I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 845: Pure Yang Palace

I saw the tiny palace in the palm of the red cloud skyrocketing in the starry sky, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a towering palace.

It just hovered above Hongyun's head, looking at the ancient chariot under the seat of the Great God.

Looking at the huge palace floating above Hongyun's head, Qingtian couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

With his current strength, the strangeness of this palace can naturally be seen.

This palace is a powerful mobile dojo, and its defenses are unparalleled. Even with the strength of the Great Sky God, it is difficult to break the palace in Hongyun's hands.

This palace shouldn't be the product of Zhongqian.

Could it be a legacy in a certain world? It happened to be obtained by the person in front of him, and it was impossible to refine it.

Qingtianshen frowned slightly, but he went down unabated, and smashed directly toward the red cloud.

The chariot under him made a terrifying roar, and the vicissitudes of life and inexplicable laws entangled it, like a world-destroying thunder.

With a finger from Zhan Ge in his hand, he saw a terrifying thunder dragon appeared in front of Hong Yun.

Go straight to the red cloud.

The starry sky seems to be crushed by it.

Seeing this, Hong Yun raised his hand and lightly tapped on the palace in front of him, and suddenly there was a majestic force surging out.

Submerged directly into the palace, causing several roars of beasts to be heard in the palace.

Then the entire palace flew up in the sky, greeted the terrifying Thunder Dragon not far away, and rolled away.

boom! ! !

In just the blink of an eye, the two touched together, and a terrifying roar erupted.

The next moment I saw the terrifying thunder dragon that was so hideous, and when it touched a corner of the palace, it crashed.

As if it had never appeared before.

And the huge palace, the castration has not diminished, and once again crushed towards the gods.

Qingtian's expression slightly changed, and the next moment he appeared directly behind the chariot, and the body surface rules poured into the chariot.

He shouted coldly: "As you wish!"

When the voice fell, the chariot in front of him seemed to be alive, and the horrible roar of the alien beast pulling the cart broke out in an instant.

Face the red cloud and go.

This ancient chariot was obtained from the remains of a great world, and it was a strange treasure above the level of a saint in the starry sky.

He had enough confidence in his heart to completely crush the distant palace.

At this moment, the Moon Spirit Rabbit, who was fighting with Na Qin Yuan in the distance, couldn't help but his eyelids twitched wildly when he saw Hongyun throwing out the Pure Yang Palace like a treasure.

This Pure Yang Palace was obtained by coincidence of her last master, and its rank can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

Even if it is placed in the great world, it is the top existence.

Otherwise, it will not be regarded as its own place.

Its defensive power is not to say that it is the star saint, even the level above the star saint can't hurt anything.

But if ordinary people get this treasure, most of them will cherish it.

How could it be like Hongyun, like a brick that was picked up by a mortal in a fight.

Moonling Rabbit smacked his tongue.

In front of him, Qin Yuan saw this and immediately roared: "Fighting against the deity, and dare to be distracted, you beast is really looking for death!"

When the voice fell, the attack by his men became more and more fierce.

Moonling Rabbit heard the words, the scarlet color in his eyes became more and more intense, and then the whole breath soared.

The attacking method in his hand changed again, and he even crushed and beat Qin Yuan.

Except for these two people.

Within the starry sky battlefield.

In the early days of Biting Heaven and the landlord who was bitten by him, the battle also entered a white-hot stage.

At this moment, Biting Heaven's body was full of scars.

But the early Wanderers of the Realm Lord on the opposite side were also not much better.

Except for the palm that was bitten by the sky at the beginning, there were several scars with deep bones on the whole body.

The laws of the Great Dao around his body began to fall apart, his aura wilted to the extreme.

Not far from the two of them, a giant swallowing python looked at the realm master of the raccoon in front of him jokingly in his eyes.

Tanuki was much better than his opponent, but he was also embarrassed.

He looked up at the terrifying giant python opposite, and couldn't help cursing inwardly.

There is something wrong with this newly completed Zhongqian world, and its combat power not only far exceeds the rest of the Chinese world.

Among them, the top-notch monsters are also powerful.

He originally thought that facing this strange beast that was not new to the realm master level, he could catch it with his hands and completely subdue it.

When he ran into the starry sky in the future, there was a world master-level strange beast as a mount, and the card surface also increased a lot.

But he never thought that this sky swallowing giant python was even more difficult than he thought.

The strength is not much weaker than him.

Li Qi cursed secretly in his heart, and then quietly looked around the starry sky, trying to bring the disaster away.

As a result, it was discovered that every wanderer at the level of the world master had its own opponent.

And its strength does not have to be much weaker than this giant python.

Just when he wanted to stray away, a terrifying snake's tail struck again, splitting his head and covering his face, and went straight to his door.


Not far in front of Hong Yun.

The huge and incomparable Pure Yang Palace and the Chariot under the Great Sky collided instantly.

It was like a fight between two wild animals.

A terrible roar broke out.

The waves of incomparable collisions spread out, causing the surrounding world master-level battlefields to pause and gallop towards the distance.

Naturally, they could see that the collision of these two horrible objects, even if it was the ripples of the spread of battle.

It is not something that ordinary world masters like them can touch.

If it is really affected, I am afraid that at least it will be seriously injured.

Looking at the stalemate Chunyang Palace and the chariot, Qingtian in the distance couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

He thought he could have some advantages above the rank of the chariot under his seat.

Although it is not said that it can be completely crushed, but at least it should have some advantages.

But he did not expect that the two are now evenly matched.

Qingtian frowned slightly, and between raising his hands, the endless law rushed away and plunged directly into the chariot far in front of him.

I want to use this i to completely crush the Pure Yang Palace.

But he saw that the chariot and Pure Yang Palace in the distance were still in a stalemate, and even Pure Yang Palace had not even swayed at all.

Before the Promise World.

A look of surprise flashed in Hong Yun's eyes, and it was obvious that he hadn't expected this situation.

This pure Yang Palace seemed to be stronger than what I had imagined.

After thinking a little bit in his heart, Hong Yun raised his hand and pointed at the distant Pure Yang Palace lightly.

The next moment, I saw Chunyang Palace as a whole slowly moving forward, crushing directly against the ancient chariot of the Sky God.

In the starry sky, there was a weird "squeak" sound instantly.


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