, so it should not be careless.

Above the battle in Zeus's hand, a divine light flashed, and he laughed presumptuously: "Some mourners in this area dare to come to this world presumptuously. It is really ridiculous."

Beside him, Athena was full of war.

Even the **** of death, who has always been timid, is wrapped around the endless law of death on the sickle in his hand at this moment.

And around Cang Xuzi's body, the seven great gods were surrounded by divine light, and the auras of each other were surging and intertwined, as if they were one person.

The fingertips of the Eastern Hades flickered, and when he looked at the wanderers in the distant starry sky, a scornful smile flashed in his eyes.

In the starry sky, the **** Qingtian held the battle ge, standing on the old chariot, and said coldly: "Since you wait for death, then this seat will fulfill you!"



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