I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 846: Great opportunity?

In the starry sky, Chunyang Palace moved forward a little bit, slowly crushing the ancient chariot that was against him.

Countless fragments exuding a frightening atmosphere are scattered in the starry sky.

The Great Sky God looked at his chariot in the distance, being crushed by that huge palace a little bit, and his heart was dripping blood.

He never thought that the treasure he obtained from the ruins of the Great Thousand World would be crushed a little bit.

What's more, what the opponent used was not the kind of powerful attacking treasure, it was just a portable dojo.

What kind of treasure is that dojo?

The blood was dripping in the heart of Qingtian, but there was also a sense of doubt. What kind of portable dojo would be needed to completely crush the ancient chariot under his seat.

This thing, shouldn't it be a rank above the sage of the stars!

He had heard that above the sage in the starry sky is the realm of chaos, and one side of the world can be destroyed by raising his hands.

Even in the great world, high-end combat power exists.

There are nine chaotic realms, one realm and one heaven.

Could it be that the portable dojo in this person's hand is the legacy of a powerful chaos realm?

At this point, the dignified color on Qingtian's face became more and more intense. If this is the case, the matter is probably a bit difficult.

In the distant starry sky, the wanderers who witnessed the chariot under the Great Sky God's seat being crushed by the Pure Yang Palace, their eyes widened in shock at this moment.

Although they usually wander in the starry sky, they all know each other a little bit in this starry sky.

Naturally, I know the origin of the chariot under the seat of the Great God and the terrifying power of that chariot.

It can be said that by relying on that chariot alone, the Sky God is enough to remain invincible within the same realm.

Even if they are invincible, they can quickly escape.

But what do they see now?

The ancient chariot that was extremely terrifying in the hands of the God of Heaven was completely crushed by the portable dojo in the hands of a middle-thousand world master.

All of them were shocked and stared.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit who was fighting with Qin Yuan in the distance also sighed deeply.

If her last master knew that Hongyun used this portable dojo so roughly, I am afraid that she would be furious with the angry Three Corpse God!

In front of him, there was also a flash of shock in Qin Yuan's eyes.

Then he forcibly restrained his mind and began to concentrate on dealing with the Moon Spirit Rabbit in front of him.

He could perceive that, in terms of strength alone, there is actually a long distance between the Moon Spirit Rabbit and him.

But every time he wanted to strike a wound, the dead rabbit would burst out incomparably powerful magical powers, or some special magic weapons.

These supernatural powers plus magic weapons completely bridged the gap between them.

In the starry sky, Qin Yuan's face turned black when he watched the Moon Spirit Rabbit take out another top treasure from his hand.

He cursed secretly in his heart, and quickly avoided.


Qingtian raised his hand and stroked the scattered chariot fragments on his hand. Although his face was extremely solemn, the fierceness in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

This chariot supreme treasure has not known how many epochs he has followed, and now it has been crushed so easily by the person in front of him.

Since the chariot is broken, let his portable dojo pay it back!

The thought in his mind suddenly turned, and then Qingtian God raised his hand to fight and rushed towards the red cloud.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun sneered, and after retracting Chunyang Palace, he held a sharp gun to face him.

But in the blink of an eye, the two collided directly.

A strong wave spread instantly.

The sound of terrifying explosions passed through the stars.

Qingtian said coldly: "Today, this seat must draw your soul and refine your soul, as the soul of the soldier, for me to drive eternity."

When the voice fell, his deep mountain armor broke out a terrifying law indifferently, lingering around his body, and finally entangled in his battle, and wrapped in it together with the **** of the sky.

Seeing this, Hong Yun couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

He could see that this law envelops the entire Sky God, increasing its combat power by more than 30%.

It seems that the battle battle and battle armor on him is also a set of rare treasures.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Zeng Ge suddenly waved in the hands of Qingtian God, and a tiny star around his body was directly shattered.

In the starry sky, it turns into countless small particles, and finally dissipates in the entire starry sky.

A law of terror invaded in an instant, and went straight to the red cloud.

Hong Yun's expression did not change, his hand was raised slightly, and then he directly stood in front of the terrifying law.

Above the Killing Spear, the Law of Swallowing moved naturally, instantly turning into a huge mouth covering the sky.

Directly swallow the law of terror that is surging.

In an instant, the law of terror seemed to have never appeared before, completely silent in the starry sky.

And above the Killing Spear, there was a tiny strange law wandering.

Hong Yun secretly sensed that this law resembled an abnormal law of thunder, but the number was too small, and he could not completely condense it into the seed of the Tao, and then refine it.

Suddenly, Hong Yun's eyes lit up and he looked at the God of Heaven in front of him, as if looking at a huge treasure house.

It wasn't just his eyes looking at the Sky God, when he turned his head and scanned the entire starry sky battlefield, a faint look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

These wanderers are all powerful people from different worlds, and the principles and rules of practice in their bodies are bound to be different.

If he is more able to converge all the laws in these human bodies, and then condense one by one into the seeds of the Tao, he can perceive and refine, and by the way, enrich the entire Promise World.

Then there will be more and more practice systems in the Promise World, and the world heritage will inevitably be far beyond the past.

From this point of view, this world's consummation catastrophe is not just a catastrophe for him or the Promise World.

It is also a great opportunity!

Qingtianshen in the distance looked at Hongyun whose eyes were getting more and more wrong, and he couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

Although it was only a tentative blow, the power was enough to shake the ordinary world master late stage.

How to fall on this person, this person not only has no fear, but also a touch of greed on the face.

There is something wrong with this.

Qingtian really wanted the opportunity of the Promise World, but he was not stupid, and felt something wrong in his heart.

Looking around the entire battlefield, the battle between the Promise World and the Wanderers had their own casualties, but overall they were equally divided.

This potential is enough to explain some problems.

But what?

Hong Yun crushed the chariot under his seat, and he must use this world to prove his majesty.

Qingtianshen looked at the red cloud that was "wandering" in the distance, and gave a cold cry again, holding Zhange in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Hong Yun was overjoyed and greeted him directly.


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