I Have a Trillion Merits

Chapter 848: Red Sand Prisoners

When the voice fell, he saw Qingtian God galloping towards Hongyun holding Zhan Ge.

Today's Hong Yun does not have the Lingbao in his hands, it is the best time for him to attack, Qingtian God is bound to cut Hong Yun in the starry sky.

Hong Yun watched Qingtianshen galloping, without any fear on his face, but instead looked at the golden barrier not far away.

Among the barriers that cover the sky, the unicorn dragon transformed by the Killing Spear is constantly tearing, devouring the power of the law contained in the surrounding barriers.

However, within a moment, the power of the law contained in the barrier was already close to half.

Those powers of the Promise World that have not yet left in the starry sky battlefield, seeing the weakening of the horrible barrier at this moment, their faces have been overjoyed.

You know, this horrible barrier covers the entire starry sky battlefield regardless of the enemy and us.

Not only must kill the mighty power in the Promise World, but also kill all the wanderers in the starry sky.

Now the golden barrier is weakened, and its power is greatly reduced. With the unicorn dragon turned into by the Killing Spear, it is only a matter of time before it can be completely swallowed.

Just when the Sky God was about to arrive in front of Hong Yun, he saw Hong Yun flipped his hand and took out a flaming gourd, raised his hand and gently patted it on the gourd.

The gourd's mouth was wide open, and then red sand gushing out from it.

However, in the blink of an eye, it has already flowed out across the starry sky, like a river of red sand, rushing directly to the Great Sky God.

Over the years, under the refining of Hongyun, Qiankun Promise Gourd has already surpassed the original class.

Although not as good as the Killing Spear, it is not far from the current grade of the Killing Spear, and even slightly better in some aspects.

In the starry sky, red sand was spread horizontally, rushing away directly, stopping in front of the **** Qingtian.

Qingtian's face was slightly cold, and he whispered: "The light of the fireflies, dare to fight for the glory of the bright moon!"


When the voice fell, Zhang Ge in his hand pierced straight away, rushing towards the red sand in the sky.

As soon as the two collided, a terrifying wave of laws erupted, spreading directly away.

I saw that the golden warge was buried directly in the red sand, squeezed by it unreasonably, poured in, and bursts of ear-piercing roars erupted.

Qingtian's expression changed, and then he quickly wanted to withdraw Zhange from his hand.

However, no matter how hard it exerts, the battle in its hands cannot break the red sand, and can only be entangled in it.

In the distance, Hong Yun raised his hand lightly, and saw the red sand in the horizontal starry sky move instantaneously, enveloping it together with the Sky God.

Then burst out the power of terrifying laws, and began to squeeze and converge continuously.

The power of the law that erupted from the red sand alone was enough to smash the ordinary realm master in the early stage. Together with the original power of this red sand, the realm master could not stop it in the middle stage.

But Qingtianshen stepped into the late stage of the realm master, and I don't know how many epochs. This Universe Promise Gourd alone can't smash it. It can only be trapped for a short time, but this is enough for Hongyun.

Hongyun ignored the Sky God who was trapped by the red sand, instead, before flying to the golden barrier, watching the unicorn dragon in the field who was struggling to devour the law, he couldn't help but smile.

Then, he raised his hand and flexed his finger on the unicorn dragon and tapped it lightly. The terrifying unicorn dragon once again turned into the original appearance of the Gunkiller. He held it in his hand and slammed against the golden barrier in front of him. Wave.

In an instant, a golden barrier of Nuo Da was directly torn apart, and a wave of terrifying laws emerged again.

A smile appeared on the surface of the red cloud, and then raised his hand and gently shook it in the starry sky, and saw that the law and tide in the starry sky stagnated for an instant, and then slowly returned to the cage like a backward time.

However, in a moment, it turned into a tiny seed of law in front of Hong Yun, bursting out an extremely terrifying light in the starry sky.

Seeing this, Qingtian, who was trapped in the red sand in the distance, his eyes cracked.

He wanted to use this magical power to smash all the small miscellaneous fish, but he didn't expect to make wedding dresses for others instead.

The Moon Spirit Rabbit, who was fighting with Qin Yuan in the distance, couldn't help but his eyes widened after seeing this scene. After thinking about it for a moment, his eyes brightened.

Randomly turned his head again to look at Kinhara in front of him, and a look of ill-intention flashed in his eyes.

Qin Yuan watched the change of expression on Yueling Rabbit's face, and a faint feeling of uneasiness arose in his heart, and then looked at Yueling Rabbit vigilantly, feeling like he would slip away when he noticed something wrong.

As for the other powers of the Promise World in the starry sky, their thoughts became clearer after seeing the movements of the red clouds.

The weakest of these is the saint level, which can naturally perceive the heavenly path, and can also obtain the heavenly path needs in the dark.

It's just that the original thoughts were still unclear before the battle, and now after seeing the actions of the master of his own home, the originally unclear thoughts instantly became clear.

Then when everyone looked at the opponent in front of them, there was obviously something wrong in their eyes.

In the next moment, the wanderers from the starry sky opened their eyes one by one, looking at the mighty powers in the Promise World who were half attacking madly in front of them, and they couldn't wait to curse their mothers.

What happened to make these guys such a desperate attack?

Everyone cursed secretly in their hearts, but they had to resist with all their might. For a time, many top powers in the Promise World had the upper hand.

After receiving the Dao Ze seed in the distance, Hong Yun looked at the Qingtian God trapped by the red sand with unfinished thoughts.

After seeing the latter's face of choosing people, he shook his head slightly. After having the first experience, this Great Sky God would not be as selfless as before.

It seems that he still needs to turn his goal to other talent lines...

Seeing Hongyun ignoring him in the distance, Qingtian was immediately furious, and his body's law aura continued to erupt, as if he was about to get out of the red sand in the next moment.

But just when he was about to get out of trouble, he suddenly noticed that a huge monster appeared above his head.

Qingtian looked up, and saw a huge palace above it descended from the sky, smashing directly towards him.

boom! ! !

In the starry sky, a huge roar broke out again.

The **** of heaven only felt that the aura of the law of his body was instantly dissipated, and when he wanted to mobilize the law and mana in his body again, and wanted to break away from the red sand of the body, he found that the movement of the law and mana in his body was much slower.

Can only watch that red cloud rush into the starry sky battlefield.

The **** Qingtian roared in anger, wishing to smash Hong Yun in words, but after all he couldn't break free from the terrifying red sand beside him, he could only watch Hong Yun rush towards the early wanderer of the realm master under him.

In the distance, the vagrants in the early stage of the First Realm Master were pressing against the disciples under Cang Xuzi's seat, and when he was grinning, he actually found that the face of the person in front of him was a little strange.

Immediately turning his head to look around, he saw a figure in a red dress galloping towards him.


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