I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 844: The strength of the moon rabbit

In the starry sky, a huge hand covering the sky with clearly visible palm prints covered the entire starry sky, pressing towards the formation.

And Qingtianshen also rushed to Hong Yun at this moment, and the fighting spirit in his hand swept away in a frantic laugh.

With Qinyuan's constraints, he wants to see if this person wants to keep the formation or stop himself...

Looking at the God of Heaven who was galloping here, Hong Yun's thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly yelled: "Dead rabbit, if you don't come out again, Pan Dao really wants you to be a spicy rabbit head!"

When Qingtian heard this, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, Hong Yun's actions were simply irresistible, he lost his mind and wanted to fight the beast.

But as soon as the voice of Hongyun fell, a figure suddenly rose up in the starry sky, it was a rabbit standing tall.

At this moment, he looked sullen, and said cautiously: "Master, this princess has just overslept, so why be so angry."

Seeing this, Qingtian sneered, "How can a rabbit be saved, and give it to this seat..., die!"

When the voice fell, Zhan Ge in his hand had already arrived in front of Hong Yun.

Hong Yun narrowed his eyes, then greeted him with a sharp gun.

This scene made Qingtianshen a little surprised. He didn't expect that this red cloud would actually attack the big formation directly against him.

If that big needle is broken, all the high-end combat power in this world will fall into a disadvantage.

After all, compared to these wanderers wandering in the starry sky, the saints or gods in this world are nothing but flowers from the greenhouse.

But the next moment, he saw the rabbit suddenly rise into the air, and directly under the giant palm of Qin Yuan, his two hind legs kicked up to the sky.

boom! ! !

A terrifying explosion sounded, and then a aftermath of the battle spread and spread into the starry sky.

That huge sky-covering palm that could cover the entire starry sky was completely shattered by this blow.

"This dead rabbit..."

Qing Tian Shen's heart trembled, and he did not expect that this rabbit from an unknown source could completely shatter Qin Yuan's magical powers.

This kind of supernatural power, even if he faced it personally, would take some effort.

Just after the sky-shielding giant palm shattered, Qin Yuan shook his body, and was bitten back by this breath, and his whole body withdrew thousands of miles away.

Then he stabilized his figure again and looked at the rabbit in front of him.

Although he lived a long time ago, he did not reach the level of dim eyesight after all, although he could see the strangeness of the rabbit in front of him.

"The strange beast in the middle stage of the world lord is a bit interesting!"

Qin Yuan sneered, and his back body gradually grew larger, and then galloped towards the Moon Spirit Rabbit.

Upon seeing this, Yueling Rabbit's eyes turned scarlet, and an indescribable force of rules exuded from the back of his body, rushing to meet Qin Yuan's figure.

But in a moment, the two collided.

In a blink of an eye, they played tens of thousands of times.

But after the two separated, each retreated thousands of miles, looking at each other solemnly.

Until this moment, the aftermath of the battle has completely spread.

I don't know how many gods or saints died in the aftermath of this battle in the starry sky battlefield.

In just the blink of an eye, there were no more creatures staying within the range of the two, even those wanderers who reached the level of the world master, all went away, for fear of being spread by the aftermath of the two fighting.

In a battlefield in front of the Promise World.

Hong Yun stood with the Great Sky God, and the Gunkiller Spear and the Golden Fight continued to collide, erupting a terrifying roar.

More powerful aftermaths of battle spread out.

So that the nearby saints, gods, or wanderers all fled in all directions.

Qingtian was standing in the starry sky, behind which a chariot manifested, and it exudes a breath of terror and vicissitudes of life.

He just listened to him and said: "Able to reach such a state before the world is complete, you are the first person I have seen since many epochs."

Hong Yun raised his brows and looked at the Sky God in front of him. This was also the first time he had encountered a close opponent.

I have been invincible for tens of thousands of years. It is really interesting to encounter such an opponent!

He asked aloud: "I heard you talking with that person in the starry sky before, can you tell me, what is the road to battle for the great world?"

When Qingtian heard this, a strange color flashed across his face.

This was the first time he had encountered this, and his own group of wanderers were going to destroy the entire world he was in.

But this person not only didn't worry at all, he even asked his doubts.

Is it self-confidence or fearless for the ignorant!

Qingtianshen smiled and said: "The road to battle in the great world is not for you. After today, you will be completely dead. Why do you need to know so much."

With that said, he looked at the Promise World behind Hong Yun, and suddenly a thought came up in his heart.

If you occupy this world by yourself, you may be able to go further and not necessarily.

You must know that they are wandering in the starry sky. Except for those evildoers who try to travel and hone themselves in the starry sky, most of them are some worlds shattered, with part of the core of the world and the homeless in the starry sky.

Over the years, Qingtian has also been searching for some worlds with great potential, but he has not found it.

What's more, isn't it the opportunity to advance to the world that is what you are asking for in the coming Great Thousand World Struggle?

The current world now has reached the level of the Zhongqian world as soon as it is completed, which is more in line with his requirements.

As for the old man Qinyuan, it was enough to give more benefits afterwards.

The rest of the wanderers were not in his eyes at all.

At this point, the color of greed in Qingtianshen's eyes became more intense, and the ancient chariot behind him suddenly appeared at his feet.

Together with it, it exudes the power of extremely terrifying rules, and then it crushes towards the red cloud.

Upon seeing this, Hongyun sighed in his heart.

He wanted to get more information out of this Qingtian God, after all, the Promise World was completely completed, and sooner or later he would encounter the rest of the world.

It is a pity to know more information in the starry sky, and to respond early.

Hong Yun stared at the Sky God galloping towards him with piercing eyes. Holding the Gunkiller in his right hand, a tiny palace suddenly appeared in the palm of his left hand.

At the moment this tiny palace appeared, the Moon Spirit Rabbit who was fighting with Qin Yuan in the distance suddenly trembled.

Turned his head and looked over, then grinned and continued to fight with Kinhara.

In the distance, Hong Yun threw the tiny palace in his hand towards the starry sky, and the palace skyrocketed instantly...

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