I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 842: Fight in the stars

As soon as Qingtian mythological sound fell, there were countless figures behind him heading straight to the Promise World.

These are the servants of the saints who follow his wandering starry sky. At this moment, when looking at the Promise World, the hideous color in his eyes flashes away.

They have been wandering the starry sky with the goddess for a long time, and they don't know how many worlds are destroyed in their hands.

Although they couldn't possibly have the most core interests, some of the opportunities that the God of Heaven left behind were enough to allow them to enter.

Not only the Sky God, another wanderer at the pinnacle of the realm master hidden in the starry sky also crossed the boundary.

Zhan Ge pointed out in his hand, and there were countless saint servants coming forward.

And those whose cultivation is not as good as the two of them are taking the saint servants under their own hands, waiting for opportunities on the edge of the starry sky.

A moment later, before the Promise World.

Cang Xuzi looked at the countless wanderers in the starry sky who were rushing towards this place, and a sharp light burst out of his eyes.

When those wanderers were about to come to the Promise World.

The hands were lifted up suddenly.

In an instant, bright rays of light burst out in the entire starry sky, covering the wanderers who were rushing in.

At this moment, countless stars burst out with brilliant light, constantly wandering between the stars, linking together.

Placed in the vast starry sky, it is like a huge chessboard.

At this moment, endless light burst out, scattered among the stars, and merged into the entire vast starry sky.

Qingtian stood on the chariot in the distance, looking at the huge chessboard suddenly opened in the starry sky, with a mocking smile on his face.

Then he said coldly: "The only way to do this is to stop me from waiting!"

When the voice fell, the monster pulling cart before its chariot suddenly raised its head and roared to the sky at the huge chessboard that opened in the starry sky.

Immediately, an invisible sound wave rushed towards the huge chessboard between the stars.

Seeing this, Cang Xuzi looked up to the sky and screamed, then directly rose into the starry sky, staring at the invisible sound wave with piercing eyes.

The Fa in the mouth uttered a low voice, and he merged into the formation together.

When his disciples saw this, an expression of excitement flashed in their eyes.

Naturally, they knew that their teacher had planned an unknown number of epochs to perfect this formation so that they could keep the enemy out today.

Even hesitate to use himself as an eye to connect the stars and mobilize the power of the stars to defeat the enemy.

How could you, a little strange beast pulling a cart, be able to stop this kind of incredible formation.

Just as everyone looked up, they saw that a huge face suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and it was the Cang Xuzi who had been integrated into the formation before.

At this moment, Cang Xuzi's figure was revealed in the starry sky, watching the sound waves that were constantly rushing towards the formation.

Slowly raised his hand, as if picking up a star and falling into the starry sky.

In an instant, a majestic starry sky struck in an instant, shattering the terrifying law of sound waves.

This caused the alien beast of the Great God to groan in pain.

Cang Xuzi looked down at the many wanderers in the starry sky, with no sadness or joy on his face, raising his hand as if embracing the starry sky.

Immediately, there was endless star power directly spilled.

The speed of the wanderers who were rushing towards the Promise World was stopped.

When they woke up, they found that the flow of mana and laws in their bodies was slow, and their strength had dropped by several percent.

Seeing this, the wanderer who had a normal cultivation level with the Qingtian **** said with a chuckle: "The worm shakes the tree, and he doesn't know his strength."

After the voice fell, he raised his hand and waved lightly, and countless wanderers swarmed behind him again.

They have seen many scenes like today, but the final result is only one, and that is the complete demise with the world.

No matter how exquisite and terrifying the formation, it will eventually be broken under the powerful strength.

Hong Yun looked at the phantom Cang Xuzi in the starry sky, a touch of movement flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, he could see that this formation was that Cang Xuzi was connected with his own life, and if there was an accident, he would most likely die.

Everyone is here! Dead in action!

Behind him, the seven disciples of Cang Xuzi suddenly exploded with familiar auras, intertwined and merged with each other.

Then the seven people spoke at the same time and shouted coldly: "Please also the Lord of the Realm to lower the decree and let me wait to kill the invading enemy!"

Hongyun heard the words, pointed the smashing spear in his hand, and yelled softly: "All the kings! Slay the invading enemies with this seat."

As the voice fell, countless streamers rushed directly into the starry sky from behind him.

With the blessing of the power of the world, their power of the saint level can fight in the starry sky near the Promise World.

The two sage-level powers fought, and countless explosions of laws colliding suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

The seven disciples of the gods under the seat of Cang Xuzi were also roaring and rushing towards the purple-robed Taoist among the wanderers.

This purple-robed Taoist had spoken out in the starry sky before, and their seven gods were naturally in sight.

Relying on the combined attack technique in their hands, if this realm master's early wanderer could be replaced, it would naturally be possible to fight for more vitality in this realm.

In the starry sky, the purple-robed Taoist looked at the seven gods rushing towards him, showing an unstoppable gesture on his face.

"The mere ants, dare to fight against this seat!"

When the voice fell, the magic weapon in the purple robe Taoist's hand suddenly appeared, and then he directly killed the seven gods.

He wanted to kill seven people directly.

When the seven people saw this, a sneer appeared on their faces, and then the laws flowed between them, as if they were one.

Under the blessing of supernatural powers, this blow was easily resisted.

Then, while the purple-robed Taoist was stunned, he shot at the same time, leaving a big wound on the purple-robed Taoist.

The purple robe Taoist was furious, and immediately fought in the stars.

And Sanqing and the others around Hongyun were also rushing towards those saint-level servants in the starry sky.

With their current cultivation base, they can only prevent those saint servants from rushing into the Promise World.

At Hong Yun's feet, bursts of low roar erupted from the mouth of the biting sky, and then he fought to kill the early wanderers of the realm master.

Upon seeing this, the wanderer immediately opened his anger and shouted coldly: "What a wicked animal, he really does not live or die!"

After that, he raised his hand and shot it with a palm of the sky.

But he didn't expect that bite the sky indifferently opened a huge mouth when he patted it with his palm, and directly bit down.


A crisp sound exploded, and the next moment, he saw a crystal-like jade palm in his mouth, still dripping blood in the starry sky, staring at the opposite side eagerly.

Opposite it is the wanderer of the previous realm master.

It's just that the palm of his hand that just rushed to the sky and shot, only half of his wrist was left, and blood was spilled on the starry sky...

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