I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 847: Looting begins

The two collided in an instant.

The Golden Fight collided with the Gunslinger, and a terrifying law tide suddenly broke out in the starry sky, spreading violently to the surroundings.

Hong Yun's eyes moved slightly, and there were waves of terrifying devouring power from the Killing Spear.

The special laws that entangled the golden battles slowly swallowed.

But in an instant, Qingtian suddenly discovered that something was wrong, and the laws around him were disappearing little by little.

As if being swallowed by the spirit treasure of the red-robed Taoist right now.

Qingtianshen cursed secretly in his heart, and while the back of his body flickered, he directly distanced himself from the red cloud, and the back looked at himself solemnly.

As a result, he found that the Tao in his body seemed to be the same as he had felt before, with a little less.

It's just that the lesser ones are not obvious, but the lesser ones are really less, and they are reduced from the source, and can't breed again.

Qingtian's complexion flushed, glaring at the red clouds.

He never thought that the person in front of him was so shameless that he would steal the Taoist rules from his body during the battle.

But at the same time, he was also very shocked.

The law covering the spirit treasure in the opponent's hand is too strange, and it can be used to steal the Dao law from the opponent's body secretly. He has not yet figured out a way to stop it.

When he was hesitating, he saw the red cloud on the opposite side flashing, and once again rushed towards him with the Killing Spear in his hand.

Qingtianshen couldn't help but his expression changed, and then he pulled away and flashed past again, floating in the distant starry sky, glaring at the red clouds.

The law is surging around his body, and the mana in his body is surging, gathering in front of him.

In the end, it slowly turned into a barrier to cover the sky, and directly pressed down at the red cloud.

In front of Hong Yun, a terrifying barrier made up of unfamiliar laws squeezed down, covering the entire battlefield, attempting to destroy the rest of the battlefield.

In the starry sky battlefield, the many wanderers who were struggling with the powers of the Promise World, after seeing this scene, one by one secretly cursed in their hearts.

This Heavenly God is not a thing, he actually wants to shake them together in the starry sky.

In the starry sky battlefield, the purple-robed Taoist flung away his opponent in embarrassment, looking at the terrifying barrier that covered the sky and the sun.

He immediately used his supernatural powers to forcefully leave the battlefield, suspended in the distant starry sky, staring coldly at the direction of the battlefield.

Li Lei looked at the terrifying giant python that was entangled in front of him, and couldn't wait to curse his mother.

He also wanted to learn that the purple-robed Taoist left here, but the giant python was always trapped here, making him unable to move at all.

Only able to stay in the starry sky battlefield, unable to escape, and unable to defeat this giant python, can only passively be beaten.

Not only them, everyone in the starry sky battlefield was affected.

Qin Yuan snorted coldly, his eyes became much colder when he looked at the distant **** Qingtian.

You know, there are still a lot of his saint servants in the battlefield, and even the right arm of the realm master level.

If that Hongyun couldn't stop this blow, everyone in the field would die under this supernatural power.

Regardless of enemy and me!

Before the Promise World, Hong Yun frowned slightly as he watched the terrifying barrier that was crushed by the sky and the sun.

But the next moment, after he sensed the unfamiliar law above the barrier, a serious smile suddenly flashed, seeming to be half happy.

This scene happened to be caught by the distant God of Heaven, and a look of doubt rose in his heart.

This person's expression is a bit weird, is there anything else in it?

Qingtianshen frowned, and then the whole body was surging, and he instilled into the golden barrier.

As a result, the thickness of the barrier has increased a lot again, and the laws contained in it have become more intense, and even the laws that are spilled are enough to obliterate the nearby sage level.

It is enough to prove how terrifying this golden barrier is.

When the golden barrier was about to squeeze the entire starry sky battlefield, I suddenly saw Hong Yun throwing the Gunkiller in his hand into the starry sky.

At the next moment, I saw the law of the Killing Spear surrounding it, and the whole thing began to change.

In the blink of an eye, it has already turned into a fierce dragon, with a single horned first-born, scarlet eyes, and the scales on the flesh are clearly visible.

Every inch of flesh and blood seemed extremely real, and every inch of scales around his body was filled with terrifying laws of swallowing.

When Qingtian saw this, he couldn't help but sneered: "A little loach is worthy of being presumptuous in front of this seat."

When the voice fell, Zhan Ge pointed in the hands of Qingtian God, and then slowly fell.

The terrifying golden barrier in the starry sky has dropped sharply.

As a result, many saints below the realm masters in the starry sky battlefield exploded and died.

For a time, the terrifying holy blood fell on the starry sky, and was finally completely annihilated in the starry sky.

boom! ! !

Just as everyone was desperate, they saw the ferocious unicorn dragon transformed from the gunshot directly pierced into the golden barrier.

Even with his own power, the entire golden barrier was blocked from the starry sky battlefield.

Qingtianshen frowned slightly, then Jin Zhangge in his hand pressed down again.

This magical power was discovered in the ruins of the Great Thousand World together with the ancient chariot under his seat, and it was a magical power above the saint in the starry sky.

He didn't believe that this lucky kid not only got the terrifying treasure, but also the top magical powers of the great world...

As soon as the two came into contact, a horrible fluctuation of the law erupted.

Like the law, the tides generally escaped to the entire starry sky battlefield, making many battles in the starry sky battlefield uncontrollably stagnant.

Then one by one quickly fled the vicinity of the place where they were fighting.

Some wanderers who escaped relatively slowly, under this terrifying tide of laws, could not even hold on for a breath time, so they were completely wiped out.

Before the Promise World, Hong Yun couldn't help showing a touch of joy when he looked at the Godkiller Spear that had penetrated into the golden barrier.

Then he raised his hand and lightly pointed at the golden barrier.

I saw that the unicorn dragon, which was transformed from the Killing Spear, suddenly burst out with terrifying devouring power.

The power of the law contained in the golden barrier was swallowed wildly.

In just a few moments, the golden barrier of Nuo Da was swallowed by nearly 10%, and the laws of it were all thinner.

And the one-horned dragon and the red cloud could only see, a silk thread spreading out from the power of the law loomingly appeared.

The power of unfamiliar laws was transmitted from each other, and was absorbed by the red cloud.

Then directly refining with the battlefield in an attempt to condense into a more perfect seed of the law.

Seeing this, Qingtian couldn't help being stunned.

For just a moment of his daze, the law contained in the golden barrier was once again reduced by about 10%.

Qingtian couldn't help being furious, and shouted coldly: "What a thief, he is so arrogant that he will die for this seat!"


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